and yes the California earthquake, as you guessed, was the worst in history and Hagbard and Miss Portinari and Mavis-Stella-Mao suffered it all in horrible detail (the price they paid for their vision was the possession of that vision, as we, Mr. and Mrs. f.u.c.kUP-Leviathan, are also learning), and before the end auf weidersehen auf weidersehen to Mary Lou, who is also becoming something more than the accidents of heredity and environment had programmed her for, and now we look at last at Smiling Jim: He was freezing, the sky was still empty, and Hali One still hadn't appeared. to Mary Lou, who is also becoming something more than the accidents of heredity and environment had programmed her for, and now we look at last at Smiling Jim: He was freezing, the sky was still empty, and Hali One still hadn't appeared.
And then without warning it was there: a dark shape against the sun moving on silent wings, not flying but gliding: embodiment of some arrogance or innocence that surpa.s.sed fear and surpa.s.sed even the suggestion of any pride in its own fearlessness. "Oh my G.o.d," Smiling Jim whispered, raising the Remington and starting to sight, and then it banked, flapped its wings wildly, and uttered one shriek that seemed like the very sound of life itself. "Oh my G.o.d," he repeated: that sound seemed to outlast its own echo, it had entered into his brain and couldn't be dislodged, it was the sound of his own blood pumping in his veins: the primary, the only, the single sound that was the ba.s.s and treble of every organic pulsation and spasm, "Oh my G.o.d," he had it in the sight, the head was in profile, only one diamond-hard eye staring back and recognizing him and his weapon, but that sound still moved in his blood, moved the seminal vesicles, moved the secretion of every gland. It was the sound of eternal and unending clash between I and AM and their unity in I AM, he even thought for a flash of the critics of hunting and how little they understood of this secret, this mystic ident.i.ty between the killer and the killed, then it uttered that Sound again and started to rise, but he had it, it was in the sight, he breathed, he aimed, he slacked, he squeezed, and for the third time the Sound came to him, death in life and life in death, it was falling, he thought he felt the earth stir below him and the word "earthquake" almost formed, but the Sound went on and on to the roots of him, it was the sound of the killer and he had killed the killer, he was the greater killer, and still it fell, faster and faster, dead now and subject only to the law of gravity not to the law of its own will, 32 feet per second per second (he remembered the formula of the fall), plunging downward, the most heartbreaking beautiful sight he had ever seen, every hunting club in the world would be talking about it, it would last as long as human speech survived, and he had done it, he had achieved immortality, he had taken its life and now it was part of him. His nose was running and his eyes were watering. "I did it," he screamed to the mountains, "I did It! I killed the last American eagle!"
The earth below him cracked.
(which are most instructive) GREATER p.o.o.p: IS Eris true?
MALACLYPSE THE YOUNGER: Everything is true.
GP: Even false things?
MAL-2: Even false things are true.
GP: HOW can that be?
MAL-2: I don't know, man, I didn't do it.-Interview with Malaclypse the Younger, K.S.C., Greater Metropolitan Yorba Linda Herald-News-Sun-Tribune-Journal-Dispatch-Post and San Francisco Discordian Society Cabal Bulletin and Intergalactic Report and p.o.o.p Greater Metropolitan Yorba Linda Herald-News-Sun-Tribune-Journal-Dispatch-Post and San Francisco Discordian Society Cabal Bulletin and Intergalactic Report and p.o.o.p Note: There were originally 22 appendices explaining all the secrets of the Illuminati. Eight of the appendices were removed due to the paper shortage. They will be printed in Heaven.
GEORGE WASHINGTON'S HEMP CROP Many readers will a.s.sume that this book consists of nothing but fiction and fantasy; actually, like most historical tomes, it includes those elements (as do the works of Gibbon, Toynbee, Wells, Beard, Spengler, Marx, Yerby, Kathleen Windsor, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Moses, et. al.); but it also contains as many doc.u.mented facts as do not seriously conflict with the authors' prejudices. Washington's hemp crop, for instance, is mentioned repeatedly in Writings of Washington Writings of Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1931. Here are some of the citations: Volume 31, page 389: October 1791, letter from Mount Vernon to Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of Treasury: "How far...would there be propriety, do you conceive, in suggesting the policy of encouraging the growth of cotton and hemp in such parts of the United States as are adapted to the culture of these articles?"
In the next three years, Washington evidently settled the matter in his own mind, whatever Hamilton thought of the "proprieties." Volume 33, page 279, finds him writing from Philadelphia to his gardener at Mount Vernon to "make the most you can of the India Hemp seed" and "plant it everywhere." Waxing more enthusiastic, on page 384 he writes to an unidentified "my dear doctor," telling him, "I thank you as well for the seeds as for the Pamphlets which you had the goodness to send me. The artificial preparation of the Hemp from Silesia is really a curiosity ..." And on page 469 he again reminds the gardener about the seed of the India Hemp: "[I] desire that the Seed may be saved in due season and with as little loss as possible."
The next year he was even more preoccupied that the seeds be saved and the crop replenished. Volume 34, page 146, finds him writing (March 15, 1795) to the gardener again: "Presuming you saved all the seed you could from the India hemp, let it be carefully sown again, for the purpose of getting into a full stock of seed."
Volume 34, page 72, undated letter of Spring 1796, shows that the years did not decrease this pa.s.sion; he again writes to the gardener: "What was done with the seed saved from the India Hemp last summer? It ought, all of it all of it, to have been sewn [sic] again; that not only a stock of seed sufficient for my own purposes might have been raised, but to have disseminated the seed to others; as it is more valuable than the common Hemp." it is more valuable than the common Hemp." (Italics added) (Italics added) Volume 35, page 265, shows him still nagging the gardener; page 323 contains the letter to Sir John Sinclair mentioned in the First Trip.
The Weishaupt impersonation theory, congenial as it may be to certain admirers of the General, cannot account for all of this. A diary entry of August 7, 1765 (The Diaries of George Washington, Houghton-Mifflin, 1925), reads: "Began to seperate [sic] the Male from the Female hemp at Do-rather too late." This is the pa.s.sage quoted by Congressman Koch, and remembered by Saul Goodman in the novel; the separation of male from female hemp plants is not required for the production of hemp rope but is absolutely necessary if one wants to use the flowering tips of the female for marijuana. And at that time Adam Weishaupt was very definitely still in Bavaria, teaching canon law at the University of Ingolstadt.
