The next day -
When I arrive in Deruzogedos 2nd training hall theres a different person than normal sitting in the seat to my right.
Good morning Sasha says to me with a natural expression on her face.
Was your seat here before?
I changed it. It easier since we are in the same group. Right?
It does remove the trouble of having to get up and move any time we need to discuss something.
I take my seat and call out to Misha whos on my left.
.Good morning Misha replies in her usual indifferent voice.
That reminds me. What happened to the people that were my members?
What happened?
Because I entered your group there should have been other people trying to join as well.
Thats right, some people did call out to me.
I refused.
Haaa!? Why? Isnt it better to have a large number of people?
Even if you ask why.
None of them gave off the right feeling.
Sasha is dumbfounded.
Not like its a problem anyway. I can win with only you 2.
If Im blunt I only need myself to win.
There will be other group tests. A lot are aimed at 5 people and when you move up a grade it can be for 7 or more people.
I see. Was there such a rule?
I cant win if I cant participate.
I didnt know that.
What are you going to do?
Its fine. I still have time. Ill think about it.
You sure are easygoing. Sasha said in amazement.
As the bell starts ringing the classroom door opens and Emilia enters. Entering behind her is a man wearing a black robe, cloak and hat. Well, the word man is misleading. Its more of a skeleton.
If Im not mistaken hes one of my 7 subordinates though apparently now an undead. So this is Aivis Necron.
One of the old 7 demon emperors. They seem to wield considerable power and influence even in this age. The usually noisy students fell silent when Aivis appeared.
No. Thats not right. They got hit by the magic power this guy is emitting. Its pretty powerful. Its causing them to unconsciously fear him.
The same thing would happen if I emitted my magic. Or rather, it would have done once but the mazoku in this era are way too weak.
Now, if I emitted my magic it would cause their magic senses like their demon eyes to become temporarily paralysed and they would feel nothing at all. They wouldnt be able to sense my magic at all.
Oh well. If they actually could sense my magic those with weak anti-magic capabilities would die. Perhaps this temporary paralysis to their senses is actually a defence mechanism now.
As I said last time, today we will be training to use a grand magic. Please listen very carefully to the old Seven Demon Emperor Aivis Necron as this spell approaches the depths of the abyss of magic. Especially-
Emilia looks at me
You Arnos Voldigod-kun. Please dont be rude.
Good grief. Did you really have to warn me expressly?
Do they really think Im impolite?
You didnt need to waste your breath. I know that much.
Thats good then..
Yare yare. What are you worried about?
Aah, this is an opportunity. Should I say hello?
I stand up.
Yo Aivis, long time no see.
Emilias mouth falls open like its ready to drop off. Seems like an extreme surprise.
A.A..AA.Arnos Voldigod-kun! This is Aivis-sama! Dont speak so familiarly!!
I can hear the whispering of the students.
Crap!..This is bad! That fellowhes definitely dead now.
If Aivis-sama gets angry we will be caught up in it.
Ask for forgiveness inept person.
I ignore the noise and use my demon eyes on Aivis.
The magic is familiar, Im sure its one of my subordinates made from my blood. But, theres something.
Aivis-sama, Im sorry! Arnos Voldigod will be expelled immediately.!!
Its fine, Aivis said in a generous manner. You said its been a long time?
Aivis turns to look at me.
Aah, 2000 years in fact. Dont you remember me?
2000 years? I see, that explains it. Aivis nods having reached an understanding.
Unfortunately, I lost my memories from 2000 years ago. All I can remember is my lord the Demon King of Tyranny.
Then you should remember me.