The Lords Of Discipline - The Lords of Discipline Part 5

The Lords of Discipline Part 5

"I wouldn't tell you if I wanted to. That's none of your business. And I couldn't tell you if I wanted to," she said, involuntarily looking backward over her shoulder again.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not supposed to be in Charleston. I am studying Spanish at the University of California at Santa Barbara. I'm very good at languages, and I've always refused to date cadets from the Institute. They are such animals and do not know how to behave as gentlemen. And there are far too many ethnics among them. Do you know that once upon a time they would only let Southerners into the Institute? It used to be a fine school."

"How do you like Santa Barbara?" I asked.

"I think you are a very cruel person," she said behind her sunglasses. "I don't think I want to talk to you any longer. You have no cause to try to embarrass me or to hurt my feelings."

"Can I ask you another question? Two questions, really. Why are you wearing a raincoat when it's not raining and why are you wearing sunglasses twenty minutes before midnight?"

"It's none of your business how I dress, Mr. McLean. A gentleman would never think to ask such personal questions. But ethnics are taught to be blunt when they grow up in tract housing, aren't they?"

I turned and began walking back down Stall's Alley, saying as I went, "I hope you pass your next Spanish test." But I stopped when I heard her say in a voice that was half reconciliation and half plea, "I just wanted to be friendly. I just wanted to talk to someone. You looked like you might be friendly, but that's just because of your silly nose. And you smile all the time."

"Someone once told me," I said, returning to her, "that I was the only person in the world who thought it was a military duty to appear to be in a good mood."

"Do you have a girl friend, Will McLean?"

"Last time I checked three hundred girls from Sweet Briar had carnal designs on my body."

"Please don't make fun of me," she said in an estranged, helpless voice that made me feel like an insensitive bully. "Please don't."

"I'm not. I'm making fun of myself. I've never had a girl friend. Girls look upon me as their big brother, their father confessor, their friend, and good buddy. They like to kiss me on the forehead when I take them home at night."

"Do you think I'm pretty?" she asked suddenly.

"I don't know," I said, staring at her face in the darkness.

"Just yes or no."

"You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen in sunglasses and a raincoat and a scarf on a perfect Charleston night."

"Who told you that you were on stage? Who told you that you were a great comedian? Is that how people with your background make it out of the ghetto?"

"Sometimes we luck out and get to drive garbage trucks. By the way, raincoat, I don't like Charleston snobs."

"I've hurt your feelings," she said coyly. "A sensitive ethnic."

"This is fun, but I have important things to do," I said, checking my watch.

"Like what? How could a cadet from the Institute possibly have something important to do?"

"I've got to get back to the barracks and wash my socks."

"All cadets are exactly the same. All cut from the same cookie cutter."

"Just like Charleston girls."

"Who were you seeing in this neighborhood? This neighborhood does not cotton to ethnics."

"It's none of your business, but Tradd St. Croix is my roommate."

She cleared her throat, stepped back as if she were leaving, and said, "And I thought you didn't like Charleston snobs."

"Do you live South of Broad? Where do you live?" I asked.

"That's none of your business."

"Your name is none of my business. Where you live is none of my business. It doesn't look like we have any business together. Besides it's getting toward midnight, that magic hour when cadets turn into pumpkins. I've got to be going."

"I'm not sorry one single bit. I wish you had gone ten minutes ago."

"Well, good night, raincoat."

"Good night, cadet," she said, touching my arm, gently "Maybe I'll come talk to you again if I feel like it."

"My heart leaps like a gazelle just thinking about it. Do you know that I think you're crazy? I've met a lot of Southern girls in my life, but I've never met anyone so obviously stark raving mad. I've never . . ."

Then another voice sounded through the darkness, a controlled, peremptory voice that could have come from either a man or a woman. The girl made a high animal noise of surprise or fear or a combination of both.

"Get to the house, Annie Kate," the voice ordered.

The voice came from a slightly wizened, diminutive woman who scowled at me from behind a cigarette ash.

"Mother," Annie Kate said, her answer more supplicating than responsive.

"You know better than to go out like this," the woman said, approaching us slowly. She passed the girl and walked directly up to me, appraising me with clear, angry eyes.

"Good night, young man. My daughter is only visiting for the weekend. She will be gone tomorrow."

"I was just leaving, ma'am," I said.

"Splendid," she answered. "Do not let us keep you."

"Good night, Will McLean," Annie Kate said.

"Good night, Annie Kate. Now, at last, I know your name."

"Don't forget that I'm stark raving mad."

"Shut up, Annie Kate," her mother commanded.

"It was a pleasure meeting both of you, ma'am."

