Shameless! Ye Qiu tugged at the collar on Ye Xius jacket. In the end, he wasnt able to get anything out of it though and could only grind his teeth in anger. Chen Guo suddenly empathized with his hateful, yet helpless expression because Ye Xiu frequently put her in this sort of situation as well.
It looks like you werent educated well enough. Ye Xius expression was the same as usual.
Come back home with me! Ye Qiu gnashed his teeth.
No way. Ye Xiu said.
Ye Qius gaze was deep and profound as if he were about to pull off some powerful move. Chen Guo continued to watch, waiting for it to happen. However, the scene froze and stopped playing.
Are you tired? Hurry up and let go. Show some respect to your elders. Ye Xiu said and made a slap. It seemed like Ye Qius hands werent using much force and were slapped aside by Ye Xiu.
Your overcoat seems pretty nice? Ye Xiu, with his sole jacket, looked at the overcoat that had been hanging on Ye Qius arm the entire time.
No way! Ye Qiu resolutely hid the overcoat behind him.
How selfish. Ye Xiu disdained.
When are you going to give back the stuff you took from me? Ye Qiu said.
Didnt I give you back your proof of identity?
Ye Qiu suddenly choked. He had clearly forgotten about that part.
Chen Guo raised her hand: Could you go into more details? The story behind the proof of identity.
Oh.. that one. That time, when I was going to join the Pro Alliance, I obviously needed to use official documents as proof of my identity. However, even though I was old enough, because I ran away from my family, I didnt have anything I could use as proof. Ye Xiu said.
When this disgrace went back home to steal some proof, he wasnt able to steal the household register, so he took my proof of identity instead. Ye Qiu immediately followed.
I was borrowing. Didnt I give it back to you? Ye Xiu said.
You didnt tell me, so thats considered stealing!
I did tell you later.
So its like that! Chen Guo suddenly understood. This explained why Ye Xiu used Ye Qiu in the pro scene.
Yeah, its not like I could have used a fake proof! Ye Xiu said.
Chen Guo began to sweat. Isnt using someone elses proof of identity and using a fake identity practically the same? They were twin brothers, so it was hard to tell the difference.
Luck you, look how famous your name is now. Ye Xiu said to Ye Qiu.
Tch. Ye Qiu coldly expressed his disdain.
You used such a familiar name. You werent worried that your family would find you? Chen Guo asked.
If I had used Ye Xiu, then that might have been troublesome. But since I used a weak, common street name like Ye Qiu, there was no need to worry. Ye Xiu said.
Nonsense! The key point is that no one had imagined that you would run away from the family to play games. Youre the weak one! Ye Qiu shouted.
Oh? Then when you wanted to leave the family that time, what were you planning on doing? Ye Xiu asked.
Uh.. I Ye Qiu tried hard to recall.
Or maybe you had a dream you wanted to fulfill? Ye Xiu asked.
My dream at that time was to leave the family Ye Qiu said.
Chen Guo nearly spat out her drink. She suddenly felt sorry for the parents of these two brothers. What type of family environment was this, to make these two brothers want to leave the family? Chen Guo was very curious.
Thats the difference between me and you. Ye Xiu said.
Tch. Ye Qiu expressed his disdain.
Actually, I stopped hiding after a while. The family could easily force me to come back, but do you know why they never did so? Ye Xiu said.
Why? Ye Qiu couldnt help but ask.
Because my dream was the game and that was all. Ye Xiu said.
Huh? Ye Qiu and Chen Guo asked.
An eSports career favors the young. Im already considered old as a pro. Even if I persisted, I wouldnt be able to go on for much longer. This is why my dream will end at an early age. When that time comes, Ill naturally come back because that place will forever be my home. And at my age, theres still time for me to make a turn around at life. This is why my family left me alone. Ye Xiu said.
And you? Youre different. Your dream was only to leave the family. Youre clearly even more rebellious than me. I at least knew what to do after I ran away. You? You wanted to run just for the sake of running away. If you ran away, would you think of coming back? From my view, you probably wouldnt, so itd be best if you just stayed in the family like an obedient child. Leaving home did you really think that it would be fun? Ye Xiu said.
Ye Qiu was stumped for words. He had even forgotten to express his usual disdain. Chen Guo was also surprised. Ye Xiu was actually a good brother. He was more sensible than his brother and saw the issue more thoroughly.
So I wont be going back to celebrate New Years. When the time comes, Ill come back on my own.
After Chen Guo heard this, she suddenly wondered whether Ye Xiu was only saying all of that as an excuse to not go back home.
As for Ye Qiu? After a short pause, he suddenly smiled: It wont be too late if I come back home tomorrow.
