Returning to my original location I pick up my sword sheath dropped by Emilia.
Spotting me my mother rushes over and hugs me tightly.
Are you okay? Are you injured?
Fumu. That should be my line.
Im fine. How about you mother?
Arnos-chan healed me so Im fine. What about Emilia-sensei?
I lightly chastised her. She wont be able to work in the school anymore after this scandal.
Emilia intended to destroy my sword so I couldnt participate in the finals. It wasnt a plot by Avos Dilheavia.
If you dont like the result then dont have me join the tournament to begin with.
This was purely her own decision.
Avos Dilheavia named himself the demon king of tyranny and instilled the idea of royal superiority amongst the mazoku but he doesnt hold total authority. Other people like Emilia who went against his wishes will certainly appear.
I see. Im really happy that Arnos-chan is safe.
My mother seems relived.
Ah, of course. Here you go Arnos-chan.
My mother hands me my sword.
Ahh, thanks.
Fufuu. I promised Arnos-chan Id protect it no matter what.
I sheath my sword and ask my mother.
You going home?
My mother takes my hand I held out and I turned to the fan union girls.
See you.
Yes! Good night Arnos-sama.
Aah. I hope you all have good dreams.
Using <Gatom> I return home.
Im going out for a bit mother.
Eh? What is it? What about dinner?
Im needed at the magic clinic. I was in the middle of my visit. Ill eat when I come back.
I see. Who are you visiting?
Rays mother.
My mother has a worried expression.
Is she sick?
I think shes past the worst of it now.
I understand. Off you go.
Waving at my mother I use <Gatom> again and transfer to the special sickroom in the Lognoss clinic.
Misa is by Rays mothers side whos currently sleeping.
Root Conversion <Lilia> was completed in time and Sheilas condition is currently stable so I was able to help my mother but Im not optimistic about Sheila.
Misa noticed me and was about to speak when I held up my hand.
Someones coming. I say in a low voice
I cast Illusion Mimicry <Rainel> to become invisible and Hiding Magic <Najira> to conceal my magic power.
The door opened and Ray came in carrying a bag in one hand and a cup in the other.
I didnt know if youd be hungry so I brought some bread.
Ray went to give the bread to Misa and noticed something.
Whats this magic.?
Its called Root Conversion <Lilia>. Because Im a half spirit like your mother I can share my magic powers with her. Its difficult and inefficient but
Originally it would have been considered absurd to convert the traditions and rumours from one kind to another so even with the formula now optimally arranged it has its limits.
I wondered if it might be effective with half spirits and it seems I was right.
Misa lies for me.
Is it helping?
Dont worry, Ill definitely help her..then Ray-san can stop listening to the royal factions
If Ray is being monitored then they should have heard this line. If I move quickly I might get the other persons identity but the current situation is also convenient.
Although stable, Sheila is still in danger. This technique is not efficient in the slightest and truth be told Misas origin wont last either.
The other side has no reason to hurry things up yet.
Dont forget I have the contracted demon sword implanted in me.
Ray took the bread from the bag and gave it to Misa.