The Myrtle Reed Cook Book - Part 69

Part 69


Peel and trim very large fresh mushrooms and fry in oil or b.u.t.ter seasoned with pepper and salt. Serve on small thin slices of toast and put a teaspoonful of sherry or white wine on each mushroom, or use minced parsley and lemon-juice instead of wine.


Beat an egg slightly, with a pinch of salt, and add enough flour to make a very stiff dough. Roll out as thin as possible and dry on a cloth. Roll up tightly and slice downward into very fine strips. Toss lightly with the fingers to separate, and spread out on the board to dry. Keep in covered jars for future use.


Reheat boiled and drained noodles in milk to cover. Season with melted b.u.t.ter, grated Parmesan cheese, pepper, and nutmeg. Heat thoroughly, put into a baking-dish, sprinkle with crumbs, dot with b.u.t.ter, and brown in the oven. Serve in the same dish; or, arrange boiled and drained noodles in layers in a b.u.t.tered baking-dish, seasoning each layer with salt, pepper, and grated nutmeg, and sprinkling thickly with grated cheese. Spread fried crumbs over the top, heat thoroughly, and serve.


Boil half a pound of noodles for ten minutes in salted water to cover.

Drain, and put into a saucepan with two cupfuls of milk or stock, a tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter, and salt, pepper, and grated nutmeg to season. Simmer slowly until the liquid has all been absorbed, then add half a cupful of cream or stock, a tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter, and a quarter of a pound of grated Parmesan cheese. Cook slowly until the cheese is melted and put into a b.u.t.tered serving-dish. Sprinkle with crumbs and grated cheese and the yolk of a hard-boiled egg pressed through a sieve. Brown in the oven and serve.


Boil the okra in salted water until tender, drain, season with salt, pepper, and b.u.t.ter, and serve very hot. A little cream may be added.


Chop fine an onion and a green pepper and fry soft in b.u.t.ter. Add two tomatoes peeled and cut up, three tablespoonfuls of Spanish Sauce or stock, and pepper and chopped garlic to season. Put in the required quant.i.ty of sliced okras, cover and cook for fifteen minutes. Sprinkle with minced parsley and serve.


Peel the onions under water. Boil until tender in salted water to cover, changing the water once. Drain, season with b.u.t.ter, pepper, salt, and hot cream, or reheat in White or Cream Sauce, or a well-b.u.t.tered Veloute Sauce. A bunch of parsley may be boiled with the onions, and a little of the cooking liquid may be added to the sauce.


Peel and fry a dozen small onions, seasoning with salt, pepper, and sugar. When brown, add stock to cover, and bake until soft in a covered pan.


Peel and slice two pounds of Spanish onions and put into a frying-pan with half a cupful of b.u.t.ter smoking hot, a small spoonful of salt, and a pinch of pepper. Dust with cayenne and cook until tender. Serve with the gravy they yield in cooking.


Peel small onions and boil until tender, changing the water several times; or, slice large onions. Mix with well-seasoned Cream Sauce and serve. Drawn-b.u.t.ter Sauce may be used instead.


Boil fine white onions in salted water for an hour, changing the water three times. Drain, scoop out the centre, and fill with bread crumbs seasoned with salt, pepper, grated cheese, and catsup. Mash a little of the onion with the stuffing and moisten with cream or milk. Wrap each onion in b.u.t.tered paper, twist the ends, put into a b.u.t.tered pan, and bake for an hour. Remove the paper, pour over melted b.u.t.ter, and serve.


Peel the onions and steam for an hour and a half. Bake, basting with drippings, and season with salt and pepper.


Boil cleaned parsnips until tender in salted water, adding a little b.u.t.ter if desired, drain, rub off the skins with a rough cloth, put into a hot dish, and serve with melted b.u.t.ter and parsley or b.u.t.ter Sauce, seasoning with pepper and salt. White or Cream Sauce may be used instead.


Boil the parsnips until tender, off the skin, and cut lengthwise in thin slices. Put into a saucepan with three or four tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter, and pepper, salt, and minced parsley to season. Shake over the fire until the mixture boils and serve with the sauce poured over. A little cream may be added to the sauce. Sprinkle the parsnips with minced parsley before serving.


Boil parsnips in salted water until tender, drain, peel, cut into dice, and reheat, in a well-seasoned Cream Sauce. Sprinkle with minced parsley if desired, and add a little more b.u.t.ter.


Prepare Creamed Parsnips according to directions previously given, cutting the parsnips into dice. Put into a b.u.t.tered baking-dish in layers, sprinkling each layer with chopped onion. Cover with crumbs, dot with b.u.t.ter, and bake for half an hour.


Sh.e.l.l a peck of green peas and cook in boiling salted water until tender. Drain, season with salt, pepper, and b.u.t.ter or cream, and serve immediately. A small bunch of green mint or parsley or two or three young onions or a tablespoonful of minced onion may be boiled with them. A little sugar may be added to sweeten them.


Boil peas until soft in water to cover, adding a pinch of salt during the last fifteen minutes. Season with salt, pepper, and b.u.t.ter, and reheat in Cream or White Sauce. A little sugar may be added to the seasoning. Canned peas may be used.

b.u.t.tERED PEAS

Cook a quart of green peas in salted water, using as little as possible and adding a tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter. Thicken with flour cooked in b.u.t.ter, then add more b.u.t.ter, a pinch of sugar, and a little grated nutmeg.