Hurbat. Eaten by cattle. ... - I I - Trigonella stellata, Forsk.
(T. microcarpa, Fres.) ..... - I I - On.o.brychis(?), possibly O. Ptolemaica. (Barren specimen). ................. - I - - Astragalus sparsus(?), Dcne. . - I - - Astragalus Sieberi, DC.
Ghakeh. Dry and pounded root mixed with clarified b.u.t.ter. Drunk as a restorative. ............... - I - I Astragalus Forskahlei, Boiss.
Kidad. Camels eat. ........ - I - - Ca.s.sia obovata, Coll. Senna .. - I I I Iphiona scabra, DC. Zafrah.
Camels eat. ................ - I - - Pulicaria undulata, DC.
Rabul. Fine perfume. ....... - I - - Blumea Bovei, DC.
(B. abyssinica, Sch.) ...... - I - I Ifloga spicata, Forsk.
Zenaymeh. Animals eat. ..... - - - I Asteriscus pygmaeus, C. and Dur. ....................... - - - I Anvillaea Garcini, DC.
(fide Boissier). Nukud.
Eaten by camels and sheep. . - - I - Anthemis, an A. deserti(?), Boiss. Gahwan. Camels eat: also called Gurrays, pounded and eaten with dates. ..................... - I I I Matricaria (Chamaemelum) auriculata (Boiss.) ........ - - I - Senecio Decaisnei, DC.
Umm lewinayn ............... - - I I Senecio coronopifolius, Desf. - I I - Calendula aegyptiaca, Desf. . - - I - Calendula aegyptiaca(?) ..... - I - - Calendula, an var.
aegyptiacae(?) ............ - - - I Echinops spinosus, L.
Akhshir. Eaten by camels, sheep, and ......... - - I I Zoegea purpurea, Fres.
Rubayyan. Cattle eat. .... - - I - Centaurea sinaica, DC.
Yemrar. Eaten by sheep,, etc. ............... - I - I Picridium tingitanum, Desf.
forma. Huwwa; Tiz el-Kalbeh; El-Haudan.
Eaten by man and animals. . - I I I Urospermum picroides, Desf. . - I - - Microrhynchus nudicaulis, Less. 'Azid ............... I - I I Pterotheca bifida, F. and M. - I I - Picris, conf. P. Saha*ae, C. and K. ................. - - - I Picris cyanocarpa, Boiss. ... - - I - Callipeltis cucullaria, Stev. 'Ikrish. Cattle eat.
North or Central Midian.
Crucianella membranacea, Boiss. ................... - - I - Galium capillare, Dcne ..... - - I - Salvadora persica, L.
El-Arak ................. - I - I Rhazya stricta, Dcne.
Harjal. Eaten only by mules. Very fragrant. .... - I - - Daemia cordata, R. Br. ..... - - I - Steinheilia radians, Dcne.
Faka .................... - I - - Convolvulus Hystrix, V.
Shibrim. Root used as a purgative. Animals eat upper part of plant. .... - - - I Cuscuta, conf.
C. brevistyla, A. Br. ... - - I - Withania somnifera, Dun.
Shajarat el-Dib ......... - I - - Lycium europaeum, L.
'Aushaz. Eaten by animals. ................ - - I I Solanum coagulans(?), Forsk. var. (A small fragment only). ......... - - I - Hyoscyamus pusillus, L. Saykran ............. - I I - Heliotropium arbainense, Fres. Rahhab. Cattle eat. .................... - I I - Trichodesma africanum, R. Br. Ahmim. Camels and other animals eat. ...... - - I - Echium longifolium(?), Del.
Kahla. Animals eat. .... - - I - Anchusa Milleri, W. ....... - - I - Anchusa Milleri(?) young specimens. .............. - - I - Anchusa Milleri(?) young specimens. .............. - I - - Gastrocotyle (Anchusa hispida, Forsk.). Karir.
Camels eat. ............. - - - I Arnebia hispidissima, A. DC. Fayna. Animals eat. .................... - I I - Lithospermum callosum, V. . - I - - Lindenbergia sinaica, Bth. Mallih. Cattle eat. - - - I Verbasc.u.m (in bud), an V. sinaitic.u.m(?), Bth. . - - - I Verbasc.u.m, sp. nov. Samma - - I - Herpestis Monniera, Kth. Nafal. Animals eat. - I - - Veronica Anagallis, L. ... - - - I Linaria aegyptiaca, Dum. . - I - - Linaria macilenta, Dcne.
Zuraymat el-Himar.
Eaten by animals. ...... - - I - Linaria (*-- Elatinoides), sp. imperfect. ......... - - I - Linaria simplex(?), DC. .. - I I - Linaria Haelava Chav.
(fide Boissier) ........ - I - - Blepharis edulis, Pers.
(Acanthodium spicatum, Del.). Shauk el-Jemel.
Camels fond of it. ..... - I - I Lavandula coronopifolia, Poir. Zayteh. All animals eat. ........... - I I - Mentha lavandulacea, W.
Habag. Animals do not eat. Pounded and mixed with fresh dates, "good for stomach". .......... - I - - Salvia aegyptiaca, L. .... - I - - Salvia deserti, Dcne. .... - - I - Salvia, an S. deserti(?).
