The Killing Song - Part 28

Part 28

Karrlakton: A large city in Karrnath. Location of the headquarters of House Deneith.

Karrnath: One of the original Five Nations of Galifar. Karrnath is a cold, grim land whose people are renowned for their martial prowess. The current ruler of Karrnath is King Kaius ir'Wyrnarn III.

Karth: A sailor on Lightning on Water.

Kech Volaar: A clan among the goblinoids of Darguun dedicated to the preservation of the lore of the Dhakaani Empire. Their name means "Wordbearers."

kesh: a kalashtar term for the telepathic mindlink all kalashtar can create with other beings.

Khaari skuurz'taat: Goblin for "b.l.o.o.d.y pathetic drunkard."

Khaavolaar!: A goblin curse, especially among the Kech Volar clan. Properly, it is two words, khaar volaar. Literally translated, it means, "Blood of the word!"

Khorvaire: One of the continents of Eberron.

Khyber: 1) The underworld. 2) A mythical dragon, also known as "The Dragon Below." After killing Siberys, Khyber was imprisoned by Eberron and transformed into the underworld. Khyber is said to have given birth to a host of demons and other unnatural creatures. See Eberron, Siberys.

Kobus: An orc warrior of the Shadow Marches with a reputation as a mighty brawler.

kola: Azhani for "to come" (takes Azhani conjugation form 1; see The Binding Stone, Appendix 2).

Krepis: An orc of the Fat Tusk tribe and a druid of the Gatekeeper sect. A student of Batul.

Kuun: Surname of a line of heroes of the Dhakaani Empire, first carried by the warlord Duulan, a friend of Taruuzh. His descendants included Rakari Kuun, slayer of the daelkyr lord of Jhegesh Dol, and Mazaan Kuun, a legendary strategist.

kuchta/kuchtoa: A kalashtar formula of informal greeting. "Kuchta" is the first greeting and "Kuchtoa" is the proper response.

Last War, The: This conflict began in 894 YK with the death of King Jarot ir'Wyrnarn, the last king of Galifar. Following Jarot's death, three of his five children refused to follow the ancient traditions of succession, and the kingdom split. The war lasted over a hundred years, and it took the utter destruction of Cyre to bring the other nations to the negotiating table. No one has admitted defeat, but no one wants to risk being the next victim of the Mourning. The chronicles are calling the conflict "the Last War," hoping that the bloodshed might have finally slaked humanity's thirst for battle. Only time will tell if this hope is in vain.

lhesh: A Goblin term for a warlord.

Lhesh shaarat: Goblin expression for "a warlord's sword." Lhesh shaarat are swords of high quality and distinctive design and are often magical.

Lightning on Water: A House Lyrandar elemental galleon once under the command of Vennet d'Lyrandar. She was left to drift somewhere off Droaam or Breland after Vennet and Dah'mir ma.s.sacred the crew.

long step: A kalashtar term for psionic teleportation.

Long Tooth: A criminal gang in Malleon's Gate run by Biish.

Lyrandar, House: A dragonmarked house bearing the Mark of Storm. House Lyrandar has economic control of shipping in Khorvaire.

Malleon's Gate: A district in the Lower Dura ward of Sharn. This area is largely inhabited by goblins, Droaamites, and other inhuman creatures.

Mayret's Envy: An airship.

mazo: Goblin affirmative, stronger than "yes" and used specifically when discussing plans and strategies.

Medalashana: A kalashtar. Once a companion of Tetkashtai and Virikhad, she was later driven mad by Dah'mir, turned to his service, and renamed Medala. She was destroyed in a psionic battle with Virikhad after Dandra forced his psicrystal into her hand. She specialized in the art of telepathy.

Medi: A hunter of the Bonetree clan.

Metrol: The capital of Cyre. Metrol was destroyed by the Mourning.

Moon: A young kalashtar man with a rebellious streak. His given name is Munchaned. Son of Nevchaned.

Morren, Benti: A half-elf of Sharn. She bears the Mark of Storm but does not claim allegiance to House Lyrandar.

Narath: A river town in northern Karrnath, close to the coast of the Bitter Sea. Destroyed in 989 YK in the infamous Ma.s.sacre at Narath.

Natrac: A half-orc of Zarash'ak, though he was born in Graywall and once lived in Sharn. He wears a prosthesis capped with a long knife after Vennet cut off his hand.