All of this data about General Washington's hobby, originally researched by Michael Aldrich, Ph.D., of Mill Valley, California, was rediscovered by Saul Goodman while he and Barney Muldoon were employed as investigators by the American Civil Liberties Union on test cases seeking to have all remaining anti-marijuana laws repealed as unconst.i.tutional. The Goodman-Muldoon Private Investigations Agency (which had been formed right after those two worthy gentlemen had resigned from the New York Police Department amid the international acclaim connected with their solving the Carmel disappearance) was offered a lion's share of the best-paying business accounts possible. Saul and Barney chose, however, to take only the cases that really interested them; their most notable work was performed as investigators for lawyers defending unpopular political figures. Goodman and Muldoon, it was agreed everywhere, had an uncanny knack for finding the elusive evidence that would demonstrate a frame-up to even the most hostile and skeptical jury. Many political historians say that it was in large part their work which kept the most eccentric and colorful figures of the extreme right and extreme left out of the prison-hospitals during the great Mental Health/Social Psychiatry craze of the late 1970s and early 1980s.
In fact, Rebecca Goodman's memoir of her husband, He Opened the Cages He Opened the Cages, written during her grief after his heart attack in 1983, is almost as popular in political-science as is her study of comparative mythology, The Golden Apples of the Sun, the Silver Apples of the Moon The Golden Apples of the Sun, the Silver Apples of the Moon, in anthropology
These following ciphers were found in the home of the lawyer Hans Zwack during a raid by the Bavarian government in 1785. Letters from Weishaupt (signed "Spartacus"), written in the code and outlining most of the plans of the Illuminati, were also found, and led to the suppression of the Order, after which it went underground and regrouped.
These cyphers are given (curiously, without their code names) in Daraul's History of Secret Societies History of Secret Societies, page 227. The purpose of the code names was to make breaking the cypher more difficult. All messages begin in the Zwack cypher, but the fifth word is always "Weishaupt" or "De-Molay," and the message then switches to whichever of these cyphers is thus indicated; whenever either of these words (or "Zwack") appears again, the system again switches. Breaking the cypher by the usual statistical methods is, therefore, virtually impossible, at least before the invention of the computer-for the uninitiated cypher-breaker is confronted with, not 26, but 3 26, or 78, separate symbols, whose regularity has little to do with the celebrated formula (EATOINSHRDLU...etc.) for the regularity of the 26 letters.*
In addition, any of the 78 symbols can be replaced by the abbreviation for the corresponding Tarot card, thus further befuddling the uninitiated. The Tarots are arranged in the sequence: Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles, Trumps. Thus, the first symbol can be replaced by AcW (Ace of Wands), the second by 2W (two of Wands), and so on, through Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. The last 22 symbols are represented by the 22 trumps: TF (The Fool), TM (The Magus), THP (The High Priestess), and so forth. Since there are five groups in the Tarot (the four suits and the trumps), and the alphabet is repeated only three times, this leaves two null sets for transmission of Zen telegrams. "Once you've seen the Great Vision," Hagbard once said, "you look at everything else in life twice." twice."
The Illuminati calendars, finally, are all based on five seasons (due to the Law of Fives.) The names of the seasons, their meanings, and the Christian equivalents are as follows: Verwirrung Season of Chaos Season of Chaos January 1-March 14 January 1-March 14 Zweitracht Season of Discord Season of Discord March 15-May 26 March 15-May 26 Unordnung Season of Confusion Season of Confusion May 27-August 7 May 27-August 7 Beamtenherrschaft Season of Bureaucracy Season of Bureaucracy August 8-October 19 August 8-October 19 Grummet Season of Aftermath Season of Aftermath October 20-December 31 October 20-December 31
Everything is dated from year 1 A.M. (Anno Mung), which is 4000 B.C. in the Christian calendar-the year Hung Mung first perceived the Sacred Chao and achieved illumination. Thus, Ha.s.san i Sabbah founded the Hashishim in 5090 A.M., Weishaupt reformed the Illuminati in 5776 A.M., and-to take a year in the middle of our novel- 1970 in the Christian calendar is, to the Illuminati, 5970 A.M., just as it is in the calendar used by Royal Arch masons. (The reader can decide for himself whether this fact represents coincidence, complicity, or synchronicity.) The Illuminati date for anything is always a higher number than that in any other calendar, since the Jews (and, oddly, the Scotch Rite masons) date everything from 240 A.M., Confucians from 312 A.M., Christians from 4000 A.M., Moslems from 4580 etc. Only Bishop Usher, who dated everything from 4004 B.C. (or -4 A.M.), produced an older starting point than the Illuminati.
For instance, here are some random dates as they appear on the Illuminati system of reckoning: First Egyptian dynasty 1100 A.M. 1100 A.M.
The Rig-Veda written 2790 A.M. 2790 A.M.
First Chou dynasty 3000 A.M. 3000 A.M.
Founding of Rome 3249 A.M. 3249 A.M.
Ha.s.san Sabbah illuminated 5090 A.M. 5090 A.M.
Indians discover Columbus 5492 A.M. 5492 A.M.
Pigasus nominated for President of the U. S.
5968 A.M. 5968 A.M.
Returning to the yearly round, each of the five seasons is divided, of course, into five months, thus producing a year of 5 5 or 25 months. The first three months of every season (known as the tricycle) each have 15 days, which fits the law of five because 1 5 = 5. The last two months of each season each have 14 days, which also fits the law of fives because 1 + 4 = 5. Each season has 73 days, because (a) you have to have to get 73 when you divide 365 by 5; (b) 7 + 3 = 10, the first multiple of 5 after 5 itself; and (c) this corresponds, as Dr. Ignotius pointed out in the novel, to the 73 parts of the Illuminati pyramid (counting the Eye as a part). The last day of each season is known as Eye Day and is celebrated in ways too foul to be mentioned in a book such as this, intended for family entertainment. get 73 when you divide 365 by 5; (b) 7 + 3 = 10, the first multiple of 5 after 5 itself; and (c) this corresponds, as Dr. Ignotius pointed out in the novel, to the 73 parts of the Illuminati pyramid (counting the Eye as a part). The last day of each season is known as Eye Day and is celebrated in ways too foul to be mentioned in a book such as this, intended for family entertainment.
The mystic 23 appears in the calendar in the following ways: (1) The bicycle has 2 months and the tricycle has 3.
(2) The bicycle has 28 days (two months of 14 days each), and when you subtract the all-important 5 this leaves, again, the mystic 23.
(3) When 5 is multiplied by its own first product, 10, the result is 50; and when this, in turn, is subtracted from the days in a season, 73, the significant 23 once again appears.
(4) The tricycle has 45 days; add one for Leap Year's Day and you get 46-exactly 2 23.
(5) 2 + 3 of course equals the all-important 5, the number on which the calendar is based and, even more significant, the number of this proof.
