Its true that my easy victory will do little to calm down Menous sour feelings and thats why she wants to show the power of the students she raised with her own hands.
I understand your feelings Menou but do your 3rd-year students know how to deal with heroes? (Arnos)
..Do you know Arnos-kun? (Menou)
Who do you think I am? (Arnos)
Menou didnt answer and fell silent.
In the old days those guys were sly and that class yesterday showed that they havent changed. If you dont know what they have planned in this test then using my team would be the wisest move. (Arnos)
Then why not think about it this way?
It was the 3rd-year Libest.
If we dont know what they have planned then why not let us third-years go out and see what they are planning? (Libest)
Fumu. One of the royals has said something unusual.
I dont know where they found the information from but the hero academy knows a lot about the mazoku. We are at a disadvantage in this test just from that. More than anything we need to know their intentions. (Libest)
Its a pretty standard strategy plus 2000 years have passed since weve had to fight the humans. If they really want to destroy the demon king of tyranny then they have probably developed magic I dont know anything about.
If they have developed such magic I doubt they would be stupid enough to use it here though. It will probably be the same fighting methods from 2000 years ago.
Even if I dont know anything I wont lose. (Arnos)
I see youre as arrogant as the rumours say though most just say you are an inept person. (Libest)
Libest sighs.
Arnos Voldigod, I am from one of the royal families and frankly speaking I will never forgive you for saying you are the demon king of tyranny. (Libest)
With a strong will, he continues
However, when you made that holy sword yesterday in my chest I felt satisfied. (Libest)
Hou. (Arnos)
Youre a disagreeable man but youre a mazoku. They are different however. To insult the demon king academy is to insult the demon king of tyranny. (Libest)
I suppose you could look at it that way. To assume the identity of the demon king of tyranny could also be called a form of respect, however, I dont particularly need to take that worthless title back up.
You should leave the first match to us. If youre the demon king of tyranny then why dont you stand dignified at our backs? (Libest)
Hes said something Ive been told before and know very well.
Is that okay? Doing this is the same as being my herald. (Arnos)
Today is an opposition test. I dont remember being taught in Deruzogedo to have an internal dispute when fighting an enemy. Of course you take the best action to win. (Libest)
That is a mazoku-like way of thinking or perhaps its the result of Menous education?
2000 years ago the mazoku were not monolithic. Some were as loyal as Shin and others didnt like me, however, when faced with a common foe such as the humans and spirits they forgot whatever quarrels they had and united to defeat the enemy in front of them.
Thanks to Avos Dillheavia they have been distorted somewhat but it seems some underlying values have not changed.
The founder whom we respect fought for the weak and I have pride as his decedent. If I have to sacrifice myself to an inept person then so be it. (Libest)
For all that the royals say it doesnt mean they dont care.
In other words, to meet the expectations of his teacher this man will humble himself to this inept person.
All right. Despite not knowing their intentions show me your resolve senpai. (Arnos)
Libest makes a fearless smile.
Indeed. I dont need you to tell me that. (Libest)
Fumu. What a loveable fellow.
Well, if he suddenly became obedient Id find it a bit creepy actually.
Well then. Is your team ready Libest? (Menou)
All of Libests team nodded.
Like sensei said earlier its a little ridiculous. If they have something to say they should just say it. As for that Diego with his constant prickling at us. If hes an adult he should behave himself. (Menou)
When Menou says this in a low voice the eyes of Libests team glaze over in anger.
Their whole demeanour says they will get revenge for their teacher.
Its good! We will win! Lets show these humans the power of the demon king school! (Libest)
At Libests words, their voices rang out