The Magic Kingdom Of Landover - The Magic Kingdom of Landover VOL II Part 30

The Magic Kingdom of Landover VOL II Part 30

She waited, the smile frozen on her face as the witch stared deep into her eyes. She doesn't believe me! She doesn't believe me! she was thinking, and wondered all at once why that mattered and what it was that frightened her so. she was thinking, and wondered all at once why that mattered and what it was that frightened her so.

Then Nightshade's eyes lowered, and she rose. Her slim white hands came to rest on Mistaya's small shoulders. "Do you want to stay with me in the Deep Fell, Mistaya? Do you want to study magic with me?"

Mistaya was soothed by the touch, encouraged by the words, and reassured as swiftly as she had been made to doubt. "How long would I stay?" she asked tentatively, still thinking of her father.

"As long as you wish. You may leave at any time. But," the witch said, and bent down again, her face close, "once you leave to go back to your home, you leave for good. That is the way of things. Once you begin your training, you must remain until it is completed or give it up entirely."

"But if my father comes for me, then what?"

"Then we will speak with him, and a decision will be reached," the other answered. "But Mistaya, you must understand this. Magic is a fragile vessel, one that carries great power but can shatter like glass. It cannot be left untended once it is brought out into the open. So if we are to begin your lessons, you must agree to see them through to their completion. Can you do that?"

Mistaya thought of the way the bud had flowered and the caterpillar had come to life. She thought of the feeling of the magic simmering inside her, smooth and silky. Her misgivings about her circumstances in coming to the Deep Fell seemed inconsequential compared to that.

"I can," she answered firmly.

"So you agree to stay?"

Mistaya nodded, a child's determined affirmation. "I do."

Nightshade smiled down at her benevolently. "Then we shall begin at once. Come with me." She turned away and started back toward the clearing. "Now, there are rules to be heeded, Mistaya," she said as they walked through the haze. "You must listen to me and do as I say. You must never use your magic without me. You must use your magic in the ways I tell you even when you do not understand what it is that I am trying to teach. And-"

She glanced back to make certain Mistaya's eyes found her own. "You must never leave the Deep Fell without me." She let the words sink in. "Because Rydall will be looking for you, and I would never forgive myself if you were to fall into his hands through my carelessness. So we shall stay close to each other while you remain in my charge. Never leave the hollow. Do you understand?"

Mistaya nodded. She did.

The witch turned away, and although Mistaya could not see, there was a satisfied smile on her smooth, cold face. There was triumph in her red-tinged eyes.

They spent all that day working on Nightshade's lessons. Some were incomprehensible to Mistaya, just as the witch had warned. Some were exercises that lacked any discernible purpose. Some were charged with power that Mistaya could feel flowing out of her like the pulse through her body when she ran. Some were so gentle and serene that they lacked any feeling at all and were only words or small gestures on the air.

When the day ended, Mistaya was left with mixed feelings about what she had accomplished. On the one hand, she had felt and seen the magic that lay buried within her, a strange, ephemeral creature that stirred to life and flashed brief glimpses of its visage as she sought to lure it from its den. On the other hand, the ways in which it appeared and was used were enigmatic and unrevealing. Nightshade seemed satisfied, but Mistaya was left confused.

Once, for instance, they had worked at creating a monster. The monster had been one of Mistaya's own choosing, the girl urged on in her creativity by her new mentor, encouraged to make her creature as invulnerable as she could imagine it. Nightshade had been particularly pleased with her efforts there. She had said it was very good. She had said they would try another tomorrow.

Monsters? Mistaya did not understand, but then, she had been told she would not at times, hadn't she?

Rolled up in the blanket by the fire that the witch had allowed her for warmth-Nightshade herself seemed to need no nurturing of that sort-she stared out into the darkness of the Deep Fell, out into the silent gloom, and wondered if she was doing the right thing. Discovering the magic she possessed was exciting, but there was a forbidden quality to its study that she could not ignore. Would her father really approve? He must, if he did not come for her. But then, perhaps he did not know what it was that she was doing with Nightshade. If he did and wanted her to stop, what would she do? She wasn't sure. It was true that she was safer here than in places where Rydall would know to look for her. It was also true that it was much more interesting here. Nightshade was fascinating, filled with strange knowledge, possessed of exotic lore. Although she was clearly the teacher, she treated Mistaya as an equal in their studies, and Mistaya liked that. She coveted the respect she was accorded here, something that had been denied her at home.

She would stay awhile, she decided. Long enough to see what would happen. She could always leave, after all. Nightshade had said so. She could leave whenever she wished if she was willing to pay the penalty of losing her instruction.

Yes, she would stay on a bit longer.

She thought again of Haltwhistle. He would always be with her, the Earth Mother had promised. Was that so? He did not require food or drink or looking after. Mistaya needed only to say his name at least once each day to keep him close.