As Weishaupt said to Knigge after explaining all this, "Could Aquinas do better?" (Actually, the mystic meaning of these numbers is s.e.xual. The male s.e.x cycle is, as Tantrists know, 23 days; add the mystic five and you get 28 days, the female cycle. It's that simple. Or is it?) The sanctification of the number 5 antedates Atlantis itself and goes back to the intelligent cephalopods who infested Antarctica about 150,000,000 years before humankind appeared on earth; see H.P. Lovecraft's work of "fiction," At the Mountains of Madness At the Mountains of Madness (Arkham House, 1968), in which it is suggested that 5 was sacred to these creatures because they had five tentacles or pseudopods. In this connection, the reader might find some food for thought in a conversation which took place between Hag-bard Celine and Joe Malik in the late autumn of 1980. Joe, at the time, had just received the Pulitzer Prize. (He was also under investigation by a Congressional Committee, in connection with the same achievement: publication of certain governmental secrets.) (Arkham House, 1968), in which it is suggested that 5 was sacred to these creatures because they had five tentacles or pseudopods. In this connection, the reader might find some food for thought in a conversation which took place between Hag-bard Celine and Joe Malik in the late autumn of 1980. Joe, at the time, had just received the Pulitzer Prize. (He was also under investigation by a Congressional Committee, in connection with the same achievement: publication of certain governmental secrets.) "Five of the Senators voted to cite me for contempt, for not revealing my source," Joe said. "Three voted against it. So I'll be cited, and the Grand Jury will draw up an indictment. There's that Law of Fives again." of the Senators voted to cite me for contempt, for not revealing my source," Joe said. "Three voted against it. So I'll be cited, and the Grand Jury will draw up an indictment. There's that Law of Fives again."
"Are you worried?" Hagbard asked, relaxing in one of the heavy leather chairs that were part of Confrontation's Confrontation's new, more ornate offices. new, more ornate offices.
"h.e.l.l, no. I can always seek sanctuary in Panama, or someplace, if they convict me. And Peter can keep this operation going."
"You're not afraid to start a new life as an exile?"
Joe grinned. "At my age, any new experience is an adventure."
"You're doing fine," Hagbard said. "Here's your latest revelation from the[image] ." He reached into his pocket and took out a photo of a female infant with six fingers on each hand. "Got this from a doctor friend at Johns Hopkins." ." He reached into his pocket and took out a photo of a female infant with six fingers on each hand. "Got this from a doctor friend at Johns Hopkins."
Joe looked at it and said, "So?"
"If we all looked like her, there'd be a Law of Sixes."
Joe stared at him. "You mean, after all the evidence I collected, the Law of Fives is an Illuminati put-on? You've been letting me delude myself?"
"Not at all." Hagbard was most earnest. "The Law of Fives is perfectly true. Everybody from the JAMs to the Dealy Lama agrees on that. But you have to understand it more deeply now, Joe. Correctly formulated, the Law is: All phenomena are directly or indirectly related to the number five, and this relationship can always be demonstrated, given enough ingenuity on the part of the demonstrator." given enough ingenuity on the part of the demonstrator." The evil grin flashed. "That's the very model of what a true scientific law must always be: a statement about how the human mind relates to the cosmos. We can never make a statement about the cosmos itself- The evil grin flashed. "That's the very model of what a true scientific law must always be: a statement about how the human mind relates to the cosmos. We can never make a statement about the cosmos itself-but only about how our senses (or our instruments) detect it, and about how our codes and languages symbolize it. That's the key to the Einstein-Heisenberg revolution in physics, and to the Buddha's revolution in psychology much earlier."
"But," Joe protested, "everything fits the Law. The harder I looked, the more things there were that fit."
"Exactly," said Hagbard. "Think about that. If you need quick transportation to Panama," he added, heading for the door, "call Gold and Appel Transfers and leave a message."
* The reader should be reminded that a true The reader should be reminded that a true code code can never be broken, although all can never be broken, although all cyphers cyphers always can be (given enough time and manpower). A cypher has a serial, one-to-one correspondence with the alphabet letters of the message being transmitted; a code proper has no such correspondence. Thus any computer can break the cypher always can be (given enough time and manpower). A cypher has a serial, one-to-one correspondence with the alphabet letters of the message being transmitted; a code proper has no such correspondence. Thus any computer can break the cypher[image] but only the Illuminated can read the code behind the cypher and know what (or who) the Rising Hodge is. but only the Illuminated can read the code behind the cypher and know what (or who) the Rising Hodge is.
And to this day, the proverb is still repeated from the Danube to the Rhine: "It is dangerous to talk too much about the Illuminati."-VON J JUNTZ, Unausprechlichen Kulten Unausprechlichen KultenTheoretically, an Age of Bureaucracy can last until a paper shortage develops, but, in practice, it never lasts longer than 73 permutations.-WEISHAUPT, Konigen, Kirchen and Dummheit Konigen, Kirchen and Dummheit In a well-known pa.s.sage in the Necronomicon Necronomicon Abdul Alhazred writes, "They ruled once where man Riles now; where man rules now, they shall rule again. After summer is winter, and after winter, summer." Weishaupt, who possessed only the Olaus Wormius translation, in the 1472 Lyons edition with its numerous misprints and errors, found this text scrambled into "They ruled once where man rules now, summer. Where man rules now, after summer is winter. They shall rule again, and after winter." Thoroughly confused, he wrote to his good friend the Kabalist Kolmer in Baghdad for an explanation. Kolmer, meanwhile, dispatched a letter to him answering a previous question. When this epistle arrived, Weishaupt had been experimenting with a new strain of Alamout black and was in no condition to realize it was a reply to an earlier query; he was, thus, ready to accept enlightenment in the words: "Concerning your rather th.o.r.n.y enquiry: I find that, in most cases, ergot is the best remedy. Failing this, I can only suggest the path of Don Juan." Abdul Alhazred writes, "They ruled once where man Riles now; where man rules now, they shall rule again. After summer is winter, and after winter, summer." Weishaupt, who possessed only the Olaus Wormius translation, in the 1472 Lyons edition with its numerous misprints and errors, found this text scrambled into "They ruled once where man rules now, summer. Where man rules now, after summer is winter. They shall rule again, and after winter." Thoroughly confused, he wrote to his good friend the Kabalist Kolmer in Baghdad for an explanation. Kolmer, meanwhile, dispatched a letter to him answering a previous question. When this epistle arrived, Weishaupt had been experimenting with a new strain of Alamout black and was in no condition to realize it was a reply to an earlier query; he was, thus, ready to accept enlightenment in the words: "Concerning your rather th.o.r.n.y enquiry: I find that, in most cases, ergot is the best remedy. Failing this, I can only suggest the path of Don Juan."
