The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 85

Chapter 85

"Since there is no help, then cut it off! It's a pity that when spring came, there was a sea of flowers here, and it was quite pleasing to the eye!" Luo Cheng said with some regret .

"Other suitable fruit trees can be planted after cutting down! These fruit trees are not suitable, there must be suitable ones! However, I don't plan to plant all fruit trees, only the outermost circle It's good to plant fruit trees, and the land in the middle should be used to grow vegetables and crops!" Li Xiaoran thought of something and said.

"Grow vegetables and crops? Are you sure? This piece of land is not small! If you just want to find something for your father-in-law to do, you might as well plant more than half of the fruit trees and leave a small piece of the rest. Leave the land to my father-in-law to plant!" Luo Cheng came up with a different idea.

"Since I said I want to plant the land, naturally it is different from other people's cultivation of vegetables and crops!" Li Xiaoran raised his chest at this moment, and said confidently: "Naturally , of course to do it well!"

Luo Cheng couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Xiaoran's confident look.

"Miss, why do you always look like you are confident in everything you do! What else can you do when you grow vegetables?"

Li Xiaoran heard Luo Cheng's disapproval, glanced at him, and said directly: "Young Master, just wait and see! I will definitely impress you!"

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaoran walked around the orchard again.

Squatting on the ground to touch the ground with my hands, and then moving stones in the fruit forest.

After the two of them walked around the fruit forest, Li Xiaoran already knew it.

To be honest, although Li Xiaoran is not very experienced in farming, but thanks to the overwhelming short videos in modern times, as a senior foodie, she still learned a lot of knowledge.

The sugar storage of berries is closely related to the light and climate.

According to local conditions, cultivate suitable fruit trees, in order to bear delicious fruit.

In addition, good use of grafting technology is also very important.

It only takes several years for fruit trees to mature and harvest, and Li Xiaoran doesn't want to waste time waiting.

So fruit trees should be planted, but not too many.

The remaining large area is naturally used to plant suitable things.

Li Xiaoran looked at this piece of land and roughly identified the situation of this piece of land.

Every land is good or bad.

Some lands have sufficient fertility and are suitable for growing crops.

In some fields, there is a lot of sandy soil, which is not suitable for growing vegetables and crops.

In some places, there is a lot of clay, so it is necessary to choose suitable crops for planting.

These four words are the most appropriate to describe all of this.

This is why Li Xiaoran had to walk through the whole fruit forest and read it again.

Back in the house, Li Xiaoran wanted to find some pen and paper to write down his thoughts.

But when she wanted to ask Luo Cheng for a pen and paper, she remembered that she was illiterate.

If she asks Luo Cheng for pen and paper, how should she explain her literacy?

Li Xiaoran has a headache when she thinks of this.

"What are you worrying about?" Luo Cheng asked softly when he saw Li Xiaoran frowning in her room.

"I want to read!" Li Xiaoran said subconsciously.

"Oh, then I'll teach you!" Luo Cheng raised his eyebrows when he heard this was the case.

As soon as Li Xiaoran heard this, he suddenly froze.

Yes! She didn't know it before, so let Luo Cheng teach her!

As long as she pretends to learn it, she can write by herself in the future.

"Okay! Okay! You can teach me now! It just so happens that I want to write a plan, you help me write it, I will read, recognize and learn to write by the way!" Li Xiaoran's eyes changed Delighted, he looked at Luo Cheng with hope.

Luo Cheng never thought that Li Xiaoran was so urgent about literacy.

However, since Li Xiaoran wants to learn, he is also willing to teach.

So Luo Cheng went to his room, took the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and then asked Li Xiaoran to read and write.

"Xianggong, you write down what I said first, and then teach me to read, how about writing?" Li Xiaoran suddenly thought of something and smiled slyly.

Luo Cheng looked at Li Xiaoran's smile and always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it for a while.

In the end, under Li Xiaoran's prayer, Luo Cheng could only record it according to what Li Xiaoran said.

"On the sandy side, you can plant some watermelons, peanuts, soybeans, wolfberry, and grapes." Li Xiaoran said while straightening his thoughts.

While listening, Luo Cheng wrote and wrote, recording what Li Xiaoran said on paper.

"Clay is suitable for growing lotus roots, rice, sugar cane, aquatic plants and other things!" Li Xiaoran continued after watching Luo Cheng's writing.

"As for the loam, it has good fertility and can grow anything!" Li Xiaoran thought of this and said.

Soon, three kinds of soil suitable for planting were written down on paper by Luo Cheng.

"So, you want to plant different things according to the characteristics of these soils?" After Luo Cheng finished writing, he already understood Li Xiaoran's thoughts and asked such a sentence.

"This is just a general idea. There are many things involved in what to plant! First of all, we must have suitable seeds or saplings, and then adjust measures to local conditions to see how to plant them!" Li Xiaoran shook He shook his head and said, "Don't underestimate the matter of farming, the knowledge in it is huge!"

Luo Cheng nodded in agreement when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"You are right, farming is indeed a great learning. If everyone can farm well, then there will not be so many people in the dynasty who are hungry!"

"It's not that others have not planted the land well. The harvest of the land is related to God. Seeing the sky to eat, that is, the common people who plant crops. In addition, the seeds of seedlings are also very important! Let's not talk about other things, just talk about rice! Some rice seeds are not good, and a field can only produce a little rice. However, some rice seeds are very good, and the yield of one mu of land will be greatly improved. Before this, other crops are the same! You have to choose the best seeds for cultivation and increase the yield, so that the common people can have enough to eat!" Li Xiaoran said plausibly.

Luo Cheng raised his head when he heard Li Xiaoran's words, his eyes were full of surprise.

"Miss, why do you know so much?"

Li Xiaoran immediately reacted when she heard Luo Cheng's words.

It happened, if she was not careful, she was a little complacent!

Let's show off your knowledge! Now, let's see how you explain it!

"These, shouldn't you see when you empathize with other people's emotions?" Luo Cheng's voice came.