The KISS Principle - Part 11

Part 11

Everything Andrea said created a cacophony in Allie's mind. Is that really what I did? She thought back on her argument with Cooper, how she had controlled the discussion. She was the one who had steered them into a breakup.

Their dad had made a preemptive strike against their mother when he left her. He was so sure she would hurt him that he had to do it first. She'd spent all of these years trying to keep from winding up in her mother's position. In the process, she'd swung to the other end of the spectrum and acted as her father had.

Her brain struggled to catch up with each realization as it bubbled to the surface.

"Allie?" her sister asked. "You still there?"

"I'm here. I never really thought about it that way."

"Of course not. But just for the record, if some guy was so head over heels for me that he did something that idiotic and romantic to protect me, I would never let him go."

I let him go. Tears started down her cheeks and she turned on to her side, curling into a ball. "Are you finished?" she asked, wanting to close her eyes and fade into oblivion.

"Not quite. You know, we wouldn't even be having this discussion if you were a man and Cooper was a woman."

"Huh?" Allie sat up, her tears leaving a haze in her eyes.

"What if Cooper was forty and you were twenty-eight? n.o.body would think twice about it. You can't let something like that stand in your way."

Sometimes it feels as though that's all the world wants to say to me. "So you're saying I messed up," she croaked.

"It can be fixed. I seriously doubt he slept with that other woman. You at least need to give him a chance to explain it."

"I don't know if I have the guts."

"Well, honey, then you better get some or you're going to lose your guy."

Allie lay awake that night for hours. She couldn't remember a time when she'd acted more foolishly. Andrea's precise a.n.a.lysis had been enlightening and downright annoying. I accused him of being juvenile but I'm ten times worse. The clock on the bedside table glowed in red. Three fourteen a.m. She threw back the covers and shuffled into the bathroom.

Even in the spa.r.s.e illumination from the nightlight next to the vanity mirror, she could see how h.e.l.lacious she looked. Stress was taking its toll on her entire body, starting with her complexion. She smoothed her hair into a high ponytail, grabbed a sweatshirt from the closet and wandered into the kitchen for tea and to check email.

Her laptop came to life while she put on the kettle to boil. She watched as the red dot on her mail program counted higher with each new message. Scrolling through the list, Ian's name leapt out at her. She opened the message, her hand trembling.

Allie, I just received an advance copy of the Ad Journal annual award nominations. Official announcement comes Monday that The Flynn Agency is up for three awards. I don't need to tell you that it is unprecedented to be nominated at all in your first year of operation. The next biggest agency nominated has eighty employees. At last count, you have less than ten. It's after one a.m. but call me as soon as you get this, even if it's the middle of the night.

Ian Holy s.h.i.t. Three awards? So much for sleep. Allie consulted her phone. It was nearly four. He said as soon as you get this.

Ian picked up after several rings. "I take it you got my email." He yawned loudly.

"I did." She smiled, relishing the chance to gloat. "I don't know about you, but I'm psyched." I'd say I'm almost giddy.

"I'm very happy for you."

"Yeah, well, I won't hold my breath for roses." She took a sip of her Earl Grey. "I'm guessing you didn't want to talk so you could congratulate me."

"That's not the entire reason, no. I wanted to tell you that we're dropping the lawsuit. It'll look like David and Goliath after your nominations come out. People will already be rooting for you. Everyone loves an underdog."

Allie wasn't even sure she'd heard him correctly, but she didn't dare seem surprised. Ian would capitalize on that for sure. "I'm glad you found a way to come to your senses."

"Of course, I'd like you to keep all of that to yourself. Professional courtesy."

Professional courtesy, my a.s.s. "Of course."

"And I still want one more thing from you."

There's always a catch with you. "I'm listening."

"We want to hire you as a consultant."

Hire me? "Still listening."

"We'll bring you in a few times a year to give us feedback on campaign ideas before we start to flesh them out. You can help us weed out the weaker concepts."

"What's in it for me?"

"A retainer and a per-project fee. I think you'll find our offer is very generous. We'll want to be able to say we're partnering with The Flynn Agency on those particular projects, but it will just be your services. Hands off your company."

I can finally start earning a salary. "I'll have to think about it."