Her hand came up to her mouth. She had not done that. She had not said his name even once. She had not thought to do so.

She opened her mouth and stopped. Nightshade did not know of the mud puppy. What would she say? Would she send Haltwhistle away? And Mistaya as well?

Mistaya's mouth tightened. Well, it didn't make any difference if the mud puppy wasn't there. She might as well find out before she worried about any of the rest of it.

"Haltwhistle," she said softly, almost inaudibly.

Instantly the mud puppy was next to her, staring down at her from out of the darkness with those great, soulful eyes. Elated, she started to reach for him and stopped. You must never touch a mud puppy, the Earth Mother had warned. Never.

"Hey, boy," she whispered, smiling. Haltwhistle thumped his odd tail in response.

"Did you call, Mistaya?" Nightshade said from out of the darkness in front of her, and Mistaya's head jerked up sharply. Abruptly, the Witch of the Deep Fell appeared, bending over her. "Did you say something?"

Mistaya blinked and looked down for Haltwhistle. The mud puppy had disappeared. "No, nothing. I must have been talking in my sleep."

"Good night, then," the witch said, and slipped away again.

"Good night," Mistaya said.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She looked again for Haltwhistle. The mud puppy appeared anew, materializing out of the night. She watched him for a moment, smiling. Then she closed her eyes and was asleep.


The instant Nightshade's witch fire enveloped them, Landover disappeared and time stopped. Soft, gauzy light cocooned Abernathy, and he lost sight of Questor Thews completely. He drifted, suspended in the light, wrapped in silence and consumed by a numbness that emptied him of all feeling. He did not know what was happening to him. He supposed that he was dead and that this was what dying felt like, but he wasn't sure. He tried to move and couldn't. He tried to see beyond the white brightness surrounding him and couldn't do that, either. He could barely manage to form a coherent thought. He didn't even know if he was breathing.

Then the light disappeared in a sudden rush of wind and brilliant colors, and the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells of life rushed back into focus with brilliant clarity. The lake country was gone. He was pretty sure that Landover itself was gone, as well. He was sitting on a grassy flat that spread all around a great stone basin. A fountain at the center of the basin spouted a plume of water that arched high into the air in a feathery spray. Light caught the water and created small, shimmering rainbows. People were seated all across the lawn and at the edge of the fountain. Children played in the fountain, having ventured down into the shallow stone bowl, darting in and out of the spray, laughing and teasing one another. It was summer, and the day was sunny and hot.

Abernathy sat up straight and looked about. There were people everywhere. It was some sort of festival, and everyone was celebrating. Across the way were a pair of jugglers. A clown walked by on stilts. At a nearby table a small boy was having his face painted. Walkways bordered the lawn, the one nearest him packed end to end with makeshift booths selling the works of artisans and craftsmen: glass prisms, wood carvings, metal sculptures, and clothing of all sorts. Other walkways were jammed with carts and stands selling food and drink. Garish signs proclaimed the types of edibles and libations offered. Abernathy did not recognize the names.

But he could read the signs. If he was not in Landover, he should not have been able to do that.

His first thought was, Where am I, then?

His second was, Why aren't I dead?

A man with long, tangled black hair and a full beard streaked with purple dye stood next to a woman with her hair braided in tight beaded rows tipped with tiny bells. Both wore gold earrings and neck chains and sported matching face-painted roses framed in red hearts. They were staring at Abernathy in disbelief.

"Hey, man, that was awesome!" the man declared reverently. "How did you do that?"

"Was it some sort of magic?" the woman asked.

Abernathy had no idea what they were talking about. But he could understand them, and that was as mystifying as being able to read the signs. He looked around in confusion. Music rose from all about, mingling with shouts and laughter. The walkways ran past large stone buildings and pavilions jammed with people. The buildings did not look familiar-and yet they did. The music was of all sorts, none of it immediately recognizable. It was loud and decidedly discordant. One group of musicians occupied a stage that had been erected across the pavilion on the far side of the fountain. The music they played was raucous and amplified so that it sounded as if it were coming out of the air itself. Flags and pennants and streamers flew at every turn. People were dancing and singing. There was something going on everywhere you looked.

"Hey, that's not your whole act, is it?" the man with the purple-streaked beard was asking.

"C'mon, do something more!" his companion pressed.

Abernathy smiled and shrugged, wishing the man and woman would go away. What was going on here, anyway? He wasn't dead, obviously. So what had happened to him? He ran his hands over his body experimentally, checking for damage. Nothing seemed out of place. Two arms, two legs, a body, fingers, and toes-he could feel them inside his boots. All present and accounted for. He ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing it back. He rubbed his chin and found that he could use a shave. He adjusted his glasses on his nose. He seemed to be all right.