Weishaupt a.s.sumed that Kolmer meant the pa.s.sage would become clear if he read it while under the influence of ergot. He promptly went down to his laboratory and tossed off a jigger; then, for good measure, he chewed a few peyote b.u.t.tons. (He was under the misapprehension that the Don Juan referred to was the same Yaqui Indian magician of the twentieth century whose mind he had been tapping through the Morgenheutegesternwelt Morgenheutegesternwelt. Peyote was that Don Juan's great "teacher," and Weishaupt had imported some from Mexico at great trouble and expense.) It should be explained at this point that the question which Kolmer was answering happened to be not philosophical but personal. Weishaupt had sought his advice on a problem much perplexing him that month: the fact that his sister-in-law was somewhat pregnant and circ.u.mstantial evidence seemed to mark him as the father. He wasn't at all sure how to explain this to Eve. Kolmer had intended to convey that Adam should give his paramour the ergot, since it often functions as an abortifacient; the alternative referred to the path of an earlier Don Juan and meant splitting the scene entirely. However, the stoned Ingolstadt sage misunderstood totally, and so came to the Necronomicon Necronomicon full of hashish, peyote, and a substantial quality of ergot, which had, under the influence of the other drugs and his own intestinal juices, mutated into ergotine, a close chemical cousin of LSD. The result was that the words seemed to leap out of the page at him, shouting with intense meaning: full of hashish, peyote, and a substantial quality of ergot, which had, under the influence of the other drugs and his own intestinal juices, mutated into ergotine, a close chemical cousin of LSD. The result was that the words seemed to leap out of the page at him, shouting with intense meaning: THEY RULED ONCE WHERE MAN RULES NOW SUMMER WHERE MAN RULES NOW AFTER SUMMER IS WINTER THEY SHALL RULE AGAIN AND AFTER WINTER.
Abdul Alhazred's concept of the Great Cycle, which derived actually from the Upanishads Upanishads, took on kinky edges in Weishaupt's flipped-out cortex. Five Five kinky edges, to be exact, since he was still obsessed with the profound new understanding of the Law of Fives he had achieved the night he saw the shoggoth turn into a rabbit. He quickly fetched Giambattista Vico's kinky edges, to be exact, since he was still obsessed with the profound new understanding of the Law of Fives he had achieved the night he saw the shoggoth turn into a rabbit. He quickly fetched Giambattista Vico's Scienze nuovo Scienze nuovo from his shelf and began reading: He saw that he was right. Vico's theory of history, in which all societies pa.s.s through the same four stages, was an oversimplification-there were, when you looked closely at the actual evidence behind Vico's rhetoric, from his shelf and began reading: He saw that he was right. Vico's theory of history, in which all societies pa.s.s through the same four stages, was an oversimplification-there were, when you looked closely at the actual evidence behind Vico's rhetoric, five five distinct stages each time the Italian listed only four. Weishaupt looked very closely, and, like Joe Malik, the harder he looked the more fives he found. distinct stages each time the Italian listed only four. Weishaupt looked very closely, and, like Joe Malik, the harder he looked the more fives he found.
It was then that the man's truly unique mind made its great leap: He remembered that Joachim of Floris, a proto-primus Illuminatus of the eleventh century, had divided history into three stages: the Age of the Father, dominated by Law; the Age of the Son, dominated by Love; and the Age of the Holy Spirit, dominated by Joy. Where most philosophers rush to publish their insights, Weishaupt saw the advantage of an alternative path. The Law of Fives would be kept secret, so that only Illuminati Primi would know about it and could predict events correctly, but the Joachimite theory would be revived and publicized to mislead others. (He, Kolmer, Meyer Amschel Rothschild, DeSade, and Sir Frances Dashwood-the original Five-had some discussions about possibly pushing Vico instead of Joachim, but, as Weishaupt argued, "Four is a little bit little bit too close to five ..." Even so, it was quite a spell of years before they found the ideal front man to push the three-step theory, G. W. F. Hegel. "He's perfect," Weishaupt wrote in the De Molay cipher from Mount Vernon. "Unlike Kant, who makes sense only in German, this man doesn't make sense in any language.") The rest of the story-the exoteric story, at least -is history. After Hegel was Marx; and after Marx, the Joachimite three-step was permanently grafted onto revolutionary tactics. too close to five ..." Even so, it was quite a spell of years before they found the ideal front man to push the three-step theory, G. W. F. Hegel. "He's perfect," Weishaupt wrote in the De Molay cipher from Mount Vernon. "Unlike Kant, who makes sense only in German, this man doesn't make sense in any language.") The rest of the story-the exoteric story, at least -is history. After Hegel was Marx; and after Marx, the Joachimite three-step was permanently grafted onto revolutionary tactics.
The esoteric story, of course, is different. For instance, in 1914, when the fifth and final stage of Western Civilization was dawning, James Joyce published A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The five chapters of that novel not only suggested five stages in the hero's growth, but by the alteration of styles from chapter to chapter suggested a.n.a.logies with other five-stage processes. This was too much for the Illuminati Primi of the time, who warned Joyce to be more careful in the future. A battle of wills ensued, and all through the writing of Ulysses Ulysses Joyce was still considering a novel built entirely around the Law of Fives. When the Illuminati gave him what they call "the Tiresias treatment" -blindness-he finally compromised. Joyce was still considering a novel built entirely around the Law of Fives. When the Illuminati gave him what they call "the Tiresias treatment" -blindness-he finally compromised. Finnegans Wake Finnegans Wake, when it appeared, broke with the Joachim-Hegel-Marx three-step but did not include the funfwissenschaft funfwissenschaft. Instead, the Viconian four-stage theory was resurrected, a middle path that appealed to Joyce's sense of synchronicity, since he had once taught at a school on Vico Road in Dublin and later also lived in a house on Via Giambattista Vico in Rome.*
Now for a few words about the "real truth," at least as the Illuminati understand "real truth."
Every society actually through the five stages of Verwirrung Verwirrung, or chaos; Zweitracht Zweitracht, or discord; Unordnung Unordnung, or confusion; Beamtenherrschaft Beamtenherrschaft, or bureaucracy; and Grummet Grummet, or aftermath. Sometimes, to make comparison with the exoteric Hegel-Marx system more pointed, the esoteric Illuminati system is defined as: Thesis, Ant.i.thesis, Synthesis, Parenthesis, and Paralysis. The public Hegel-Marx triad is also called the tricycle, and the arcane latter two stages are called the bicycle; one of the first secrets revealed to every Illuminatus Minore is "After the tricycle it comes always the bicycle." (The Illuminati are rather toward literal translations from Weishaupt's German.) The first stage, Verwirrung Verwirrung or chaos, is the point from which all societies begin and to which they all return. It is, so to speak, the natural condition of humanity-an estimation which the reader can confirm by closely observing his neighbors (or, if he has the necessary objectivity, himself). or chaos, is the point from which all societies begin and to which they all return. It is, so to speak, the natural condition of humanity-an estimation which the reader can confirm by closely observing his neighbors (or, if he has the necessary objectivity, himself).