"Start thinking. I'll have the legal department email you the details as soon as I can get someone on the phone."

"Even on a"

"Even on a We need you, Allie."

Relief washed over her when she hung up the phone. The biggest headache in her life had evaporated in an instant, replaced by a windfall of all things. But as quickly as it had come, the good news faded and the emptiness inside her returned. All I want to do is tell him. All I want to do is walk upstairs and knock on his door and have him ask me where I was all this time. All I want is his arms around me all night long. All I want is Cooper.

Goose b.u.mps dotted her skin. Why couldn't I see this before? The good things in her life meant nothing without someone to share them and that someone was Cooper. Her sister was her family, but there was something missing. She wanted more. She needed more.

Above her head, the floor creaked with footfalls. She stared at the ceiling, her neck stretched taut, making the rapid-fire beat of her heart that much more p.r.o.nounced. There were more footsteps. What is he doing up? She stopped herself. What are you doing? Who cares? He's up. She shut her laptop and picked up her phone knowing one thing. It was time to do something.

Chapter Thirteen.

For someone who's so tired, I don't sleep much. Cooper yawned before he opened the fridge and leaned forward, resting his hand on his thigh. His eyes settled on the slim offerings. Bacon. Orange juice. Beer. I have such a guy fridge. He closed the door and decided that a pot of coffee was his best option, followed by a shower and yet another trip into the office. This whole entrepreneurial thing is starting to be a real pain in the a.s.s.

He held his mug directly under the drip from the coffeemaker until it was half full and took it into the living room. His new furniture didn't have the net effect he'd hoped for when he'd ordered it. It certainly wasn't helping him feel any more accomplished or adult. It only served as a reminder of how much he missed Allie.

He slumped down and closed his eyes, his head resting against the back of the pristine gray wool sofa, exactly the fabric Allie had suggested. More than work kept him up every night. She was all he could think about in the dark. He felt her absence when he rolled over and remembered he wasn't in her bed. His chest ached just thinking about it.

His phone beeped with the arrival of a text message. "Jeez, Bri. Nothing like a five a.m. wake-up call on a," he muttered as he got up to fetch his phone from the kitchen counter. To his surprise, he had a text. From Allie.

Are you awake? I can hear you up there.

For an instant, he had to remind himself how his thumbs worked. I'm up. Sorry if I'm being noisy. Her response didn't come right away and it caused his heart to hammer.

You're not noisy. I was already awake.

Before he could reply, there was more.

Want some company?

His head began to spin. Of course. I have coffee.

I'll be right up.

He sprinted back to his bedroom for a clean t-shirt and wondered if he was supposed to change out of his pajama pants for company. Panic flickered through him. The knock at the door came and there was no time for anything other than another quick jog back into the kitchen to answer.

Allie knocked the wind out of him when he opened the door. She wore a white t-shirt and slouchy pink pajama pants that only hinted at her curves. Her hair was in a ponytail, no makeup to hide the natural blush of her cheeks. He couldn't remember a time the woman who'd broken his heart had looked more beautiful.

"You brought your own mug?" he asked, looking down at her slender fingers clutching the white ceramic.

She shrugged as she stepped across the threshold. "I didn't want to presume."

"What? That I'd be willing to wash a second cup?"

"No. That you actually owned a second cup."

"Funny." He twisted his lips, but her hesitant smile prompted a few strains of happiness. It had been a week since anything so pleasant had taken hold in his body. "May I?" he asked, taking the mug and filling it with coffee. He added a splash of cream and one sugar, just the way she liked it.

Allie stared into the steaming cup after he handed it to her. "You remembered."

"The way you like your coffee? It's been a week."

She avoided eye contact, setting him on edge. "Can we talk?" she muttered.

He blew out a breath. It was torture to stand there and see her, feel the attraction between them that was powerful but fractured. "I would love to talk, Allie. You know that."

She nodded and peered up at him. "I know. I'm sorry." A single tear leaked from the corner of her eye.

His heart crumbled at the sight of her crying. "It's okay." He reached for her arm and she shuddered beneath his touch. "Come on. We'll go in the living room. My new furniture came."

She followed him to the other room, but didn't sit right away. "It looks great." Despite the vote of approval, she froze as if she simply didn't know what to say or do.