"Yes, it was such an extraordinary pleasure, young man. It is too bad we will never see each other again. Do I make myself absolutely clear? No one even knows she's here. As a gentleman, I ask you to tell no one you saw her."

"There's no one I could tell who would even know her, ma'am."

"I am asking you as a gentleman not to tell anyone, Mr. McLean."

"I won't tell anyone."

"Thank you. I'll hold you to your word. Good night, sir."

They turned and walked down Stoll's Alley together. They were not going to let me know if they lived in a house adjacent to the lane, but I had no time to find out. I had seven minutes to get to the barracks or receive confinements for breaking curfew. The midnight hour was a perilous time on the streets and highways of Charleston for cadets broke all existing speed records returning from general leave. But now I knew the fastest routes through the narrow streets of the old town. As a cadet, I had learned the Charleston streets by rote and was always refining my knowledge of shortcuts on the peninsula.

When I entered the barracks, a few seconds to spare before midnight, I heard a voice from the guardroom shouting my name in the barracks. My name reverberated off the four barracks walls with an astonishing resonance. "Will McLean. Telephone call for Will McLean."

"Hello," I said picking up the receiver in the guardroom.

"Hi, ethnic."

"Annie Kate."

"Surprise," she said. "I have to talk low so my mother won't hear me. I wanted to tell you that I enjoyed talking to you even if you try to act like a stand-up comic sometimes."

"I'm nervous when I meet people at first. Especially girls. I always think they'll like me if I can only make them laugh. It's never worked, not once in my life, but I still do it. I just don't know what to say to them."

"You certainly don't," she agreed, a bit too quickly I thought. "Are you shy?"

"No, I'm catatonic. Once I didn't move for four years. My mother put me on a hanger and hung me in a closet until I started showing vital signs."

"There you go again. You don't have to be nervous talking to me, Will. Why don't you try to relax and be yourself? I'm not going to bite you."

"Bite me. Please bite me. No, that's not why I'm nervous now, Annie Kate. In a minute, some guy is going to knock on my door and say, 'All in.' The Institute kind of likes it if I'm there for bed-check."

"So you don't want to talk to me," she pouted. "No wonder you don't have any girl friends."

"I told you. Three hundred girls from Sweet Briar."

"I'm in love with a boy," she said suddenly.


"He doesn't love me, though I still love him. Very much. I'll always love him."

"That's great."

"You can be my friend if you want, Will."

"Sure, I'll look you up in California the next time I'm out there."

"Do you ever get lonely, Will?" she responded, ignoring my sarcasm.

"No, I'm surrounded by two thousand other fabulous guys."

"You were the first person I've talked to in a month besides my mother."

"I didn't think people were that unfriendly in Santa Barbara."

"Good night, Will," she said angrily.

"Wait a minute. Please wait a minute," I shouted in the phone, attracting the curiosity of the OG. "Tell me what this is all about. I don't understand any of this, Annie Kate. None of it. I'll be your friend. I'll be happy to be your friend. Anybody's friend. But you're leaving tomorrow and I'm in Charleston and your mother told me that I would never see you again. She told me to forget that I ever met you in the first place. You heard her say that. Look, Annie Kate, I'll write you. I write funny letters. Girls love me when I write them letters. They love me all the way up to the time they meet me. If you're lonely, I can help that. I've never been anything but."

"You don't know anything about loneliness," she said in a pitiless voice. "There's a garden behind my house on Church Street, Will. You can get to it by walking down an alley that cuts beside the second house on Stoll's Alley. There's a wooden gate at the end of the alley. In the garden, we can meet on the wrought iron bench behind the carriage house. Mother will never see us, and she always goes visiting on Sundays anyway. Can you come then?"

"As soon as mass is over, I'll be there."

There was a groan and she said, "Oh, dear, you're not a Catholic, are you, ethnic? Oh, of course, you are. How tiresome. How predictable."

"And you're an Anglican. Right?" I answered.


"And you belong to St. Michael's."


"And you have a Huguenot last name."


"And your family belongs to the Yacht Club and the St. Cecilia Society and your mother was in the Junior League and your grandfather fought for the Confederacy."

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes."

"Don't talk to me about being tiresome and predictable."

"Be nice to me next Sunday, Will. I need a nice ethnic at this time in my life."

"I'll be nice," I answered. "Good night, Annie Kate."

"And, Will. One more thing. You're right about me being a little crazy. But it's a temporary thing. It will only last a little while. I promise you that. Will you promise me one thing?"


"Don't wear that silly nose next week."

"I promise," I said, and we both hung up laughing.

Chapter Seven.