It is, therefore, also the fundamental Thesis. The Illuminati a.s.sociate this with Eris, and also with other G.o.ddesses from Isis to Ishtar and from Kwannon to Kali-with the Female Principle, yin, in general. This correlates with hexagram 2 in the I Ching: I Ching: that is, that is, K'un K'un, which has the meanings of receptivity, nature (in contrast to spirit), earth (in contrast to sky), female (in contrast to male). Thus, although this is the first stage chronologically, it has the mystical number 2, which is always a.s.sociated with the female in magic; and it correlates with the 2nd trump in Tarot, the High Priestess, who represents not only maternity and fertility but gnosis. The sign of the horns represents Verwirrung Verwirrung because the fingers make a V shape; and the planet or the symbol of Venus, because the fingers make a V shape; and the planet or the symbol of Venus,[image] , also designates this stage. On the Zodiac: Aquarius, , also designates this stage. On the Zodiac: Aquarius,[image] . .
The second stage, Zweitracht Zweitracht, begins with the appearance of a ruling or governing cla.s.s. This is the Ant.i.thesis of chaos, of course, and leads directly into discord when the servile cla.s.s discovers that its interests are not the same as the interests of the ruling cla.s.s. This correlates with Osiris, Jehovah, and all masculine deities; with the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye; with hexagram 1 in the I Ching: Ch'ien I Ching: Ch'ien, the creative, the heavenly, the strong, the powerful; with the male principle, yang, in general; with the number 3, symbolizing the all-male Christian trinity; with the 12th trump of the Tarot, the Hanged Man, symbolizing sacrifice, schism and schizophrenia; and with the planet or symbol of Mars,[image] . Naturally, a . Naturally, a Zweitracht Zweitracht period is always replete with "internal contradictions," and somebody like Karl Marx always arises to point them out. On the Zodiac: Pisces, period is always replete with "internal contradictions," and somebody like Karl Marx always arises to point them out. On the Zodiac: Pisces,[image] . .
The third stage, Unordnung Unordnung or confusion, occurs when an attempt is made to restore balance or arrive at the Hegelian Synthesis. This correlates with Loki, the Devil, Mercury (G.o.d of thieves), Thoth in his role of Trickster, Coyote, and other spirits of illusion or deception; with hexagram 4 in the or confusion, occurs when an attempt is made to restore balance or arrive at the Hegelian Synthesis. This correlates with Loki, the Devil, Mercury (G.o.d of thieves), Thoth in his role of Trickster, Coyote, and other spirits of illusion or deception; with hexagram 4 in the I Ching, Meng I Ching, Meng, youthful folly or standing on the brink of the abyss; with the number 11, signifying sin, penance, and revelation; with the 21st trump in the Tarot, the Fool who walks over the abyss; and with the planet or sign of Mercury,[image] . It represents that attempt to restore the state of nature by unnatural means, an annihilation of the biogram by the logogram. On the Zodiac: Cancer, . It represents that attempt to restore the state of nature by unnatural means, an annihilation of the biogram by the logogram. On the Zodiac: Cancer,[image] . .
The fourth stage, Beamtenherrschaft Beamtenherrschaft or bureaucracy, represents the Parentheses that occur when the Hegelian Synthesis does not succeed in reconciling the opposites. This correlates with Void (absence of any divinity); with or bureaucracy, represents the Parentheses that occur when the Hegelian Synthesis does not succeed in reconciling the opposites. This correlates with Void (absence of any divinity); with I Ching I Ching hexagram 47, hexagram 47, K'un K'un, oppression or exhaustion, superior men held in restraint by inferior men; with the number 8, indicating balance and the Last Judgment; with the 16th Tarot trump, Falling Tower, representing deteriorations and the Tower of Babel; and with the planetoid or sign of the moon,[image] . On the Zodiac: Libra, . On the Zodiac: Libra,[image] . .
The fifth stage, Grummet Grummet or aftermath, represents the transition back to chaos. Bureaucracy chokes in its own paperwork; mind is at the end of its tether; in desperation, many begin to deny the logogram and follow the biogram, with varying degrees of success. This correlates with Hermaphrodite; with or aftermath, represents the transition back to chaos. Bureaucracy chokes in its own paperwork; mind is at the end of its tether; in desperation, many begin to deny the logogram and follow the biogram, with varying degrees of success. This correlates with Hermaphrodite; with I Ching I Ching hexagram 59, hexagram 59, Huan Huan, dispersion, dissolution, foam on the water; with the number 5, union of male and female; with the 6th trump of the Tarot, the Lovers, indicating union; and with the sun or its symbol,[image] On the Zodiac: Virgo, On the Zodiac: Virgo,[image]
Since the a.s.sociation of these references, and their bearings on history, may be a bit unclear to some readers, we will give further details on each stage.
In this chaotic period, the Hodge and the Hodge are in dynamic balance. There is no stasis: The balance is always shifting and homeostatic, in the manner of the ideal "self-organizing system" of General Systems Theory or Cybernetics. The Illuminati, and all authoritarian types in general, dislike such ages so much that they try to prevent any records of their existence from reaching the general public. Pre-Chou China was one such period, and its history (except for some fragments in Taoist lore) is largely lost; we do know, however, that the I Ching I Ching was reorganized when the Chou Dynasty introduced patriarchal authoritarianism to China. It was then that the hexagram was reorganized when the Chou Dynasty introduced patriarchal authoritarianism to China. It was then that the hexagram K'un K'un,[image] , a.s.sociated with this period was moved from the first place to its present, second place in the , a.s.sociated with this period was moved from the first place to its present, second place in the Ching Ching. Every line in K'un K'un is broken (yin), because this is a feminist and prepatriarchal form of society, and because yin correlates with the agricultural rather than the urban. Always linked to darkness by mystics, this is broken (yin), because this is a feminist and prepatriarchal form of society, and because yin correlates with the agricultural rather than the urban. Always linked to darkness by mystics, this K'un K'un style of sensibility is also linked, by the Illuminati, with style of sensibility is also linked, by the Illuminati, with dreck dreck (dung) and everything they find messy and intolerable about ordinary human beings. (The Erisians, of course, take the opposite position, connect this with Eris, the primordial G.o.ddess, and regard it as ideal.) (dung) and everything they find messy and intolerable about ordinary human beings. (The Erisians, of course, take the opposite position, connect this with Eris, the primordial G.o.ddess, and regard it as ideal.) Verwirrung is numerologically linked with 2, not only because of is numerologically linked with 2, not only because of K'un's K'un's shift from first to second place in the shift from first to second place in the Ching Ching, but because it is the balance of Hodge and Podge. Thus, even though it is the first stage chronologically, it is never linked with 1 in magic sense, because 1 signifies the erect p.e.n.i.s, the male principle in isolation, and such authoritarian games as monotheism, monopoly, monogamy, and general monotony. This dynamic 2-ness of Verwirrung Verwirrung is also implicit in its Tarot card, the 2nd trump or High Priestess, who sits between a black pillar and a white one (cf. The Hodge and Podge) and who represents mystery, magic, mischief, and Erisian values generally. She wears the balanced (solar) cross, rather than the unbalanced (Christian) cross, to emphasize the unity of opposites in such a historical period. is also implicit in its Tarot card, the 2nd trump or High Priestess, who sits between a black pillar and a white one (cf. The Hodge and Podge) and who represents mystery, magic, mischief, and Erisian values generally. She wears the balanced (solar) cross, rather than the unbalanced (Christian) cross, to emphasize the unity of opposites in such a historical period.
