The Legitimate Daughter Doesn’t Care! - Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Check out my other new novels: Getting Outsmarted By The CEO and The Villainess Is Changing Her Role To A BroCon.

Edited By Adrian

Mu Qingyi left after the contract was signed. It seemed that he didnt want to stay for long.

Xu Xinduo had her first working meal at the company, Shao Qinghe walked over to eat with Xu Xinduo after greeting his family members.

He asked casually: How was your experience?

Xu Xinduo was almost finished eating, but when Shao Qinghe came over, she did not put down her chopsticks out of politeness: Its okay. I am just doing it for money.

You dont nitpick.

What is there to complain about

Shao Qinghe ate for a while and then suddenly said, Cant you treat your brother a little better?

Xu Xinduo looked at Shao Qinghe and didnt answer, showing a vague attitude.

Shao Qinghe immediately explained: Well, I know its not my place to persuade you over this. I just think he is a bit pitiful.

Xu Xinduo put down her chopsticks and began to smile bitterly. If Mu Qingyi was pitiful then what was she?

Shao Qinghe continued: I can only tell you what I know. Before you moved to the Mu family, Mu Qingyi quarrelled with his family and then he got selected as an exchange student. Now, he is probably trying to fight for you. Moreover, he was also an innocent party in this whole matter. It was not him who swapped the children. He was just lucky enough to narrowly dodge the bullet. He did not approve of the decision made by his parents, but there was nothing he could do about it. He is still a child in the family and cannot be too against his parents. He was also working very hard to help you and get your approval, but in the end, you left the Mus house.

Xu Xinduo didnt respond.

Shao Qinghe: He still cares about you very much. He went to watch your game and came to check the contract which you were going to sign

Xu Xinduo suddenly said: Maybe I was born cold.

Shao Qinghe closed his mouth immediately.

I dont want to have anything to do with that family, so I also dont want to recognize him. Xu Xinduo said with a wry smile, He really did nothing wrong and I have no right to blame him for anything. But I still feel uncomfortable, even though he cares about me.

Shao Qinghe saw her eyes suddenly turning red.

She said: When I was hungry, cold, and had frostbite, he lived in a villa, learned the piano, and dressed warmly. When I was suffering and was feeling anxious about tuition fees, he was both excellent in character and learning, favoured by our parents and liked by the students in the school. After every comparison, I feel uncomfortable. I am not a saint and my heart hurts when I see him. When I see his sympathetic eyes, I feel like I am a pathetic dog in his eyes!

He doesnt think that way! Shao Qinghe quickly defended.

Maybe its the result of my inferiority complex.

No, youre excellent.

Xu Xinduo laughed suddenly and then turned to look at Shao Qinghe: People who persuade others to forgive should be thundered. You dont know what I have gone through. You can only see that your friend is sad.

Shao Qinghe immediately noticed that he had overstepped, so he apologized: Sorry, I got carried away.

I understand your good intentions and I can tell you that I dont hate him, nor do I loathe him. I tried my best but I just couldnt accept him. It may also be because of the disappointment that the family gave me I ended up treating him as guilty by association. Maybe one day, I will find that its good to have an older brother, but for now its not time yet.

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