He turned his head to look at Chen Guo: Boss, is it okay if I stay here for the night?
Chen Guo nodded her head: You can even stay here for a few nights if you want.
Can you not look for trouble. Ye Xiu immediately stopped her, Look how evil this guy looks.
Tch! Ye Qius usual disdain rebooted. After a hmph, he walked around the first floor of the Internet Cafe. Then, he went to the stairs and asked: Do I go upstairs?
Yes. Ill bring you there. Chen Guo went over the lead the way.
Thank you. Ye Qiu nodded his head in thanks. As long as he wasnt talking to Ye Xiu, his words and actions showed propriety and politeness.
Its not a problem. Chen Guo waved her hands, leading Ye Qiu upstairs. Ye Xiu didnt say anything. Seeing the two go up the stairs, he shook his head, lit a cigarette, and looked for a computer to log into Glory.
We sleep here. Chen Guo opened the door to the living room and showed Ye Qiu around.
It gives off a very comfortable feeling! Ye Qiu praised after entering the room.
Doesnt it? Chen Guo replied happily. As the rooms owner, of course, she would be happy about praise towards it.
Where does Ye Xiu live? Ye Qiu asked.
Uh Chen Guo stared blankly. She looked somewhat embarrassed. Ye Xius living space really was quite embarrassing to talk about. As the owner, who had arranged Ye Xius living space, it was quite awkward to talk about in front of Ye Xius relative.
This way. Even though she felt embarrassed, Chen Guo didnt hide it. She opened the door to the storage room, but in the end, she still added: Its only temporary.
She wasnt lying. In the beginning, Chen Guo had only temporarily put Ye Xiu here. However, Ye Xiu didnt care and seemed pretty happy with his living space, so Chen Guo didnt feel like she needed to be in a rush towards this.
Good, good! Ye Qiu replied. He had already seen everything there was to see in the storage room. His face didnt show any expression of being in disbelief like Chen Guo had imagined. He seemed quite happy and delighted. He even turned around and said earnestly: Its very good.
Oh? Chen Guo was surprised, but she quickly realized why. The guy saw that his shameful brother was living in such a place, which was why he was so happy.
Where will I be sleeping? Ye Qiu asked.
Oh.. you can come to my room! Chen Guo led Ye Qiu out and pointed to her own room.
Then what about you?
Ill sleep next door. The sis over there went back home to celebrate New Years, so she wont be here for the new few days. Chen Guo was obviously talking about Tang Rous room.
You all live together? Ye Qiu looked at the three rooms.
There arent any problems are there? Living with my shameless brother? You must be careful! Ye Qiu said.
No way. Chen Guo laughed. Even though Ye Xiu was sometimes a very infuriating person, he didnt have any faults in this area. He had been living with the two beauties for quite a while and nothing embarrassing had happened yet.
But if that guy did anything embarrassing, he would probably resolve it in a shameless manner. Chen Guo suddenly thought.
It wouldnt be convenient living in a ladys room! Can I sleep on this sofa? Ye Qiu pointed at the sofa in the living room.
Its not a problem! Chen Guo said.
Okay, then Ill sleep here!
Im saying that you sleeping in my room isnt a problem. Chen Guo explained.
Dont worry, dont worry. Ill sleep here! Ye Qiu said and expressed that he wasnt going to give in.
Okay, then you can Chen Guo didnt urge it and asked: Do you have any luggage?
Okay, are you going to rest for a bit? Chen Guo asked.
No need. No need. Im going to go down and see what that guy is up to! Ye Qiu turned around and pulled open the door. Like a gentleman, he gave priority to ladies and asked if Chen Guo was going to go out too.
The two went downstairs back to the Internet Cafe and saw Ye Xiu diligently playing the game.
You only know how to play! Youre not going to tidy up all the stuff we bought? Chen Guo scolded.
Exactly. He only knows how to play games. Shameful. Ye Qiu stood by Chen Guo and acted all mighty.
Ye Xiu lifted his head helplessly: How do you want to do it.
Chen Guo carelessly pointed around: Use everything thats useful!
Ye Xiu said powerlessly: Do you know how much of the stuff you bought is useful?
Chen Guo stared blankly. She had only bought whatever she liked. She didnt know what exactly she had bought and was already having trouble remembering.
Shut your mouth! Cut his salary, boss! Ye Qiu incited.
How about you first figure out what youve bought! Ye Xiu said to Chen Guo.
Even the useless stuff has to be tidied up! Chen Guo said and then ran over to study what she had bought.
Ye Qiu, go help. Ye Xiu said.
Why dont you go?
Im working.
Youre just playing a game Ye Qiu mumbled to himself, but still went to help out. He wasnt the type of person to sit on the side and tell others to work without doing anything himself.