Typical Aquarians who have manifested Verwirrung Verwirrung values are Aaron Burr, Christopher Marlowe, Hung Mung, Charles Darwin, Willard Gibbs (who incorporated chaos into mathematics), Mrs. Patrick Campbell, Elizabeth Blackwell (pioneer woman physician), Anna Pavlova, Mozart, Lewis Carrol, Robert Burns, James Joyce, Lord Byron, David Wark Griffith, and Gelett Burgess, author of the cla.s.sic Erisian poem: values are Aaron Burr, Christopher Marlowe, Hung Mung, Charles Darwin, Willard Gibbs (who incorporated chaos into mathematics), Mrs. Patrick Campbell, Elizabeth Blackwell (pioneer woman physician), Anna Pavlova, Mozart, Lewis Carrol, Robert Burns, James Joyce, Lord Byron, David Wark Griffith, and Gelett Burgess, author of the cla.s.sic Erisian poem: I never saw a purple cow I never hope to see one But I'll tell you this anyhow: I'd rather see than be one.
The Verwirrung Verwirrung phase of European history is identified with the Danubian Culture, so called because most of its relics have been found along the of the Danube. According to archeologists, the Danubian culture was agricultural, pre-urban, worshipped a female rather than a male G.o.d, and never invented anything remotely like a state. The pre-Inca society of Peru, the Minoan civilization, the pre-Chou period of China already mentioned, and many American Indian tribes still surviving also represent a phase of European history is identified with the Danubian Culture, so called because most of its relics have been found along the of the Danube. According to archeologists, the Danubian culture was agricultural, pre-urban, worshipped a female rather than a male G.o.d, and never invented anything remotely like a state. The pre-Inca society of Peru, the Minoan civilization, the pre-Chou period of China already mentioned, and many American Indian tribes still surviving also represent a Verwirrung Verwirrung social framework. The synthesis of Hodge and Podge, and especially of biogram and logogram, in such cultures is indicated by the amazement of explorers from authoritarian societies when first encountering them. The usual words about the "grace" and "spontaniety" of the natives merely represent the lack of authoritarian conflict between biogram and logogram: These people sit, like the Tarot High Priestess, between opposite poles, without tilting one way or the other. social framework. The synthesis of Hodge and Podge, and especially of biogram and logogram, in such cultures is indicated by the amazement of explorers from authoritarian societies when first encountering them. The usual words about the "grace" and "spontaniety" of the natives merely represent the lack of authoritarian conflict between biogram and logogram: These people sit, like the Tarot High Priestess, between opposite poles, without tilting one way or the other.
But the fact that this is a dynamic dynamic and not a and not a static static balance means that eventually (after 73 permutations, according to Weishaupt) the second stage must evolve. balance means that eventually (after 73 permutations, according to Weishaupt) the second stage must evolve.
In this discordant period, the Hodge and the Podge are in conflict, because a ruling cla.s.s emerges which attempts to control the others. This correlates with hexagram 1,[image] , , Ch'ien Ch'ien, the all-powerful, in the I Ching I Ching. The six unbroken lines represent the severity and monotony of such a period, which is, above all, the age of the T-square, the building of fences, the division of lands by "boundaries" drawn on maps, and the imposition of one man's (or one group's) will upon all others. Typically, the earth is regarded as both flat and finite by the Zweitracht Zweitracht mentality, and there is much concern with dividing it up into portions (among themselves, of course). The "superst.i.tious" terror of American Indians when first confronting maps was merely the reaction of a mentality, and there is much concern with dividing it up into portions (among themselves, of course). The "superst.i.tious" terror of American Indians when first confronting maps was merely the reaction of a Verwirrung Verwirrung mentality to a mentality to a Zweitracht Zweitracht mentality: The Indians could not conceive of people treating earth as a thing to be exploited rather than a mother to be respected. mentality: The Indians could not conceive of people treating earth as a thing to be exploited rather than a mother to be respected.
Zweitracht a.s.sociates with 3 numerologically because 3 is the totally male number, because all-male Trinities (Brahma-Vishnu-Siva, Father-Son-Spirit, etc.) are invented in such ages, and because the discord always has a minimum of 3 vectors, not merely 2. That is, the division into a propertied ruling cla.s.s and an unpropertied governed cla.s.s immediately sets in motion further cupidity; the ruling cla.s.s soon falls to fighting over the spoils. Contrary to Marx, most of the strife in a.s.sociates with 3 numerologically because 3 is the totally male number, because all-male Trinities (Brahma-Vishnu-Siva, Father-Son-Spirit, etc.) are invented in such ages, and because the discord always has a minimum of 3 vectors, not merely 2. That is, the division into a propertied ruling cla.s.s and an unpropertied governed cla.s.s immediately sets in motion further cupidity; the ruling cla.s.s soon falls to fighting over the spoils. Contrary to Marx, most of the strife in Zweitracht Zweitracht ages is not the conflict between proprietors and proles but between various proprietors over who gets the biggest share of the pie. ages is not the conflict between proprietors and proles but between various proprietors over who gets the biggest share of the pie.
The governing Tarot card is trump 12, the Hanged Man. The cross on which he hangs is blossoming, to show that it is still organic and alive (the biogram); he hangs upside down, to show the reversal of nature. He represents both the burden of omniscience in the owning-governing cla.s.s and the burden of nescience in the servile-submissive cla.s.s: the total crucifixion of desire by Realprinzip Realprinzip and and Realpolitik Realpolitik.
