Ellida (reflectively). The terrible is that which repels and attracts.
w.a.n.gel. Attracts, you say?
Ellida. Attracts most of all, I think.
w.a.n.gel (slowly). You are one with the sea.
Ellida. That, too, is a terror.
w.a.n.gel. And that terror is in you. You both repel and attract.
Ellida. Do you think so, w.a.n.gel?
w.a.n.gel. After all, I have never really known you--never really. Now I am beginning to understand.
Ellida. And that is why you must set me free! Free me from every bond to you--and yours. I am not what you took me for. Now you see it yourself.
Now we can part as friends--and freely.
w.a.n.gel (sadly). Perhaps it would be better for us both if we parted--And yet, I cannot! You are the terror to me, Ellida; the attraction is what is strongest in you.
Ellida. Do you say that?
w.a.n.gel. Let us try and live through this day wisely--in perfect quiet of mind. I dare not set you free, and release you today. I have no right to. No right for your own sake, Ellida. I exercise my right and my duty to protect you.
Ellida. Protect? What is there to protect me from? I am not threatened by any outward power. The terror lies deeper, w.a.n.gel. The terror is--the attraction in my own mind. And what can you do against that?
w.a.n.gel. I can strengthen and urge you to fight against it.
Ellida. Yes; if I wished to fight against it.
w.a.n.gel. Then you do not wish to?
Ellida. Oh! I don't know myself.
w.a.n.gel. Tonight all will be decided, dear Ellida--Ellida (bursting out).
Yes, think! The decision so near--the decision for one's whole life!
w.a.n.gel. And then tomorrow--Ellida. Tomorrow! Perhaps my real future will have been ruined.
w.a.n.gel. Your real--Ellida. The whole, full life of freedom lost--lost for me, and perhaps for him also.
w.a.n.gel (in a lower tone, seizing her wrist). Ellida, do you love this stranger?
Ellida. Do I? Oh, how can I tell! I only know that to me he is a terror, and that--
w.a.n.gel. And that--
Ellida (tearing herself away). And that it is to him I think I belong.
w.a.n.gel (bowing his head). I begin to understand better.
Ellida. And what remedy have you for that? What advice to give me?
w.a.n.gel (looking sadly at her). Tomorrow he will be gone, then the misfortune will be averted from your head; and then I will consent to set you free. We will cry off the bargain tomorrow, Ellida.
Ellida. Ah, w.a.n.gel, tomorrow! That is too late.
w.a.n.gel (looking towards garden). The children--the children! Let us spare them, at least for the present.
(ARNHOLM, BOLETTE, HILDE, and LYNGSTRAND come into the garden.
LYNGSTRAND says goodbye in the garden, and goes out. The rest come into the room.)
Arnholm. You must know we have been making plans.
Hilde. We're going out to the fjord tonight and--
Bolette. No; you mustn't tell.
w.a.n.gel. We two, also, have been making plans.
Arnholm. Ah!--really?
w.a.n.gel. Tomorrow Ellida is going away to Skjoldviken for a time.
Bolette. Going away?
Arnholm. Now, look here, that's very sensible, Mrs. w.a.n.gel.
w.a.n.gel. Ellida wants to go home again--home to the sea.
Hilde (springing towards ELLIDA). You are going away--away from us?
Ellida (frightened). Hilde! What is the matter?
Hilde (controlling herself). Oh, it's nothing. (In a low voice, turning from her.) Are only you going?
Bolette (anxiously). Father--I see it--you, too, are going--to Skjoldviken!
w.a.n.gel. No, no! Perhaps I shall run out there every now and again.
Bolette. And come here to us?
w.a.n.gel. I will--Bolette. Every now and again!
w.a.n.gel. Dear child, it must be. (He crosses the room.)
Arnholm (whispers). We will talk it over later, Bolette. (He crosses to w.a.n.gEL. They speak in low tones up stage by the door.)
Ellida (aside to BOLETTE). What was the matter with Hilde? She looked quite scared.