He turned the other way then and found himself face to face with Questor Thews. The wizard was staring at him. He was staring at him as if he had never seen him before in his life.

"Questor Thews, are you all right?" he asked anxiously. "Whatever in the world is going on?"

Questor's mouth opened, but no words came out.

Abernathy was immediately irritated. "Wizard, what is the matter with you? Has the witch's magic rendered you speechless? Stop looking at me like that!"

The other's gaunt arm lifted as if to ward off a ghost. "Abernathy?" he asked in obvious disbelief.

"Yes, of course. Who else?" Abernathy snapped. Then he realized that something was seriously wrong with the other man. It was in his eyes, the sound of his voice, the way he seemed unable to accept the obvious, not even recognizing his oldest friend, for goodness' sake. Shock, perhaps. "Questor Thews, would you like to lie down for a moment?" he asked gently. "Would you like me to bring you some water or a glass of ale?"

The wizard stared a moment longer, then quickly shook his head. "No, it's not ... it's ... I'm all right, really, but you ..." He stopped, clearly perplexed. "Abernathy," he said quietly. "What has happened to you?"

Now it was Abernathy's turn to stare. Happened to him? He looked down at himself once more. Same body, arms, legs, familiar clothing, everything in place. He looked back at the other, shaking his head in confusion. "What are you talking about?" He had to speak loudly to be heard over the music.

The gaunt, white-bearded face underwent a truly incredible series of contortions. "You've ... you've changed back! Look at yourself! You're not a dog anymore!"

Not a dog ... Abernathy started to laugh, then stopped, remembering. That was right-he Abernathy started to laugh, then stopped, remembering. That was right-he was was a dog! He was a soft-coated Wheaten Terrier, made so by Questor Thews when the old King's spiteful son, Michel Ard Rhi, had sought to do him serious harm, then left that way because Questor could not change him back again. a dog! He was a soft-coated Wheaten Terrier, made so by Questor Thews when the old King's spiteful son, Michel Ard Rhi, had sought to do him serious harm, then left that way because Questor could not change him back again.

Yes, a dog.

Except, he realized suddenly, shockingly, he wasn't a dog anymore. He was a man again!

"Oh, goodness!" he breathed softly, unable to believe it. "It can't be! My heart and soul ... !"

He reached down hurriedly and examined himself all over. Yes, those were arms and legs and fingers and toes. His body was back! His human body! He patted wildly at himself, reaching inside his clothing. No fur, but skin, like any normal man! He was beginning to cry now, tears running down his cheeks. He scrambled for something to look into, finally grasping one of the silver buttons that fastened his ornate tunic. He peered down into its tiny, carved surface, and his breath caught in his throat.

It was his human face he found staring back at him, the face he had not seen in more than thirty years.

"It's me!" he whispered, swallowing. "Look, Questor Thews, it's really me! After all this time!"

He was crying so hard and at the same time laughing that he thought he might simply collapse. But Questor Thews reached forward and braced him with hands on both shoulders. "My old friend," he declared in delight, and he was crying, too. "You're back!"

Then, in a spontaneous and quite out of character display of affection, they were hugging and clapping each other on the back, rendered unable for the moment to speak a word.

The audience that had gathered while all this was going on watched uncertainly. It was sizable by now, drawn initially by the odd costumes and the obvious interest of the man and woman who had first approached, then held there by what everyone presumed was a drama of some sort being played out as open-air theater. Really, they were thinking, it was quite good, if somewhat inappropriate for the occasion.

There was a scattering of polite applause.

Abernathy continued to cling to Questor Thews, as if letting go would change him back again. He could feel the air and the sun's warmth, and he could smell the food and hear the music as if he had never been able to do any of those things before in his life. If he could be born again, he thought, it would feel like this!

"What's happened to us?" he managed finally, drawing away from the other's grasp. "How did I change? How did it happen?"

Questor released him reluctantly, then shook his head, wispy hair sticking out all over the place, the result of his enthusiastic embrace. "I don't know," he declared wonderingly. "I don't understand any of it. I thought we were dead!"

The crowd applauded some more. Abernathy became aware of them now, three and four deep all around the wizard and himself. He was startled in spite of himself-and deeply embarrassed. "Questor Thews, do something!" he demanded heatedly, gesturing at the knot of people ringing them.

The wizard glanced about in surprise but somehow managed to maintain his equanimity. "Hello, there!" he greeted. "Can anyone tell us where we are?"

There was laughter from the crowd.

"Bumbershoot," came a tall, lanky boy's quick answer.

"Bumbershoot?" repeated Questor Thews doubtfully.

"Sure. You know, Bumbershoot, festival of the arts." The boy grinned. He was enjoying whatever game it was they were playing.

"No, no, he means the city," a burly fellow said. He was enjoying the game, too. "You're in Seattle, Washington, fellows."

