The Little Clay Cart - Part 24

Part 24

_Servant._ Certainly.

_Sharvilaka._ Bring my wife thither.

_Servant._ Yes, sir.

_Madanika_. If you desire it, dear. But dear, you must be very careful. [_Exit._

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_Sharvilaka._ Now as for me,

I'll rouse my kin, the kitchen cabinet.

Those high in fame by strength of good right arm, And those who with the king's contempt have met, And royal slaves, to save my friend from harm: Like old Yaugandharayana For the good king Udayana. 26

And again:

My friend has causeless been confined By wicked foes of timid kind; I fly, I fly to free him soon, Like the eclipse-oppressed moon. [_Exit._] 27

_Maid._ [_Entering._] Mistress, I congratulate you. A Brahman has come with a message from Charudatta.

_Vasantasena._ Ah, this is a joyful day. Show him every mark of respect, girl, and have him conducted hither by one of the pages.

_Maid._ Yes, mistress. [_Exit._

[_Enter Maitreya with a page._]

_Maitreya._ Well! Ravana, the king of the demons, travels with his chariot that they call the "Blossom." He earned it by his penances.

Now I am a Brahman, and though I never performed any penances, I travel with another sort of a blossom--a woman of the town.

_Maid._ Sir, will you inspect our gateway.

_Maitreya._ [_Gazes admiringly._] It has just been sprinkled and cleaned and received a coat of green. The threshold of it is pretty as a picture with the offerings of all sorts of fragrant flowers. It stretches up its head as if it wanted to peep into the sky. It is adorned with strings of jasmine garlands that hang down and toss about like the trunk of the heavenly elephant. It shines with its high ivory portal. It is lovely with any number of holiday banners that gleam red as great rubies and wave their coquettish fingers as they flutter in the breeze and seem to invite me to enter. Both sides are decorated with holiday water-jars of crystal, which are charming with their bright-green mango twigs, and are set at the foot of the pillars that sustain the portal. The doors are of gold, thickly set with diamonds as hard to pierce as a giant's breast.

It actually wearies a poor devil's envy. Yes, Vasantasena's house-door is a beautiful thing. Really, it forcibly challenges the attention of a man who doesn't care about such things.

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_Maid._ Come, sir, and enter the first court.

_Maitreya._ [_Enters and looks about._] Well! Here in the first court are rows of balconies brilliant as the moon, or as, or as lotus-stalks; whitened by handfuls of powder strewn over them; gleaming with golden stairways inlaid with all sorts of gems: they seem to gaze down on Ujjayini with their round faces, the crystal windows, from which strings of pearls are dangling. The porter sits there and snoozes as comfortably as a professor. The crows which they tempt with rice-gruel and curdled milk will not eat the offering, because they can't distinguish it from the mortar. Show me the way, madam.

_Maid._ Come, sir, and enter the second court.

_Maitreya._ [_Enters and looks about._] Well! Here in the second court the cart-bullocks are tied. They grow fat on mouthfuls of gra.s.s and pulse-stalks which are brought them, right and left, by everybody. Their horns are smeared with oil. And here is another, a buffalo, snorting like a gentleman insulted. And here is a ram[53]

having his neck rubbed, like a prize-fighter after the fight. And here are others, horses having their manes put in shape. And here in a stall is another, a monkey, tied fast like a thief. [_He looks in another direction._] And here is an elephant, taking from his drivers a cake of rice and drippings and oil. Show me the way, madam.

_Maid._ Come, sir, and enter the third court.

_Maitreya._ [_Enters and looks about._] Well! Here in the third court are these seats, prepared for young gentlemen to sit on. A half-read book is lying on the gaming-table. And the table itself has its own dice, made out of gems. And here, again, are courtezans and old hangers-on at court, past masters in the war and peace of love, wandering about and holding in their fingers pictures painted in many colors. Show me the way, madam.

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_Maid._ Come, sir, and enter the fourth court.

_Maitreya._ [_Enters and looks about._] Well! Here in the fourth court the drums that maiden fingers beat are booming like the thunder; the cymbals are falling, as the stars fall from heaven when their merit is exhausted;[54] the pipe is discoursing music as sweet as the humming of bees. And here, again, is a lute that somebody is holding on his lap like a girl who is excited by jealousy and love, and he is stroking it with his fingers. And here, again, are courtezan girls that sing as charmingly as honey-drunken bees, and they are made to dance and recite a drama with love in it.

