The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Wait for a while, there was no movement before.

This time, the two people who helped in the past turned their heads to look at Ma Zhao and them with a puzzled look.

"Aunt Cui, what do you think?" Ma Kai asked.

Aunt Cui thought about it for a while, and then said: "Maybe the other party has discovered you! Don't go over the wall, just break in!"

Ma Zhao felt the same way. Now that the nine of them have already folded one in, they can no longer give their heads to others like this.

"Go, Sun Monkey, go unlock the lock!" Ma Zhao said, and went straight to the gate with the remaining brothers.

It's just that they just got close, slipped under their feet, and threw a dog to eat shit.

Ma Zhao and Lu An walked behind, so they were lucky to escape.

Before Sun Monkey responded, something red suddenly floated out of the fence.

A group of people were caught unprepared, and they burst into tears.

"I'm going, this is chili powder! It hurts to death, my eyes!" Someone wailed.

Ma Zhao was the first to be recruited this time because of his standing.

At this time, his tears were constantly flowing and he couldn't stop.

Before they could react, another small stone was thrown from the wall and hit these people directly.

Ma Zhao quickly ran away, but those who slipped on the ground suffered.

I tried to get up, but I fell down accidentally.

One fell, and two fell, and then it became a pot of dumplings.

One after another, one after another, until everyone learned to be good, dare not stand up, lie on the ground and slide down, slowly sit up in a non-slippery place, and then quickly flee The place that makes them miserable.

Aunt Cui saw this, her eyes were full of disgust.

"Look at you, a bunch of big guys are useless!"

After finishing speaking, Aunt Cui tied one end of the rope to the top of a tree, and then called Lu An to guard the girl in the hood.

Seeing that Aunt Cui was about to attack, the girl with the hood immediately shouted: "The old witch is about to attack, be careful!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Aunt Cui turned around and bounced a stone over, tapped the girl's dumb hole, and then jumped up the fence.

As soon as she landed on the wall, she saw a stone shot towards her.

Aunt Cui snorted coldly, and threw her sleeves, and easily patted the stone on the ground.

"Hmph, it's just a trick! The people inside listen, if you are interested, you will come out and open the door yourself! My old lady can let go of the past and forgive you once! Blame the old lady for being rude to you!"

The house was silent, and there was no movement.

As soon as Aunt Cui saw it, she knew that the other party did not cry without seeing the coffin, so she simply jumped off the wall and came to the gate.

The door was slapped open with a palm, and Ma Zhao and the others also came over at this moment.

Just seeing that smooth piece of land, Ma Zhao called for someone to take out a machete or sickle, and dig a few holes directly, leaving a way out.

This time, a group of people finally entered the yard without any risk.

Just before they could think of anything, there was a sudden noise, and a fishing net fell from nowhere, instantly trapping a group of people.

Because Aunt Cui was standing on the edge, she hurriedly jumped to the grass on the other side when she heard the movement.

Just as soon as I dropped my foot, I felt a sharp pain in my footsteps.

Looking down, she was caught by the traps all the time.

Under the pain, Madam Cui was furious at the moment, took out the whip hidden in her waist, and rolled it aside, trying to open the trap.

As the saying goes, taking advantage of her illness and killing him, Luo Cheng flew out after observing in the dark, and stabbed Aunt Cui with a sword...

Rhubarb also rushed out with its little friends, and surrounded Ma Zhao and a group of them.

Here Luo Cheng and Aunt Cui had already fought together, and Aunt Cui broke the trap.

It's just that Aunt Cui was also injured, so she doesn't have the flexibility she used to deal with.

Luo Cheng made a move very calmly at this moment, secretly observing the flaws of the aunt in front of him.

Thanks to Luo Cheng's prudence, he never underestimated anyone, so he has always acted cautiously and never rushed forward.

Even though the other party was already showing a tired state at this time, Luo Cheng still did not take it lightly.

"I didn't expect that my mother-in-law even met an opponent today. It's really terrifying! It seems that you are not a simple hunter!" Aunt Cui stared at Luo Cheng and opened her mouth to try. road.

Luo Cheng didn't answer at all, and didn't bother to talk nonsense with Aunt Cui.

With Aunt Cui's physical strength, she must not last long, not to mention her right foot was injured!

So Luo Cheng was not in a hurry at all, just like he was teasing his prey, he attacked neither fast nor slow.

"Hmph, at such a young age, my heart is so vicious, and I want to kill my mother-in-law!" Aunt Cui seemed to see Luo Cheng's thoughts, and said with a cold snort.

Luo Cheng remained silent and continued to attack.

Aunt Cui saw this and knew that if she didn't escape today, she couldn't run away.

With a ruthless heart, Aunt Cui used a whip to deal with Luo Cheng, and the other hand took out some medicine powder directly from her pocket.

Just before she could move, she heard a voice.

"Cui Yueli, do you still want to see your son Anan?"

As soon as these words came out, Aunt Cui's hand suddenly stopped, and then she looked towards the place where the voice came from.

The person who said these words was none other than Li Xiaoran.

Before Aunt Cui asked anything, a cold sword pierced through her chest, and then she couldn't lift it in one breath, and she fell directly to the ground.

Luo Cheng knew very well that he stabbed the opponent's vital spot with this sword, and he thought that the opponent no longer had the ability to be a demon at this time.

It's just that these people walk on the tip of the knife all the year round, I'm afraid they are used to leaving behind, so they have to guard.

So Luo Cheng didn't go to Aunt Cui's side, but walked towards Li Xiaoran and the others.

"How did you know? Where is my Anan?" Aunt Cui now knew that her time was running out, her eyes were full of prayer, and she looked at Li Xiaoran.

It seems that if Li Xiaoran doesn't give her an answer at this time, she won't let her go!