The Idol Group Pet Became A Final Boss! - Chapter 611 - What A Hot-Tempered Fatty

Chapter 611 - What A Hot-Tempered Fatty

Chapter 611: What A Hot-Tempered Fatty


Dragon Boat Translation


Dragon Boat Translation

With mixed feelings, Xiang Yis brothers accepted the equipment that she gave them and continued playing the game.

Even Hell mode cannot stop a professional player and a godly player whos pretending to be a newbie.

The big Game Over! bubble popped up, and the few of them were left lusting for more.

This is awesome. Wander lamented, Xiang Yi, have you considered becoming a professional e-sports player?

From his professional point of view, there was absolutely no problem with Xiang Yis operation. Although her age of twenty was considered a little too old to e getting started in e-sports, it was absolutely not an issue.

Wander saw her talent and potential but he didnt expect that his suggestion would spark such a huge uproar in the livestream comment section.

Xiang Yis fans were naturally laughing and praising her but the gaming fans who had just been priven wrong were eagerly trying to defend the so-called glory of the gaming community.

[Shes just a woman. No matter how impressive she may be, shes still just a woman]

[Not to mention the local gaming industry. Even in the worldwide gaming industry, there are very few female professional e-sports players]

[Its not that we look down on women, but women are just not suitable for e-sports, just like how theyre not suitable for science]

[The best elites of every industry are all men. If women are really that good, why isnt there a female player in the top local e-sports team?]

When it comes to sensitive topics like gender, the netizens suddenly started arguing.

The response from Xiang Yi, however, made people want to pat their thighs and marvel.

Wander, are you interested in farming?

Wander was stunned for a moment but he soon laughed and asked, Xiang Yi, are you trying to poach me? I usually charge high rates but since its you, I can charge you a friendly rate.

Xiang Yi said, Okay, okay, if you poach me, Ill give you a 1% discount.

The conversation between the two people showed their emotional intelligence.

Both of them turned each other down politely and jokingly.

The textbook way of response is a masterpiece.

Not far away, Shi Sui heard his words and lowered his eyes with a slight smirk as he scratched Xiao Naofus jaws.

Xiao Naofu nibbled his fingertips and stained them with its saliva but it didnt use any force.

The kitten had slowly and unknowingly accepted Shi Sui but it just refused to admit it.

Shi Sui said, Little fatty, youre quite hot-tempered.

Xiao Naofu: ???

Youre the one whos fat! You are the one!!!

Wander saw the others jumping at the chance to play, so he passed the controller to his teammates and let them continue to play, while he and Xiang Yi discussed the operation.

Although she didnt play many games, she had a clear and logical mind, and a knack for tactical use.

After talking to her for a while, Wander felt that he benefited a lot and sighed. Its really different to see things from another perspective.

He started out as a melee player, so even after he became a commander, he still couldnt help but think from the perspective of a melee player.

Xiang Yi, on the other hand, was thinking from the perspective of a healer and auxiliary character.

Why would you play as a support player, Xiang Yi? Wont you feel aggrieved? Generally, regardless of the game, the first to die is the auxiliary player.

Xiang Yi replied simply, Nothing, some people like to be the hero, and I think its good to be the one who claps for the hero.

This answer left Wander stunned.

After a long time, he sighed softly.

He then said self-deprecatingly and In fact, my wish as a child, is to become a scavenger. At that time, I didnt know anything and I felt that being a scavenger would give me a lot of freedom Now that I think of it, its really quite ridiculous. After all, other children wish to be astronauts and scientists or something

Xiang Yi shook her head and said in a sincere tone of voice, No, I think every profession and every choice deserves to be respected.