Ner: A previous huntmaster of the Bonetree clan, killed by Medala. He was Ashi's father.

Nevchaned: A kalashtar smith. He learned his trade working for the armies of Breland behind the front lines during the Last War. Father of Munchaned.

orces: Goblin for "orc."

Orshok: A young orc druid of the Fat Tusk tribe, a student of Batul, and curious about the world beyond the Shadow Marches. He carries a hunda stick, a traditional orc weapon and tool resembling a staff with a hooked end.

Overlook: A district in the Upper Dura ward of Sharn. This area is inhabited by people of many races, but is especially known for the number kalashtar.

Paik: A changeling of Sharn, a member of the Broken Mirror.

Patan yannah: A kalashtar expression of farewell. Literally. "Walk with the light."

Pog: An orc warrior of the Shadow Marches.

psicrystal: A sentient crystal created by psions as a tool and companion. Each psicrystal is a unique reflection of the psion who created it.

psion: Someone who is skilled in the art of psionics, the power of the mind. Kalashtar are natural psions, able to manifest the telephatic link they call the kesh. Many go on to master greater skills.

Raat shan gath'kal dor: A duur'kala expression meaning "The story stops but never ends." A formulaic ending to goblin legends.

Rat: A cultural hero figure among shifters based on one of the animal forms of their lycanthrope ancestors. Usually referred to as "Grandfather," he is depicted as a cunning and stealthy trickster. "Grandfather Rat!" is a common expression of frustration.

Rhazala: A young goblin of Malleon's Gate.

Rond betch!: Azhani expression of surprise or anger. Literally, "Fierce darkness!"

roo: Goblin for "friendly stranger," someone unknown to the speaker but not an obvious enemy (pl. rooz).

rotto: A plant of the Shadow Marches with a hard, woody stem used to make a cosmestic treatment. Quite rare and valuable.

Rrac, Tzaryan: An ogre mage warlord of Droaam, one of the first warlords to embrace the rule of the Daughters of Sora Kell when they seized power in 987 YK. He controls a large territory in southern Droaam, dominating local orc tribes with his ogre warriors. His symbol is a blue star.

sa: Azhani for "to see" (takes Azhani conjugation form 1; see The Binding Stone, Appendix 2).

sari: Azhani for "ahead" or "in front of."

Sarlona: One of the continents of Eberron. Humanity arose in Sarlona, and colonists from Sarlona established human civilization on Khorvaire.

Selkatari: An influentual elder among the kalashtar of Sharn.

Sentinel Marshals: The dragonmarked House Deneith is the primary source for mercenary soldiers and bodyguards in Khorvaire. The Sentinel Marshals are a specialized form of mercenary-bounty hunters empowered to enforce the laws of Galifar across Khorvaire. This right was granted by the King of Galifar, but when Galifar collapsed the rulers of the Five Nations agreed to let the Sentinel Marshals pursue their prey across all nations, to maintain a neutral lawkeeping force that would be respected throughout Khorvaire. See House Denieth.

shaarat: Goblin for "a blade," especially a sword.

Shadow Marches: A region of desolate swamps on the southwestern coast of Khorvaire. The Shadow Marches have a strange connection to Xoriat and were at the center of the Daelkyr War many millennia ago.

Sharn: Also known as the City of Towers, Sharn is the largest city in Khorvaire.

Sharvat Vvaraak: A sacred site of the Gatekeepers of the Shadow Marches, also called simply the Sharvat. For millennia, it has been a gathering point for orc hordes called by the Gatekeepers. The horde tradition of burning their camp behind them has left the ground of the Sharvat dry and ashen. The name is from the orc tongue and translates as "Mirror of Vvaraak"-the Sharvat is a broad plain surrounded by a low, roughly circular rise, and tradition holds that beneath the dusty ground is a sheet of gla.s.s covering the plain from side to side.

Sheids sutis! Su Drumas!: An Azhani battle command and war cry that translates as "Hunters follow me! For the Bonetree!"

shekot: An orc expression, roughly equivalent to "inconsiderate a.s.s."

Shelsatori: An elder of the kalashtar of Sharn and a skilled telepath.

shifter: A humanoid race said to be descended from humans and lycanthropes. Shifters have a feral, b.e.s.t.i.a.l appearance and can briefly call on their lycanthropic heritage to draw animalistic characteristics to the fore.

