For the sun in garb of mourning veiled his radiant orb and pa.s.sed From his flaming path in sorrow, hiding till mankind aghast Deemed that o'er a world of chaos Night's eternal pall was cast.
Now, my soul, in liquid measures let the sounding numbers flow; Sing the trophy of His pa.s.sion, sing the Cross triumphant now; Sing the ensign of Christ's glory, marked on every faithful brow.
Ah! how wondrous was the fountain flowing from His pierced side, Whence the blood and water mingled in a strange and sacred tide,-- Water, sign of mystic cleansing; blood, the martyr's crown of pride.
In that hour the ancient Serpent saw the holy Victim slain, Saw, and shed his hate envenomed, all his malice spent in vain; See! the hissing neck is broken as he writhes in sullen pain.
Aye, what boots it, cursed Serpent, that the man G.o.d made from clay, Victim of thy baleful cunning, by thy lies was led astray?
G.o.d hath ta'en a mortal body and hath washed the guilt away.
Christ, our Captain, for a season deigned to dwell in Death's domain, That the dead, long time imprisoned, might return to life again, Breaking by His great example ancient sins' enthralling chain.
Thus, upon the third glad morning, patriarchs and saints of yore, As the risen Lord ascended, followed Him who went before, From forgotten graves proceeding, habited in flesh once more.
Limb to limb unites and rises from the ashes dry and cold, And the life-blood courses warmly through the frames long turned to mould, Skin and flesh, anew created, muscle, bone and nerve enfold.
Then, mankind to life restoring, Death downtrodden 'neath His feet, Lo! the Victor mounts triumphant to the Father's judgment-seat, Bringing back to heaven the glory by His pa.s.sion made complete.
Hail! Thou Judge of souls departed: hail! of all the living King!
On the Father's right hand throned, through His courts Thy praises ring, Till at last for all offences righteous judgment Thou shalt bring.
Now let old and young uniting chant to Thee harmonious lays, Maid and matron hymn Thy glory, infant lips their anthem raise, Boys and girls together singing with pure heart their song of praise.
Let the storm and summer sunshine, gliding stream and sounding sh.o.r.e, Sea and forest, frost and zephyr, day and night their Lord adore; Let creation join to laud Thee through the ages evermore.
Deus ignee fons animarum, duo qui socians elementa vivum simul ac moribundum hominem Pater effigiasti:
Tua sunt, tua rector utraque, 5 tibi copula iungitur horum, tibi, dum vegetata cohaerent, et spiritus et caro servit.
Rescissa sed ista seorsum solvunt hominera perimuntque, 10 humus excipit arida corpus, animae rapit aura liquorem.
Quia cuncta creata necesse est labefacta senescere tandem, conpactaque dissociari, 15 et dissona texta retexi.
Hanc tu, Deus optime, mortem famulis abolere paratus iter inviolabile monstras, quo perdita membra resurgant: 20
Ut, dum generosa caducis ceu carcere clausa ligantur, pars illa potentior extet, quae germen ab aethere traxit.
Si terrea forte voluntas 25 luteum sapit et grave captat, animus quoque pondere victus sequitur sua membra deorsum.
At si generis memor ignis contagia pigra recuset, 30 vehit hospita viscera sec.u.m, pariterque reportat ad astra.
Nam quod requiescere corpus vacuum sine mente videmus, spatium breve restat, ut alti 35 repetat conlegia sensus.
Venient cito secula, c.u.m iam socius calor ossa revisat animataque sanguine vivo habitacula pristina gestet. 40
Quae pigra cadavera pridem tumulis putrefacta iacebant, volucres rapientur in auras animas comitata priores.
Hinc maxima cura sepulcris 45 inpenditur: hinc resolutos honor ultimus accipit artus et funeris ambitus ornat.
Candore nitentia claro praetendere lintea mos est, 50 adspersaque myrrha Sabaeo corpus medicamine servat.
Quidnam sibi saxa cavata, quid pulchra volunt monumenta, nisi quod res creditur illis 55 non mortua, sed data somno?
Hoc provida Christicolarum pietas studet, utpote credens fore protinus omnia viva, quae nunc gelidus sopor urget. 60
Qui iacta cadavera pa.s.sim miserans tegit aggere terrae, opus exhibet ille benignum Christo pius omnipotenti:
Quin lex eadem monet omnes 65 gemitum dare sorte sub una, cognataque funera n.o.bis aliena in morte dolere.
Sancti sator ille Tobiae sacer ac venerabilis heros, 70 dapibus iam rite paratis ius praetulit exequiarum.
Iam stantibus ille ministris cyathos et fercula liquit, studioque accinctus humandi 75 fleto dedit ossa sepulcro.
Veniunt mox praemia caelo pretiumque rependitur ingens: nam lumina nescia solis Deus inlita felle serenat. 80
Iam tunc docuit Pater orbis, quam sit rationis egenis mordax et amara medela, c.u.m lux animum nova vexat.
Docuit quoque non prius ullum 85 caelestia cernere regna, quam nocte et vulnere tristi toleraverit aspera mundi.
Mors ipsa beatior inde est, quod per cruciamina leti 90 via panditur ardua iustis et ad astra doloribus itur.
Sic corpora mortificata redeunt melioribus annis, nec post obitum recalescens 95 conpago fatiscere novit.
Haec, quae modo pallida tabo color albidus inficit ora, tunc flore venustior omni sanguis cute tinget amoena. 100
Iam nulla deinde senectus frontis decus invida carpet, macies neque sicca lacertos suco tenuabit adeso.
Morbus quoque pestifer, artus 105 qui nunc populatur anhelos, sua tunc tormenta resudans luet inter vincula mille.
Hunc eminus aere ab alto victrix caro iamque perennis 110 cernet sine fine gementem quos moverat ipse dolores.
Quid turba superstes inepta clangens ululamina miscet, cur tam bene condita iura 115 luctu dolor arguit amens?
Iam maesta quiesce querela, lacrimas suspendite matres, nullus sua pignora plangat, mors haec reparatio vitae est. 120
Sic semina sicca viresc.u.n.t iam mortua iamque sepulta, quae reddita caespite ab imo veteres meditantur aristas.
Nunc suscipe terra fovendum, 125 gremioque hunc concipe molli: hominis tibi membra sequestro generosa et fragmina credo.
Animae fuit haec domus olim factoris ab ore creatae, 130 fervens habitavit in istis sapientia principe Christo.
Tu depositum tege corpus, non inmemor illa requiret sua munera fictor et auctor 135 propriique aenigmata vultus.