The astrological sign of this period is Pisces, the two fish swimming in opposite directions indicating the conflict of logogram and biogram ("body" and "spirit," astrologers say.) Typical Pisceans who have shown the Zweitracht Zweitracht personality are E. H. Harriman, the railroad magnate (who covered the United States with personality are E. H. Harriman, the railroad magnate (who covered the United States with Ch'ien-style Ch'ien-style unbroken straight lines), Cardinal John Henry Newman, Sir Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts (an attempt to instill Piscean authoritarianism even in childhood), Admiral Chester Nimitz, John Foster Dulles, Anna Lee (founder of the world's most antis.e.xual religion, the Shakers), industrialists like Kruger and Pullman, financiers like Cambell and Braden, Grover Cleveland, John C. Calhoun, Neville Chamberlain, Andrew Jackson (whose expulsion of the Cherokee Nation from its traditional lands onto the "trail of tears," where most of them perished, is the archetypal unbroken straight lines), Cardinal John Henry Newman, Sir Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts (an attempt to instill Piscean authoritarianism even in childhood), Admiral Chester Nimitz, John Foster Dulles, Anna Lee (founder of the world's most antis.e.xual religion, the Shakers), industrialists like Kruger and Pullman, financiers like Cambell and Braden, Grover Cleveland, John C. Calhoun, Neville Chamberlain, Andrew Jackson (whose expulsion of the Cherokee Nation from its traditional lands onto the "trail of tears," where most of them perished, is the archetypal Zweitracht Zweitracht land-grab), William Jennings Bryan, and Frank Stanton of CBS. land-grab), William Jennings Bryan, and Frank Stanton of CBS.
Since all Illuminati with any academic leanings at all are encouraged to major in history, the tendency in most textbooks is not only to black out Verwirrung Verwirrung periods but to glorify periods but to glorify Zweitracht Zweitracht periods as ages of Light and Progress. Indeed, they make entertaining reading: They are ages of expansion, and there are always new people being discovered to be subjugated, "civilized," and converted to tax-payers and rent-payers. Almost any age described in glowing and admiring language in a history text will prove, on examination, to be a periods as ages of Light and Progress. Indeed, they make entertaining reading: They are ages of expansion, and there are always new people being discovered to be subjugated, "civilized," and converted to tax-payers and rent-payers. Almost any age described in glowing and admiring language in a history text will prove, on examination, to be a Zweitracht Zweitracht era, and the foremost butchers and invaders are treated as the outstanding heroes of humanity. A sympathetic reading of the biographies of these empire-builders almost always indicates that they were era, and the foremost butchers and invaders are treated as the outstanding heroes of humanity. A sympathetic reading of the biographies of these empire-builders almost always indicates that they were h.o.m.o neophile h.o.m.o neophile individuals who turned their talents to destruction rather than creativity because of bitterness engendered by years of torment and baiting by individuals who turned their talents to destruction rather than creativity because of bitterness engendered by years of torment and baiting by h.o.m.o neophobe h.o.m.o neophobe types during their childhoods. types during their childhoods.
The ever-present conflict in a Zweitracht Zweitracht period eventually leads to the third stage. period eventually leads to the third stage.
Humanity has been transformed during a Zweitracht Zweitracht age, by placing logogram in governing authority over biogram. age, by placing logogram in governing authority over biogram. Unordnung Unordnung is an attempt to restore balance by revolutionizing the logogram; there is no thought about the biogram, because contact with this somatic component of personality has been lost. (This loss of contact has been variously described by pre-Celinean observers: It is "the veil of Maya" in Buddhism, the "censor band" or "repression" in psychoa.n.a.lysis, the "character armoring" and "muscular armoring" in Reichian psychology, etc.) is an attempt to restore balance by revolutionizing the logogram; there is no thought about the biogram, because contact with this somatic component of personality has been lost. (This loss of contact has been variously described by pre-Celinean observers: It is "the veil of Maya" in Buddhism, the "censor band" or "repression" in psychoa.n.a.lysis, the "character armoring" and "muscular armoring" in Reichian psychology, etc.) The I Ching I Ching hexagram for this stage is Meng, hexagram for this stage is Meng,[image] , or Youthful Folly. The yang line at the top indicates the continued supremacy of logogram, even though some biogram elements (the yin lines) begin to rea.s.sert themselves. The traditional reading is "mountain above water;" that is, the rigid logogram still repressing the Aquarian element as it seeks to liberate itself. The usual Chinese interpretation of this hexagram is "The young fool needs discipline," and the leaders of all rebellions at this stage always heartily agree with that and demand unquestioning obedience from their followers. This is a time of turmoils, troubles, and tyrannies that appear and disappear rapidly. , or Youthful Folly. The yang line at the top indicates the continued supremacy of logogram, even though some biogram elements (the yin lines) begin to rea.s.sert themselves. The traditional reading is "mountain above water;" that is, the rigid logogram still repressing the Aquarian element as it seeks to liberate itself. The usual Chinese interpretation of this hexagram is "The young fool needs discipline," and the leaders of all rebellions at this stage always heartily agree with that and demand unquestioning obedience from their followers. This is a time of turmoils, troubles, and tyrannies that appear and disappear rapidly.
The mystical number is 11, which means "a new start" in Kabalism and "error and repentence" in most other systems of numerology.
Tarot trump 21, The Fool, symbolizes this age as a dreamy-eyed youth unknowingly walking over an abyss. The Hitlerjugend Hitlerjugend, and the disciples of various other fuehrers fuehrers and messiahs, immediately come to mind. That this card is disputed by various Tarot experts, and is given a numerical value of 0 rather than 21 by the wisest, indicates the confusion in all and messiahs, immediately come to mind. That this card is disputed by various Tarot experts, and is given a numerical value of 0 rather than 21 by the wisest, indicates the confusion in all Unordnung Unordnung periods. The dog who barks to warn the Young Fool, like the yin lines in the hexagram, represents the desperate attempts of the biogram to break through the repression or censor-band and make itself heard. periods. The dog who barks to warn the Young Fool, like the yin lines in the hexagram, represents the desperate attempts of the biogram to break through the repression or censor-band and make itself heard.