Siberys: 1) The ring of stones that circle the world; seen as a shining band like cl.u.s.tered stars in the southern sky. 2) A mythical dragon, also called "The Dragon Above." Siberys is said to have been destroyed by Khyber. Some believe that the Ring of Siberys is the source of all magic.

Siberys mark: The most powerful form of a dragonmark. Extremely rare.

Singe: An Aundairian wizard specializing in both fire magic and swordsmanship. A lieutenant in the Blademarks, he served with the Frostbrand company until the Ma.s.sacre at Narath. His real name is Etan Bayard, but he prefers his nickname.

skycoach: A small flying vessel, typically shaped like a rowboat or gondola, found in Sharn.

Sovereign Host, the: a religion found across much of Khorvaire. The Lord of the Host are Arawai (G.o.d of agriculture), Aureon (G.o.d of law and knowledge), Balinor (G.o.d of beasts and the hunt), Boldrei (G.o.d of community and hearth), Dol Arrah (G.o.d of honor and sacrifice), Dol Dorn (G.o.d of strength at arms), Kol Korran (G.o.d of trade and wealth), Olladra (G.o.d of good fortune), and Onatar (G.o.d of artifice and the forge).

taat: Goblin term for someone of significantly lesser status than the speaker. Derogatory and insulting.

Tag: A hunter of the Bonetree clan.

tak: a Reacher expression for "thank you;" "twice tak" is "thank you very much."

Taruuzh: A legendary Dhakaani daashor, creator of the original binding stones and of Geth's sword, Wrath. His stronghold, Taruuzh Kraat, was located where Tzaryan Keep now stands in Droaam.

Tetkashtai: A kalashtar. Dandra's creator, later imprisoned within her psicrystal while Dandra inhabited her body. She went mad and Dandra was forced to absorb her consciousness in self-defense.

Tiger: A cultural hero figure among shifters based on one of the animal forms of their lycanthrope ancestors. Tiger is n.o.ble being, a warrior of incomparable grace and speed. Unlike the other shifter culture-heroes, no relation is ever claimed to Tiger. "Tiger's blood!" is a common oath of anger.

tribex: A heavily-muscled herd animal creature with long, sharp horns. Used as a beast of burden in Darguun.

Tzaryan Keep: Stronghold of Tzaryan Rrac in Droaam.

vayhatana: A kalashtar term for psionic telekinesis. Literally translated, it means "ghost breath."

Virikhad: A kalashtar, once Tetkashtai's lover and, along with Tetkashtai and Medalashana, one of the three kalashtar first subjected to the binding stone by Dah'mir. Virikhad was not strong enough to escape his psicrystal prison and went mad within it while his body died. He was a master of the far step and powers related to it.

Vralkek: A port town in Droaam, previously claimed by Breland. Ruins indicate that it was a settlement of the Empire of Dhakaan in the distant past.

Vvaraak: The black dragon who taught the first Gatekeepers and began the druidic tradition in western Khorvaire many thousands of years ago. She was also known as "the Scaled Apostate."

whitefire: A kalashtar term for flame produced with psionics.

Wolf: A cultural hero figure among shifters based on one of the animal forms of their lycanthrope ancestors. Wolf is wise, honorable, and knowledgeable in the ways of magic. She is often referred to as "Grandmother" and "Grandmother Wolf!" is a common expression of awe.

Xoriat: One of alternate planes, Xoriat is also known as the Realm of Madness. It is the home of the daelkyr and illithids, but has been held apart from Eberron since the end of the Daelkyr War thanks to the magic of the Gatekeepers.

Yrlag: A town on the Grithic River, the border between the Shadow Marches and the Eldeen Reaches. The westernmost port on southern Khorvaire, it is a barely civilized place and the trading center for much of this isolated region. Before humans arrived in Khorvaire, it was the westernmost outpost of the Empire of Dhakaan and the Dhakaani influence can still be seen in its oldest structure.

Zarash'ak: The capital of the Shadow Marches, often called the City of Stilts because of the architecture that raises it above the threat of floods.

About the


Don Ba.s.singthwaite is the author of numerous fantasy and dark fantasy novels. His latest books are The Yellow Silk, Mistress of the Night (co-auth.o.r.ed with Dave Gross), The Binding Stone, and The Grieving Tree.

Don lives in Toronto, surrounded by gadgets, spice jars, and too many books.

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