The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Luo Cheng glanced at Li Xiaoran, still hesitant.

"Don't worry! You forgot, I still have some skills! You can't go wrong, don't hesitate, go out and find someone! It's a life!" Li Xiaoran persuaded again .

"Okay! Then be careful!" Luo Cheng finally nodded, then asked Qin Meizhen where the person appeared, and then went to find someone.

After Luo Cheng left, Li Xiaoran quickly closed the courtyard door, and then called Da Huang and the others over.

"Rhubarb, you take them around the house and let me know if there is any movement!" Li Xiaoran said while rubbing the head of Rhubarb.

Rhubarb barked twice, indicating that he knew, and then took his dog brothers to patrol.

Li Xiaoran thought about it, and then called Li Xiaoqing out.

"Xiaoqing, you are sitting in this position. You don't have to do anything today, just play and observe the surroundings. If there is anything unusual, you can come and tell us! In this corner, there are no people outside. You must be able to see you, but you must be able to see others!"

Li Xiaoqing patted her chest when she saw that she was entrusted by her sister.

"Sister, don't worry, I will definitely watch it carefully!"

Li Xiaoran smiled and touched Xiaoqing's head, then looked at Qin Meizhen, who had been following her.

"Miss Qin, why don't you sit here with my sister?"

Qin Meizhen looked at Li Xiaoqing, then looked around, and finally shook her head.

"You just let me follow you! I'm very scared right now, only by your side can I feel safer!"

Li Xiaoran had no choice but to take her to the kitchen.

"You said you wanted to follow me, so just sit here! I'm going to get something to eat now, and I won't be able to leave for a while anyway, so it's more important to fill my stomach first! "

"Okay, I'll sit here, you can do your thing!" Qin Meizhen nodded and said obediently.

Li Xiaoran glanced at her and went directly to the stove.

"What is this? Are you not leaving now?"

"Well, something happened temporarily, and Luo Cheng went out to find someone! When he comes back and eats something, he will go to the town in time. It's just that, I'm afraid it won't be until tomorrow. I'm back!" Li Xiaoran said.

"I know, but I'm still worried about you!" Li Xiaoran said.

"Silly girl, she's already married, and she is so attached to her parents, if her son-in-law sees it, he will definitely be unhappy!"

"I am filial to my own parents, how can he be unhappy! Mother, don't look at Luo Cheng's coldness on weekdays, but he is actually kind!" Li Xiaoran praised Luo Cheng.

"Yes, yes, that's your husband, and in your eyes, he is naturally good!" Zhao Xiu laughed when she heard her daughter's words: "Finally, God opened his eyes. , let you marry a good man. Otherwise, neither your father nor I know what to think!"

"Mother, I live my life by myself! Don't worry! Your daughter, I am a lucky person and will live my life well!" Li Xiaoran said, putting her head down On Zhao Xiu's shoulder, he said softly.

"Okay, mother knows that my daughter is the best!" Zhao Xiu said with a smile: "Don't be fooling around here, since you want to eat, come quickly! Today I want to eat your food too!"

"Yes! Follow the order!" Li Xiaoran gave a skin, then went to wash his hands and started to work.

Qin Meizhen has been watching the interaction between Li Xiaoran and her daughter. At this moment, she is envious.

Her mother died when she was very young. Although her stepmother was kind to her, she had never gotten along so intimately.

Before, she always felt that meeting all her requirements was good to her.

But thinking about it now, it's ridiculously superficial!

"Let's make a double-cooked pork today! I remember that the garlic sprouts in our vegetable garden should be edible!" Li Xiaoran boiled the meat in the pot and remembered something.

"Looks like it's edible! I'm going to pull some back!" Zhao Xiu remembered, nodded, and walked towards the vegetable garden behind.

Skip off the bubbles on it, add salt, put the bowl of egg liquid in the rice cooker and steam it.

Seeing that there was some lean pork left on the plate, Li Xiaoran thought about it, then took the meat and washed it and chopped it, then soaked some sweet potato vermicelli in hot water, planning to make it later ants climb a tree.

On Zhao Xiu's side, not only did he bring some garlic sprouts, he also brought back some small cabbage.

"I'm sweating today, let's cook a bowl of soup and drink it!" Zhao Xiu said while preparing the dishes.

"Okay! Let's cook a little cabbage soup with broth!" Li Xiaoran said while opening the lid of the pot.

In this way, a meal was arranged and understood.

When Luo Cheng came back with an injured person, he just walked into the woods outside and smelled the aroma of the food.

"It seems that we came back in time!" A smile appeared on Luo Cheng's face.

Zi Yang hesitated when he heard Luo Cheng's words.

"Young Master, will I really follow you in the future?"

Luo Cheng stopped and looked at Ziyang: "Ziyang, you have been following me all these years, called master and servant, in fact, I have always regarded you as my own brother! Your body , I'm not suitable to be my secret guard anymore. It's better to turn the darkness into the light and be by my side. It just so happens that I have a lot of things that need you to do errands! "

To be honest, being able to live directly in front of people is naturally better.

Seeing that Luo Cheng had made up his mind, Zi Yang nodded.

"Then I will listen to your son's arrangement!"

"Okay! Xiaoran and I are going to town today. You stay at home while taking care of your health and taking care of the people at home. In this way, it also saves my worries!" Luo Cheng Instructed.

"Don't worry, son! I will take good care of everything at home!" Ziyang assured.

Luo Cheng nodded, patted Ziyang on the shoulder, and then smiled.

"Come on! Go back and meet your family!"

Zi Yang grinned when he heard this.

Good, he has a family too!

Luo Cheng and Zi masculine went in, and Li Xiaoqing saw them.

"Father, mother, sister, brother-in-law brought someone back!"

Hearing Li Xiaoqing's voice, Luo Cheng looked at the direction the voice came from, and suddenly laughed.

"This girl will find a place to hide!"