The Insignifcant Female Supporting Character Actually Became A Bigshot In The Novel! - Chapter 54 – 54 Auction

Chapter 54 – 54 Auction

54 Auction

She wanted to go back to the game room to play games after she was done eating. Chen Tong thought about it again and again and finally spoke up, Madam, I really don't need to cook for Mr. Su?

Didn't he say that we don't need to be concerned about him? Xi Wan was indifferent as she said, He will come out to look for something to eat when he's hungry.

With that said, she returned to the game room.

As for Su Xun, he had been waiting in the study room for a long time. He initially thought that Xi Wan would take the initiative to explain things to him after seeing the post published in the media. However, he did not expect that Xi Wan still did not show up even after his stomach began growling.

Could it be that she had not seen the post yet?

Su Xun no longer dared to guess Xi Wan's thoughts because she had never once played by the rules.

He looked at the time and saw that it was almost midnight. He went downstairs to look for Chen Tong and asked her to make him some supper.

Chen Tong had already dozed off long ago because she was sleepy but she had been waiting in the kitchen the whole time because Su Xun had not eaten yet. Chen Tong instantly became spirited when she saw Su Xun coming downstairs to look for food.

Mr. Su, what would you like to eat?

You can cook anything, just make it fast. Su Xun said. He knew that Chen Tong was a national chef so he did not have too many requirements.

Chen Tong immediately decided to make her best spaghetti bolognese.

After she was done cooking, she had just served a bowl for Su Xun when she heard Xi Wan's voice, Are you guys having supper?

Madam, do you want some too? Chen Tong looked back at her and asked.

Sure, thank you. Xi Wan replied immediately.

She then sat down at the dining table and waited for the noodles.

She had been playing games upstairs when she suddenly smelled a fragrance, which whetted her appetite. She simply put her game aside and went downstairs. She then saw Su Xun sitting at the dining table with a bowl of spaghetti bolognese in front of him.

The two of them sat like this as they faced each other in silence. After Chen Tong served Xi Wan some noodles, she quickly retreated to the side.

The way Sir and Madam interacted with each other was really strange. Why did they have to have supper together instead of having dinner together? Was this how young couples these days interacted?

Xi Wan had been taking big mouthfuls of her noodles and she did not pay any attention to Su Xun.

Su Xun originally thought that Xi Wan wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to explain the post to him while they were eating noodles. However, he saw that she was eating so happily and had no intention of talking to him at all.

Was she really just here to eat?

Su Xun could not help but covered his mouth and coughed dryly. Although it caught Xi Wan's attention, she simply asked in confusion, What's wrong? The noodles are delicious so why aren't you eating it?

Su Xun did not answer this question but asked her, Don't you have anything to say to me?

What do you want me to say? Xi Wan did not react until she had swallowed all the noodles in her mouth. She then remembered the invitation to the auction that she had just received in the mailbox.

The invitation was sent to Xi Wan's personal email in her own name and she was allowed to attend the auction with a companion.

Are you talking about the auction? Xi Wan said, I know about that so you should know about it too, right? The invitation says that I can bring a companion to attend the auction with me. Do you want to come with me?

Su Xun had also received an invitation but the scale of this auction was not large. If it was any other time, Su Xun would not have even bothered to pay attention to it.

However, he did not expect Xi Wan to invite him to the auction.

He remembered that the auction was tomorrow night. Su Xun thought about it and said, might not have time tomorrow night.

Okay then. Xi Wan responded and continued eating her noodles.

Su Xun was stunned again.

Wasn't she the one who took the initiative to invite him now? Now that he had rejected her, how could this woman, Xi Wan, still eat her noodles so peacefully then? Shouldn't she be trying her best to get him to agree?

Could it be that besides him, Xi Wan wanted to bring another male companion along with her?

Kong Shuo? Or Ling Feng?

Xi Wan only burped in satisfaction after she had finished eating the noodles, then got up and poured herself a glass of warm water.

She noticed that the bowl in front of Su Xun was still full, from the corner of her eyes. Xi Wan was puzzled and asked, Why aren't you eating?

Su Xun felt a lump in his throat and after a long time, he finally said, I'm not hungry anymore.

After that, he threw his chopsticks down and returned to his room.

Xi Wan did not know what was going on and she felt that Su Xun was really a strange person.

After taking a few steps, Su Xun turned around and said to Xi Wan, I'll be there for the auction tomorrow night.

Xi Wan was at a loss and Chen Tong was also confused. She walked over and asked softly, Madam, why did Sir suddenly accept your invitation?

Xi Wan drank all the water in one gulp before she then said, Perhaps he finally found his conscience and could not bear to leave his beautiful wife alone.