"Won't anybody ever mind me at all?" asked Take.
"When you get to be a mother-in-law, then you can have your turn," said her Father, smiling. "Your son's wife will obey you."
"Will my son obey me, too?" asked Take.
"No, you must obey him if he is the head of the house," her Father explained.
"It's a very long time to wait," sighed Take, "and nothing but a daughter-in-law to mind me at last."
Her under lip puckered a little and she frowned--a little frown-- right in the middle of her forehead.
"Tut, tut," said her Father. "Girls and women should always be gentle and smiling. You must never frown."
He looked quite shocked at the very idea of such a thing.
Take tried to look pleasant, and a funny thing is that when you make yourself look pleasant, you begin to feel so, too. Take felt pleasant almost right away.
They went into the house and hung the picture of the mother bird in the place of the crow, beside the spray of plum. When it was all done, this is the way the honorable recess looked.
Take looked at it for a while, and then she said, "I don't believe I shall feel sorry about minding Bot'Chan after all, because I love him so much."
"That's the way a little j.a.panese girl should feel," said her Father. "Now, come in and let us take a look at him."
They found Bot'Chan awake. Take knelt down on the mat in front of him, to see him better.
"Put your head down on the matting, Take," her Father said, and Take bowed her head to the floor.
Then the Father took the Baby in his arms and placed his tiny foot on Take's neck.
"That means that you must always do what he wants you to," he said.
"I will," said little Take. The Mother smiled at Take as she knelt on the floor with the Baby's foot on her neck.
Then she turned her face the other way on her little wooden pillow and sighed--just a very gentle little sigh, that n.o.body heard at all.
One morning when Bot'Chan was just one month old, his big brother Taro woke up very early. The birds woke him. They were singing in the garden. "See, see, see," they sang. "Morning is here! Morning is here!" Taro heard them in his sleep. He turned over. Then he stretched his arms and legs and sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes.
The candle in the tall paper lamp beside his bed had burned almost out, but it was light enough so he could see that Take, in her bed across the room, was still asleep, with her head on her little cushion.
Taro called very softly, "Take, Take, wake up!" But Take slept so soundly she did not hear him.
Father and Mother and the Baby were all asleep in the next room.
He did not want to wake them, because it was still so early in the morning. So he crept softly along the floor to Take's bed, and whispered in her ear, "Wake up, wake up!" But she didn't wake up. Then Taro took a jay's feather which he had found in the garden the day before, and tickled Take's nose!
First she rubbed her nose. Then she sneezed. Then she opened her eyes and looked at Taro.
"Sh-sh," whispered Taro.
"But I haven't said a single word!" Take whispered back.
"You sneezed, though," said Taro. "That's just as bad. It will wake up our honorable parents just the same."
"Well, you shouldn't tickle my poor little nose, then," said Take.
"Your honorable nose was tickled so that you would wake up and hear the birds sing," said Taro. "It is much nicer than sleeping!
Besides, do you remember what is going to happen to-day? We are going to take Bot'Chan to the Temple!"
A temple is something like a church, only they do not do the same things in temples that we do in our churches.
The Twins loved to go to the Temple, because they had a very good time when they went there. They liked it as much as you like Thanksgiving Day and the Fourth of July.
When Take remembered that they were going to take Bot'Chan to the Temple, she clapped her little brown hands. "Oh, I'm so glad!" she said. Then she popped out from under the covers of her bed and stood up on the soft straw matting.
She was no sooner out of bed than from far away came the "Cling-cling-clang" of a great gong. And then, "Tum-tum-t-y-y-rum"
rolled a great drum.
"Hark!" said Taro. "There go the Temple bells, and the priests are beating the sunrise drums! It's not so very early, after all."
"Now, you'll hear Grannie's stick rapping for the maids to get up," Take answered. "The Temple bells always wake her."
And at that very minute, "Rat-tat-tat" sounded Grannie's stick on the woodwork of the room where the maids slept.
In the little house in the garden where the Twins lived, there are no thick walls. There are only pretty wooden screens covered with fine white paper. These screens slide back and forth in grooves, and when they are all shoved back at once the whole house is turned into one big, bright room. This is why the Twins had to be so careful not to make any noise. Even a tiny noise can be heard all through a house that has only paper walls, you see.
But every one is supposed to get up at sunrise in the little house in the garden, anyway.
The maids were stirring as soon as Grannie called them. They rolled back the shutters around the porch and made so much noise in doing it that Father and Mother woke up too.
Then the Twins didn't keep so quiet any more. "I'll beat you dressing," Take said to Taro.
She ran to the bathroom to wash her face and hands, and Taro ran to wash his in a little bra.s.s basin on the porch.
"Be sure you wash behind your ears, Taro," Take called to him.
"And it's no fair unless you brush your teeth hard!"
Taro didn't say anything. His toothbrush was in his mouth, and there wasn't room for words too. So he just scrubbed away as hard as he could. Then he ran back to his room and dressed so quickly that he was all done and out in the garden before Take began to put on her little kimono! You see, all Taro's clothes opened in front, and there wasn't a single b.u.t.ton to do up; so he could do it all himself--all but the sash which tied round his waist and held everything together. Take always tied this for him.
When Take came out into the garden she had her sash in her hand.
Taro had his in his hand.