Jaadeh. Pounded in water and snuffed up nose. .................. - - I - Otostegia, var. O.
scariosae(?), Bth. (vel O. repanda, Bth.) Gha.s.seh. Sheep eat. .... - - I I Statice axillaris, Forsk.
Annum. Camels eat. .... - I - I Plantago Psyllium, L.
Nez'i'ah. Animals eat. . - I I - Plantago amplexicaulis, Cav. Yanameh. Animals eat. ................... - - I - Aerwa javanica, Ja.s.s.
Rayl. Cattle eat. ...... - I - I Chenopodium murale, L.? .. - I - - Chenopodium murale, L.?
(Small seedlings.) Nafal. Cattle eat. ..... - - - I Atriplex dimorphostegia?
K. and K. Roghol.
Animals eat. ........... - I - - Echinopsilon lanatum, Moq.
Garay'a. ............... - I - I Suaeda sp.(?). (Small fragment.) .............. - I - - Suaeda sp.(?). (Barren fragments, insect punctured?) 'Asla.
Forage plant. ........... I - I - Suaeda monoica? Forsk.
Zurayga. Forage plant. . I - - - Salsola(?), cf. S.
longifolia, F. Hamz.
Camels eat. ............. I - - - Caroxylon(?) (barren specimen), near C., foetidum. Akahrit.
Animals eat. ............ I - - - Rumex vesicarius, L.
(R. roseus, Del.).
Hammaz. Animals eat. ... - - I - Emex spinosus, Camp. ...... - I - - Crozophora tinctoria, Juss.
Hinaydieh. Not eaten. ... - - - I Euphorbia cornuta, Pers.
'Atir ................... - I - - Euphorbia scordifolia, Jacq. Gharghir. Animals eat. .................... - I - - Euphorbia (Anisophyllum) granulata, Schf.
Rugaygeh. Animals eat. .. - - - I Euphorbia (Anisophyllum) granulata, forma(?).
Lubayneh. Cattle eat. ... - - - I Juniperus phoenicea, L.
At four thousand feet on Sharr. Trunk thicker than a man's body.
Halibeh. ................ - - I - Parietaria alsinifolia, Del. .................... - - I - Forskahlea tenacissima, L.
Lissak. Animals eat. ... - - I - Asphodelus fistulosus, L.
(var. tenuifolius, Bker.). Bo'rak. Only eaten by animals when very hungry. eat. . - I I - Bellevalia flexuosa, Boiss. - I - - Dipcadi erythraeum, Webb .. - I - - Gagea reticulata, R. and S. - I - - Juncus maritimus, L. ...... - - - I Scirpus Holoschoenus, L.
Namas. Sent to Egypt for mats. ................... - - - I Cyperus conglomeratus, Rottb. (Young specimens) - I - - Chloris villosa, Pers. .... - - I - AEluropus repens .......... - I - - Tricholaena micrantha, Schrad. Ghazuiar. Eaten by camels, etc. ......... - - I I Panic.u.m turgidum, Forsk.
Zarram. Good fodder. .... - I - I Arundo Donax, L. Kasba ... - I - - Polypogon monspeliensis, Desf. Khafur. Sheep eat. .................... - - - I Stipa tortilis, Desf.
Pehmeh. Animals eat. .... - I I I Aristida caerulescens, Desf. Sharib el-Kale.
Animals eat. ............ - I I - Hordeum maritimum, L. ..... - I - - Pappophorum, an P.
phleoides(?), R. and S.
Nejil. Sheep eat. ....... - - - I Barren specimen.
Indeterminable. Gra.s.s ... - I - - Gra.s.s(?). Root and leaves.
Hashmil. Animals eat. ... I - - - Typha(?). Root and fragments of leaves.
Birdi ................... - - - I Gra.s.s. Fragmentary. Zaeh.
Cattle eat. ............. - - - I Chara foetida, Braun.
'Ishnik ................. - I - - A barren fragment of undershrub, with opposite fleshy leaves with recurved margins. Ajid.
Eaten by animals.
Doubtful. ............... I - - -
The spirit-specimens submitted to Mr. William Carruthers, of the British Museum, are described by him as follows:--
1. Phallus impudicus, Linn. (in Arab. Faswat el-'Ajuz). The common "stinkhorn," extremely common in some districts of England, and obtruding on the notice of every one from its detestable odour. It is widely distributed over America and Africa, as well as Europe, but I find no record of its occurring in Asia.
2. Tulostoma mammosum, Fr. Also British, but not so common. Widely distributed.
3. Phelipoea lutea, Desf. A dark, fleshy broom-rape, with scaly leaves. We have one species of the same genus in England. They are parasitic on the roots of plants; and the Midianite species, which is found in North Africa, Egypt, and Arabia, grows on the roots of a Chenopodium.
4. Cynomorium coccineum, Mich. A fleshy, leafless plant, also a root- parasite. It was called by old writers Fungus Melitensis, and was of much repute in medicine. It is known from the Himalayas to the Canary Islands, and is said by Webb, in his history of the Canaries, to be eaten in the Island of Lancerotte.
5. Doemia cordata, R. Br. A spiny shrub, with roundish leaves and small sharp-pointed fruit, found in Egypt and Arabia.
6. Capparis galeata, Fres., with large fruit, long and pear-shaped. This caper is well known; from Syria and Egypt.
(Identified by Mr. Frederick Smith, of the British Museum.)