Arnholm. And you call yourself selfish!
w.a.n.gel. Ah! but I had such a great sin to atone for. I felt I dared not neglect any means that might give the slightest relief to her mind.
Arnholm. How do you really explain the power this stranger exercises over her?
w.a.n.gel. Hm--dear friend--there may be sides to the matter that cannot be explained.
Arnholm. Do you mean anything inexplicable in itself--absolutely inexplicable?
w.a.n.gel. In any case not explicable as far as we know.
Arnholm. Do you believe there is something in it, then?
w.a.n.gel. I neither believe nor deny; I simply don't know. That's why I leave it alone.
Arnholm. Yes. But just one thing: her extraordinary, weird a.s.sertion about the child's eyes--
w.a.n.gel (eagerly). I don't believe a word about the eyes. I will not believe such a thing. It must be purely fancy on her part, nothing else.
Arnholm. Did you notice the man's eyes when you saw him yesterday?
w.a.n.gel. Of course I did.
Arnholm. And you saw no sort of resemblance?
w.a.n.gel (evasively). Hm--good heavens! What shall I say? It wasn't quite light when I saw him; and, besides, Ellida had been saying so much about this resemblance, I really don't know if I was capable of observing quite impartially.
Arnholm. Well, well, may be. But that other matter? All this terror and unrest coming upon her at the very time, as it seems, this strange man was on his way home.
w.a.n.gel. That--oh! that's something she must have persuaded and dreamed herself into since it happened. She was not seized with this so suddenly--all at once--as she now maintains. But since she heard from young Lyngstrand that Johnston--or Friman, or whatever his name is--was on his way hither, three years ago, in the month of March, she now evidently believes her unrest of mind came upon her at that very time.
Arnholm. It was not so, then?
w.a.n.gel. By no means. There were signs and symptoms of it before this time, though it did happen, by chance, that in that month of March, three years ago, she had a rather severe attack.
Arnholm. After all, then--?
w.a.n.gel. Yes, but that is easily accounted for by the circ.u.mstances--the condition she happened to be in at the time.
Arnholm. So, symptom for symptom, then.
w.a.n.gel (wringing his hands). And not to be able to help her! Not to know how to counsel her! To see no way!
Arnholm. Now if you could make up your mind to leave this place, to go somewhere else, so that she could live amid surroundings that would seem more homelike to her?
w.a.n.gel. Ah, dear friend! Do you think I haven't offered her that, too? I suggested moving out to Skjoldviken, but she will not.
Arnholm. Not that either?
w.a.n.gel. No, for she doesn't think it would be any good; and perhaps she's right.
Arnholm. Hm. Do you say that?
w.a.n.gel. Moreover, when I think it all over carefully, I really don't know how I could manage it. I don't think I should be justified, for the sake of the girls, in going away to such a desolate place. After all, they must live where there is at least a prospect of their being provided for someday.
Arnholm. Provided for! Are you thinking about that already?
w.a.n.gel. Heaven knows, I must think of that too! But then, on the other hand, again, my poor sick Ellida! Oh, dear Arnholm! in many respects I seem to be standing between fire and water!
Arnholm. Perhaps you've no need to worry on Bolette's account. (Breaking off.) I should like to know where she--where they have gone. (Goes up to the open door and looks out.)
w.a.n.gel. Oh, I would so gladly make any sacrifice for all three of them, if only I knew what!
(ELLIDA enters from the door on the left.)
Ellida (quickly to w.a.n.gEL). Be sure you don't go out this morning.
w.a.n.gel. No, no! of course not. I will stay at home with you. (Pointing to ARNHOLM, who is coming towards them.) But won't you speak to our friend?
Ellida (turning). Oh, are you here, Mr. Arnholm? (Holding out her hand to him.) Good-morning.
Arnholm. Good-morning, Mrs. w.a.n.gel. So you've not been bathing as usual today?
Ellida. No, no, no! That is out of the question today. But won't you sit down a moment?
Arnholm. No, thanks, not now. (Looks at w.a.n.gEL.) I promised the girls to go down to them in the garden.
Ellida. Goodness knows if you'll find them there. I never know where they may be rambling.
w.a.n.gel. They're sure to be down by the pond.
Arnholm. Oh! I shall find them right enough. (Nods, and goes out across the verandah into the garden.)
Ellida. What time is it, w.a.n.gel?
w.a.n.gel (looking at his watch). A little past eleven.
Ellida. A little past. And at eleven o'clock, or half-past eleven tonight, the steamer is coming. If only that were over!
w.a.n.gel (going nearer to her). Dear Ellida, there is one thing I should like to ask you.
Ellida. What is it?
w.a.n.gel. The evening before last--up at the "View"--you said that during the last three years you had so often seen him bodily before you.
Ellida. And so I have. You may believe that.
w.a.n.gel. But, how did you see him?