"Thanks." He sat and patted the spot next to him on the couch. "That Melanie chick came over yesterday because the delivery guys scratched up one of the legs on the sofa. She's ordering a replacement."

Allie's eyes doubled in size. "Oh. I see. Did she help you set everything up?" She inched toward the couch and gingerly accepted the invitation to sit with him.

He shook his head. "Nope. I had it ready to go. She was only here for a minute. I did okay, huh?" He watched as she surveyed the room.

"Perfect." She trembled, seeming so unsure of herself.

It was everything he could do to keep from pulling her into his arms, but whatever she wanted from him was painfully unclear. "Was there something you wanted to say?"

She took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. "Yes. I wrote a speech."

"A speech?"

"Yes. But I forgot it." She straightened as if trying to bolster her own confidence, but her lower lip quivered. Their eyes connected, showing him every subtle shade of her vulnerability. "I forgot it as soon as I saw you. I had the perfect thing to say to you and I can't remember it. At all."

Please don't let it be the "this will never work" speech. "Okay. Well, why don't you tell me what it was about? Maybe it'll come to you."

Her head bobbed several times. "I can do that." She took another deep breath, this time through her nose. "I'm an idiot and I'm so sorry. I was wrong. You were right. I wish I could take back every stupid thing I said." Each word seemed to steel her confidence, even when her voice wavered. "I feel like I threw away something totally amazing. I hate being apart from you. I miss you. I need you."

Cooper's breath caught in his throat. "Wow. Okay." She needs me. "Not much of a speech, but I liked what you had to say." He allowed himself a corner of a grin and bridged the gap by setting his hand on the cushion between them.

"My speech was a lot better than that, I swear. There was this one part where I thought up this metaphor for how perfect we are for each other. It was quite beautiful." More tears rolled down her face and her cheeks flushed when she hiccupped.

He laughed and reached for her arm. "Are you okay?" This time, he didn't let go.

Allie edged closer and wiped her cheek with the back of her hand. "I don't know. It depends on whether you accept my apology."

Cooper pressed his lips together. To Allie, it felt as though time was moving at quarter pace. Her brain was upended by the combination of his presence and the words she'd been so scared to say. She wondered whether he would see his way clear to take her back. It would be so easy for him to tell her she'd hurt him too much, the damage had been done.

She allowed herself another moment of weakness, studying his tempting mouth as his face became stiff with concentration. A small gasp escaped her lips when his eyes softened and he took a lock of her hair, twisting it between his fingers.

"Of course I accept your apology, but I need you to accept mine. I never should have pulled that stunt at the restaurant. I'm sorry if it seemed like I didn't trust you."

"I know that you were being protective. Your heart was in the right place." Allie focused on him, the shadow of stubble along his strong jaw, the way his eyes became b.u.t.tery and sweet when he looked at her. She pressed her hand to the center of his chest. His heart beat evenly against her palm. It sent electricity coursing through her.

Cooper smiled, looking down at her hand on his chest before he clasped his fingers around hers. "But now what, Al? The age thing is never going to go away. And I don't know how I can convince you that I don't care."

"I know you don't care. I believe you. And I'm going to try to be better about it."

"You better do more than try, Allie. Forty is nothing and if we're going to be together, I want to be together. For real."

For real? "What are you saying?"

"Are we making up?" He stroked her hand with his thumb and the current arcing between them became even stronger.

"I want to."

"Good, because I want to too." He curled his fingers around her arm and tugged her closer. "I think we should move in together."

"You do?"

"I love you, Allie. I'm not letting you go."

Her heart felt as though it could pound its way out of her chest and do a dozen cartwheels across the floor. His desire to take things to a new level showed her just how much the age difference truly didn't matter. "I love you too." Allie felt drawn to him in a way that made every nerve ending in her body p.r.i.c.kle with excitement.

When he lowered his head, she tilted her chin and her eyes drifted shut as antic.i.p.ation caused her lips to tingle. His breath was warm against her cheek, his smell musky and manly. "Do you have any idea how awful this week has been without you?" He nuzzled her neck with soft kisses.

She fought a smile as he finally put her out of her misery with a gentle brush of his mouth. "I have a pretty good idea."