The Max Level Hero Strikes Back! - Chapter 72

Chapter 72

“Giggle! Dada!”

“Y—Yes…” Davey held the girl in his arms with an awkward and forced smile. He asked, “Why are you so cheerful in the morning?”

“Hehehe! Dada! Dada!”

Nobody knew that a sword could have the authority to materialize into a human. Davey was aware that Caldeiras, the divine sword, could materialize and show her ego, but it made no sense for a sword to become a blob of energy and adopt the human form all by itself.

-Name: Red Ribbon.

-Status: Complete.

-Shape: A wide, two-bladed Ring Pommel Sword.

-Length: 88 centimeters.

-Width: 6 centimeters.

-Contractor: Davey O’Rowane.

-Completion Level: 100%

-Details: Ego has awakened; consciousness of ego is quite young since the ego has awakened earlier than expected due to an unknown reason; although the original creator is different, it sees Davey O’Rowane, the person who finished the sword with everything he had, as her father; ego develops with time; caution: extremely cute.


-I—It’s not me!

As Perserque shouted with a bright red face,...
