The International Jewish Cook Book - Part 73

Part 73


Yolks of three eggs beaten with one cup of sugar; add one teaspoon of cinnamon, pinch of cloves, and pinch of allspice; one cup of stale rye bread crumbs added gradually. Mix well and add beaten whites. Bake slowly. Half an hour before serving, add one cup of claret or white wine. Serve with sherry wine sauce or whipped cream.


Mix one-half cup of sugar, one-quarter teaspoon of salt, two cups of flour and gradually two cups of milk to make a smooth batter.

Melt one-half cup or a little less of b.u.t.ter in a large shallow dripping-pan and let it spread all over the pan to grease it well, then pour one-half cup of b.u.t.ter and one quart of sliced apples to the batter. Mix and pour into pan or pans not more than three-quarters of an inch deep and bake in a moderate oven, thirty to forty-five minutes, until a golden brown. This quant.i.ty serves ten people.


Pare four or five large tart apples and cut off the top of each apple to use as a cover. Now out all the inside, being careful not to break the apples; mix sc.r.a.pings with sugar, cinnamon, raisins, a few pounded almonds and add a little white wine and the grated peel of one lemon. Fill up the apples with this mixture and put back the top of each apple, so as to cover each well. Grease a deep dish, set in the apples and stew a few minutes. In the meantime make a sponge cake batter of four eggs, one cup of pulverized sugar, one cup of flour and pour over the apples and bake one-half hour. Eat warm or cold, with or without sauce.

Plain baked apples can be subst.i.tuted for the filled apples.


Take half a pound of suet and chop it to a powder. Soak a loaf of stale bread, squeeze out the water and add to the suet. Work bread and suet well with your hands and add two eggs, one cup of sugar, one teaspoon, of salt, allspice, cloves, cinnamon and grated peel of a lemon. Add flour enough to work into a huge ball; sift two teaspoons of baking-powder in flour. Pare about half a peck of cooking pears and cut in halves, leaving the stems on. Lay half the pears in a large kettle, put the pudding in centre of the pears, and lay the rest of the pears all around. Add sugar, sliced lemon, a few cloves, some cinnamon bark and three tablespoons of syrup. Fill up with cold water and boil half an hour on top of stove. Then bake for at least three hours, adding water if needed.

CORN PUDDING with a knife six ears of green corn, cutting each row through the middle. Add two cups of milk, one-half cup of b.u.t.ter, three eggs--the whites and yolks beaten separately--a little salt and white pepper. Stir the yolks into the milk and corn, pour into a baking dish, stir in the whites and bake one and one-half hours.


Scald a pint of crackers or bread crumbs in a quart of boiling milk; add a piece of b.u.t.ter the size of an egg, a good pinch of salt, four eggs, a cup and a half of sugar, a little ground cinnamon and a quart of stoned cherries. Bake in quick oven.


Sprinkle four tablespoons of flour over one and one-half pints huckleberries and set aside for half an hour. Soak one pint crumbed bread in one quart milk; add three tablespoons of sugar, pinch of salt, and the huckleberries. Put all into a greased pudding dish with flakes of b.u.t.ter on top. Bake forty-five minutes. Serve with hard sauce.


This pudding is economical and dainty if nicely made. Brush small molds with b.u.t.ter, fill with crumbed bread and dried English currants. Beat three eggs without separating, add one pint of milk and four tablespoons of sugar. Pour carefully over the bread and let stand five minutes.

Place molds in baking-pan of boiling water and bake in the oven thirty minutes, or steam half an hour. Serve with liquid pudding sauce.


The tin molds are best for this purpose, either melon, round, or brick.

If the mold is b.u.t.tered first, then sprinkled with granulated sugar, a nice crust will form. Have a large, deep pan filled with boiling water.

Place mold in, let water come up to rim, put a heavy weight on top of mold to keep down, and boil steadily. The pan must be constantly replenished with boiling water, if the pudding is to be done in time.

Always place paper in top of mold to prevent water from penetrating.

When puddings are boiled in bags, a plate must be placed in bottom of pan to prevent burning. Only certain puddings can be boiled in bags.

Always grease inside of bag, so puddings will slip out easily. A bag made of two thicknesses of cheese-cloth, st.i.tched together, will do.

Always leave room in mold or bag for pudding to rise, using a smaller or larger mold according to quant.i.ty of pudding. If not boiled steadily, and emptied as soon as done, puddings will fall and stick.


Beat the yolks of four eggs very light with one-half cup of sugar; then add one-half cup of grated walnuts or almonds, one-half cup of grated white bread crumbs, then the stiffly-beaten whites of four eggs. Put in pudding form and steam from one and one-half to two hours. Serve with wine or fruit sauce.


Dry one-half cup of rye bread crumbs in oven. Beat the yolks of four eggs very light with one-half cup of sugar, then add a pinch of cloves and allspice, one-half teaspoon of cinnamon, grated rind of one-half lemon and one-quarter pound of chopped almonds. Moisten crumbs with three tablespoons of whiskey or brandy, add to eggs, then add stiffly-beaten whites of four eggs. Put in mold and boil three hours.

Serve with a brandy or whiskey sauce.


Soak one-half loaf of stale white bread in water until moist, squeeze perfectly dry. Put in skillet two tablespoons of clear fat or b.u.t.ter, and when hot add bread, and stir until smooth and dry. Beat five eggs light with one cup of sugar, stir bread in, mix well, and flavor with rind (grated) and juice of one lemon. Grease a bag or very large napkin, place pudding in this, tie, leaving plenty room to rise, place in boiling water and boil two hours. Make a jelly sauce, not as thin as usual, and pour over just before serving. If desired one-half cup of currants can be added to pudding.


Take one tablespoon of b.u.t.ter (or other shortening), one-quarter cup of sugar, yolk of one egg, one-half cup of milk, one cup of flour, one teaspoon of baking-powder, one-quarter teaspoon of salt, one-half cup of berries or pitted cherries rolled in flour. Put in a well-greased melon mold and cook in boiling water steadily for two hours. Serve with hard sauce.


Take one cup of sugar, one-third cup of b.u.t.ter, one cup of grated carrots, one cup of grated potatoes, one cup of raisins, one cup of currants, two cups of bread crumbs, one-half teaspoon of baking-soda stirred in the potatoes, one teaspoon each of cloves, cinnamon, and allspice. Mix all these and add a little syrup and four tablespoons of whiskey. Steam four hours. Serve with hard sauce.


Grate one-half pound of stale rye bread and wet this with a winegla.s.s of red wine. Pound two tablespoons of almonds, stir the yolks of four eggs with half a cup of powdered sugar, flavor with cinnamon, and add the grated bread and almonds. Stone one-half pound each of sweet and sour cherries. Mix all thoroughly with the beaten whites added last. Do not take the juice of the cherries. b.u.t.ter the pudding mold well before you put in the mixture. To be eaten cold.


Melt three tablespoons of b.u.t.ter, add one-half cup of, one-half cup of milk, one and two-third cups of flour sifted with one-half teaspoon of baking-soda, one-quarter teaspoon of salt, one-quarter teaspoon each of cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Add to the above one-half pound of dates, stoned and cut. Turn into a well-b.u.t.tered mold. b.u.t.ter the cover also and steam two and one-half hours. Keep at a steady boil.

Serve with any kind of sauce.