"United States of America," another voice added.

Other names and places were shouted out, spectators now having decided that this was an audience participation performance. Everyone was quite enthusiastic, and the crowd grew larger still.

"Questor!" Abernathy said sharply. "Do you realize where we are? We're in the High Lord's old world! We've been transported through the fairy mists once again!"

The wizard's jaw dropped. "But how could that have happened? Nightshade meant to destroy us! What are we doing here?"

"Ask Scotty to beam you up!" someone shouted.

"Are they Trekkies?" someone else asked hopefully.

The crowd howled with laughter and engaged in some rhythmic clapping to urge the two on. The music from the pavilion had ceased momentarily, and it seemed as if everyone at the festival had suddenly converged on them, anxious for a new show. Belatedly, Abernathy realized that their unexpected appearance had been the trigger for all this attention, materializing as they had out of nowhere as if ... well, as if by magic-which was exactly how they had had gotten there, of course, but that was beside the point. This was Earth, the High Lord's old world, and magic was not practiced here. Not tolerated, really. Not even believed in for the most part. The crowd thought the two were part of the festival, like the jugglers and the stilt walkers and what have you. Whatever magic they possessed was illusion. It was meant to entertain. gotten there, of course, but that was beside the point. This was Earth, the High Lord's old world, and magic was not practiced here. Not tolerated, really. Not even believed in for the most part. The crowd thought the two were part of the festival, like the jugglers and the stilt walkers and what have you. Whatever magic they possessed was illusion. It was meant to entertain.

"We have to extricate ourselves from this situation right now!" Abernathy insisted in an anxious covert whisper. "These people think we are offering them some sort of performance!"

He scrambled quickly to his feet, looking down at himself as he did so, at his human self, wondering in amazement that he was there, restored once more, miraculously, impossibly. His voice caught in his throat. "We have to talk this out ... this whole business! But alone, Questor Thews!"

The wizard nodded in emphatic agreement, rising with him. They were both dressed in Landover clothing, looking very out of place unless you accepted their appointed roles as entertainers. The wizard quickly decided that it was better to go along with perceptions than to try to argue or explain them away. He was as confused as Abernathy about what had happened and just as anxious to sit down in a quiet spot and attempt to reason it all out.

"Ahem! Ladies and gentlemen! Could I have your attention, please." He addressed the crowd in his most authoritative voice, lifting his arms in an encompassing gesture to gain their undivided attention. They quieted at once. "My colleague and I require a few moments of preparation before we can proceed with the next act. So if you will just go about your business-enjoy the rest of the festival-we will see you back here in, oh, perhaps an hour. Or not," he added under his breath. "Thank you, thank you very much."

He lowered his arms and turned away. The crowd did not move. No one was prepared to leave just yet, not prepared in some cases to believe that they were even supposed to. This might all be part of the act. Two strangers from another world come mysteriously into this one-it was intriguing. What might happen next? No one wanted to miss out. There was some shuffling of feet but not much lateral movement.

"This isn't working!" Abernathy complained, irritated, confused, and overwhelmed by the entire business. "Confound it, wizard, get us out of here!"

Questor Thews sighed, not at all sure how to do that, then scrunched up his face with determination, took Abernathy by the arm, and marched him directly through the crowd. "Please excuse us, thank you, yes, that's very kind of you, excuse us, please." The crowd parted, polite if somewhat disappointed. Questor Thews and Abernathy escaped untouched and moved swiftly away across the festival green toward a clump of buildings and food stands.

"Where are we going?" Abernathy asked, not daring to look over his shoulder to see if anyone was following.

"Wherever we can, I suppose," Questor answered with a shrug. "Since we have no idea where anything is."

They moved down onto a walkway, past the face painter, past a fellow spinning tops, past several carts selling food and drink, and onto a square of grass fronting a cavernous glass and metal structure out of which rolled a particularly vile-sounding form of music.

"What is that noise?" Questor demanded, shaking his head in dismay.

"Rock and roll," Abernathy answered absently. "I heard a good deal of it the last time I was here." Memories were triggered in his mind, but he brushed them aside. He turned, grabbed Questor by the shoulders, and brought him about so that they were face to face. "Wizard, what is going on? Look at me! I don't know whether to laugh or cry! I'm a man again, for goodness' sake! How did that happen? Surely Nightshade didn't intend it! She was trying to kill us! Why aren't we dead? Why are we here?"

Questor's mouth tightened, and he blinked rapidly. "Well, either something went wrong with her magic or another magic intervened and changed the intended result. I favor the latter." Questor reached up and touched the other's face. His hand was shaking. "Goodness gracious, here's something new! Abernathy, are you aware of the fact that you haven't aged a day from the moment I transformed you from a man into a dog all those years ago?"