And water-coolers are hanging in the windows so as to catch the breeze. Show me the way, madam.

_Maid._ Come, sir, and enter the fifth court.

_Maitreya._ [_Enters and looks about._] Well! Here in the fifth court the overpowering smell of asafetida and oil is attractive enough to make a poor devil's mouth water. The kitchen is kept hot all the time, and the gusts of steam, laden with all sorts of good smells, seem like sighs issuing from its mouth-like doors. The smell of the preparation of all kinds of foods and sauces makes me smack my lips. And here, again, is a butcher's boy washing a mess of chitterlings as if it were an old loin-cloth. The cook is preparing every kind of food. Sweetmeats are being constructed, cakes are being baked. [_To himself._] I wonder if I am to get a chance to wash my feet and an invitation to eat what I can hold. [_He looks in another direction._] There are courtezans and b.a.s.t.a.r.d pages, adorned with any number of jewels, just like Gandharvas[55] and Apsarases.[56] Really, this house is heaven. Tell me, who are you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds anyway?

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_Pages._ Why, we are b.a.s.t.a.r.d pages--

Petted in a stranger's court.

Fed on stranger's food, Stranger's money makes us sport-- Not so very good.

Stranger women gave us birth.

Stranger men begot; Baby elephants in mirth, We're a b.a.s.t.a.r.d lot. 28

_Maitreya._ Show me the way, madam.

_Maid._ Come, sir, and enter the sixth court.

_Maitreya._ [_Enters and looks about._] Well! Here in the sixth court they are working in gold and jewels. The arches set with sapphires look as if they were the home of the rainbow. The jewelers are testing the lapis lazuli, the pearls, the corals, the topazes, the sapphires, the cat's-eyes, the rubies, the emeralds, and all the other kinds of gems. Rubies are being set in gold. Golden ornaments are being fashioned. Pearls are being strung on a red cord.

Pieces of lapis lazuli are being cleverly polished. are being pierced. Corals are being ground. Wet bundles of saffron are being dried. Musk is being moistened. Sandalwood is being ground to make sandal-water. Perfumes are being compounded. Betel-leaves and camphor are being given to courtezans and their lovers.

Coquettish glances are being exchanged. Laughter is going on.

Wine is being drunk incessantly with sounds of glee. Here are men-servants, here are maid-servants, and here are men who forget child and wife and money. When the courtezans, who have drunk the wine from the liquor-jars, give them the mitten, they--drink.

Show me the way, madam.

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_Maid._ Come, sir, and enter the seventh court.

_Maitreya._ [_Enters and looks about._] Well! Here in the seventh court the mated doves are sitting comfortably in their snug dovecotes, billing and cooing and nothing else, and perfectly happy.

And there is a parrot in a cage, chanting like a Brahman with a bellyful of curdled milk and rice. And here, again, is a talking thrush, chattering like a housemaid who spreads herself because somebody noticed her. A cuckoo, her throat still happy from tasting all sorts of fruit-syrups, is cooing like a procuress. Rows of cages are hanging from pegs. Quails are being egged on to fight.

Partridges are being made to talk. Caged pigeons are being provoked.

A tame peac.o.c.k that looks as if he was adorned with all sorts of gems is dancing happily about, and as he flaps his wings, he seems to be fanning the roof which is distressed by the rays of the sun. [_He looks in another direction._] Here are pairs of flamingos like moonbeams rolled into a ball, that wander about after pretty girls, as if they wanted to learn how to walk gracefully.

And here, again, are tame cranes, walking around like ancient eunuchs. Well, well! This courtezan keeps a regular menagerie of birds. Really, the courtezan's house seems to me like Indra's heaven.

Show me the way, madam.

_Maid._ Come, sir, and enter the eighth court.

_Maitreya._ [_Enters and looks about._] Madam, who is this in the silk cloak, adorned with such astonishingly tautologous ornaments, who wanders about, stumbling and stretching his limbs?

_Maid._ Sir, this is my mistress' brother.