Typical Cancerians who exemplified Unordnung Unordnung are Julius Caesar, Mary Baker Eddy (whose philosophy was an explicit denial of the biogram), Albert Parsons, Emma Goldman, Benjamin Peret, Vladimir Mayakofski, Henry David Th.o.r.eau, Durrutti, P-J Proudhon Brooks Adams, General Kitchener, Luigi Pirandello (the literary master of ambiguity), Erich Ambler (the literary master of conspiracy), Calvin Coolidge (who issued the cla.s.sically muddled Cancerian statement "Be as revolutionary as science and as conservative as the multiplication table"), Andrei Gromyko, Nelson Rockefeller, John Calvin, Estes Kefauver, and Rexford Tugwell. are Julius Caesar, Mary Baker Eddy (whose philosophy was an explicit denial of the biogram), Albert Parsons, Emma Goldman, Benjamin Peret, Vladimir Mayakofski, Henry David Th.o.r.eau, Durrutti, P-J Proudhon Brooks Adams, General Kitchener, Luigi Pirandello (the literary master of ambiguity), Erich Ambler (the literary master of conspiracy), Calvin Coolidge (who issued the cla.s.sically muddled Cancerian statement "Be as revolutionary as science and as conservative as the multiplication table"), Andrei Gromyko, Nelson Rockefeller, John Calvin, Estes Kefauver, and Rexford Tugwell.
An Unordnung Unordnung period has always been thought of (even before Hegel provided the words) as a synthesis between the thesis of period has always been thought of (even before Hegel provided the words) as a synthesis between the thesis of Verwirrung Verwirrung and the ant.i.thesis and the ant.i.thesis Zweitracht; Zweitracht; since it is a false synthesis on the logogrammic level only, it always gives birth to the fourth stage, the Parenthesis. since it is a false synthesis on the logogrammic level only, it always gives birth to the fourth stage, the Parenthesis.
This is the age of bureaucracy, and to live at this time is, as Proudhon said, "to have every operation, every transaction, every movement noted, registered, counted, rated, stamped, measured, numbered, a.s.sessed, licensed, refused, authorized, endorsed, admonished, prevented, reformed, redressed, be laid under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, exhausted, hoaxed, and robbed." The governing I Ching I Ching hexagram is 47, hexagram is 47, K'un K'un,[image] , oppression or exhaustion, the dried-up lake, with the usual reading of superior men oppressed by the inferior. This is the time when , oppression or exhaustion, the dried-up lake, with the usual reading of superior men oppressed by the inferior. This is the time when h.o.m.o neophobe h.o.m.o neophobe types most rigorously repress types most rigorously repress h.o.m.o neophile h.o.m.o neophile types, and great heresy hunts and witch trials flourish. This correlates with the number 8, signifying the Last Judgment, because every citizen is to some extent a State functionary, and each is on trial before the jury of all. The traditional Chinese a.s.sociations with this hexagram are sitting under a bare tree and wandering through an empty valley-signifying the ecological havoc wreaked by purely abstract minds working upon the organic web of nature. types, and great heresy hunts and witch trials flourish. This correlates with the number 8, signifying the Last Judgment, because every citizen is to some extent a State functionary, and each is on trial before the jury of all. The traditional Chinese a.s.sociations with this hexagram are sitting under a bare tree and wandering through an empty valley-signifying the ecological havoc wreaked by purely abstract minds working upon the organic web of nature.
The 16th Tarot trump, The Tower, describes this age. The Tower is struck by lightning and the inhabitants fall from the windows. (Cf. the Tower of Babel legend and our recent power failures.) The traditional interpretations of this card suggest pride, oppression, and bankruptcy.
This correlates with Libra, the mentality which measures and balances all things on an artificial scale (Maya). Typical Libras who have manifested Beamtenherrschaft Beamtenherrschaft characterists are Comte de Saint Simon, Justice John Marshall, Hans Geiger, Henry Wallace, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kenneth Galbraith, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., John Dewey, and Dr. Joyce Brothers. characterists are Comte de Saint Simon, Justice John Marshall, Hans Geiger, Henry Wallace, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kenneth Galbraith, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., John Dewey, and Dr. Joyce Brothers.
In Beamtenherrschaft Beamtenherrschaft ages there is ceaseless activity, all planned in advance, begun at the scheduled second, carefully supervised, scrupulously recorded-but inevitably finished late and poorly done. The burden of omniscience on the ruling cla.s.s becomes virtually intolerable, and most flee into some form of schizophrenia or fantasy. Great towers, pyramids, moon shots, and similar marvels are accomplished at enormous cost while the underpinnings of social solidarity crumble entirely. While blunders multiply, no responsible individual can ever be found, because all decisions are made by committees; anyone seeking redress of grievance wanders into endless corridors of paperwork with no more tangible result than in the Hunting of the Snark. Illuminati historians, of course, describe these ages as glowingly as ages there is ceaseless activity, all planned in advance, begun at the scheduled second, carefully supervised, scrupulously recorded-but inevitably finished late and poorly done. The burden of omniscience on the ruling cla.s.s becomes virtually intolerable, and most flee into some form of schizophrenia or fantasy. Great towers, pyramids, moon shots, and similar marvels are accomplished at enormous cost while the underpinnings of social solidarity crumble entirely. While blunders multiply, no responsible individual can ever be found, because all decisions are made by committees; anyone seeking redress of grievance wanders into endless corridors of paperwork with no more tangible result than in the Hunting of the Snark. Illuminati historians, of course, describe these ages as glowingly as Zweitracht Zweitracht epochs, for, although control is in the hands of epochs, for, although control is in the hands of h.o.m.o neophobe h.o.m.o neophobe types, there is at least a kind of regularity, order, and geometrical precision about everything, and the "messiness" of the barbaric types, there is at least a kind of regularity, order, and geometrical precision about everything, and the "messiness" of the barbaric Verwirrung Verwirrung ages and revolutionary ages and revolutionary Unordnung Unordnung ages is absent. ages is absent.
Nevertheless, the burden of omniscience on the rulers steadily escalates, as we have indicated, and the burden of nescience on the servile cla.s.s increasingly renders them unfit to serve (more and more are placed on the dole, shipped to "mental" hospitals, or recruited into whatever is the current a.n.a.log of the gladiatorial games), so the Tower eventually falls.
The age of Grummet begins with an upsurge of magicians, hoaxers, Yippies, Kabouters, shamans, clowns, and other Eristic forces. The relevant I Ching hexagram is 59, Huan Huan,[image] , dispersion and dissolution. The gentle wind above the deep water is the Chinese reading of the image, with a.s.sociations of loss of ego, separation from the group, and "going out" in general. Yin lines dominate all but the top of the hexagram; the forces leading to a new , dispersion and dissolution. The gentle wind above the deep water is the Chinese reading of the image, with a.s.sociations of loss of ego, separation from the group, and "going out" in general. Yin lines dominate all but the top of the hexagram; the forces leading to a new Verwirrung Verwirrung stage are pushing upward toward release. This is also called Paralysis by the Illuminati, because, objectively, nothing much is happening; subjectively, of course, the preparations for the new cycle are working unconsciously. stage are pushing upward toward release. This is also called Paralysis by the Illuminati, because, objectively, nothing much is happening; subjectively, of course, the preparations for the new cycle are working unconsciously.