The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Wu Yuanwai came soon, and he was the only one when he came.

The guards were all left in the yard, and only Wu Yuan walked in.

As soon as Mr. Wu came in, he saw Wang Mingjiang, and his face immediately showed joy.

Just when he wanted to speak, Luo Han spoke first.

"Mr. Wu, if I were you, I would definitely not make a sound at this time!"

Wu Yuanwai is also a person who has experienced a lot of things. Hearing Luo Han say this at this time, he immediately understood something.

When it reached his throat, he swallowed it immediately.

"Lord Luo, what's going on?" Wu Yuanwei sorted out his mood, and asked after a while.

"Wu Yuan, there is something I want you to see first!" Luo Han got up and came to Wang Mingjiang's side.

"Let Member Wu take a look!"

Wang Mingjiang glanced at Luo Han, remembered what Li Xiaoran said before, and simply pulled up his hair again, revealing the moth-like bruise on his neck.

"Huh!" At this time, Luo Han made such a voice.

The expression of Wu Yuanwai, who was also looking over at the same time, became very ugly!

"Come and see, is the bruise on the back of his neck not as blue as before? It looks a lot lighter?" Luo Han couldn't care about Wu Yuanwai's expression at this moment, He shouted directly at Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran.

Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran heard Luo Han's words and walked over to take a closer look.

"Yes, it is indeed much lighter than before! The bruises before were a little purple-red, but now there is no such deep color!" Luo Cheng observed it and said. .

Li Xiaoran looked at the faded bruise and thought of a possibility.

"Could it be that some of the poison in his body has been detoxified, so this change happened?"

"Yes, the toxins are reduced a little, and the bruises will be much lighter. Until the bruises are gone, the poisons will be gone! I don't know what you guys did, but you actually saved my son , to get rid of some of the toxins in his body!" Wu Yuanwai said excitedly at this moment.

At this time, all the people looked towards Wu Yuan, their eyes full of exploration.

"Wu Yuanwai, do you know this poison?" Luo Han asked.

"To tell the truth, Lord Luo, in fact, someone in the family has been poisoned by this poison!"

"You're talking about my eldest brother?" Wang Mingjiang remembered something and asked, "You all said that something happened to him, but you didn't say that something happened to him. Could it be that he is also in China? this poison?"

When Wu Yuanwai saw his son talking about this, he burst into tears and nodded sadly.

"That's right, your eldest brother has been infected with this poison before. It's just that we have searched all the famous doctors, but no one can cure this poison. The only way is to suppress this poison. It's just that the power of this poison is that the more you suppress it, the more ferocious the next rebound will be. Your elder brother died after the poison was suppressed. At that time, all of us were helpless, and there was nothing we could do about it. No, I can only watch your elder brother die from poison!"

"Since the eldest brother died like this, why did you bring me back? Are you not afraid that I will be poisoned like this?" Wang Mingjiang asked.

"No, you are wrong! The reason why you are brought back is because the doctor said that your elder brother's poison is from the mother's womb. Your elder brother is naturally caught, As your eldest brother's twin brother, you may have been recruited! That's why we found the Wang family, and we hope to consider you to go!" Wu Yuanwai said very painfully at the moment: "Also, I sent you to the Wang family back then. It's not that we don't care about your life or death, we took the initiative to send you to the Wang family!"

Li Xiaoran could sense all the emotions of Member Wu, and saw some images in front of him.

In a dark night, a man was burying a newborn baby in tears.

Just when he got up and wanted to leave, he suddenly heard the cry of a child coming from the river.

When the man saw a bamboo basket, he quickly stretched out his **** and pulled the bamboo basket over.

As expected, there was a newborn baby in the bamboo basket.

The man looked happy, and hurriedly picked up the child and hurried home.

Not long after the man walked with the baby, a figure quietly followed.

The figure quietly left after the man returned home and agreed with his sad wife to raise the child as his own.

After that, the figure returned to a rich man's house, and then reported the child's whereabouts to the master's house.

This main house is standing outside Wu Yuan.

Seeing this, the picture disappeared at once, and Li Xiaoran also recovered from the sympathy generated by Wu Yuanwai's violent emotions.

Li Xiaoran's face suddenly turned pale and bloodless.

"What's the matter with you?" Luo Cheng immediately noticed something was wrong with Li Xiaoran, and quickly supported her and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, maybe I was frightened before, and I feel a little uncomfortable right now! I'll just sit down and rest for a while!" Li Xiaoran waved his hand and said.

Luo Cheng didn't believe Li Xiaoran's words at all. She was not frightened before, but now she has become like this when she heard Wu Yuanwai talk about the events of the year. There must be something here that he doesn't know. .


Soon, the hot water was poured out. After Li Xiaoran took two sips, she calmed down and felt a lot better.

Sure enough, this empathy ability is a double-edged sword. Every time she is attracted to empathy by intense emotions, it will bring a lot of wear and tear to her body.

Li Xiaoran has encountered such a situation several times in modern times before, and I don't expect to encounter it again this time.

Speaking of which, Li Xiaoran doesn't know whether her ability to feel other people's emotions and then bring sympathy is good or bad.

"Miss Xiaoran, are you really okay?" Wang Mingjiang asked with great concern.

"It's fine! Don't worry!" Li Xiaoran replied with a smile: "Wu Yuan, I would take the liberty to ask if Wang Mingjiang's adoptive parents were rescued by you?"

Wu Yuanwai didn't expect Li Xiaoran to ask such a question, so he hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

"Wang Xing and Fang Yue did fall under the cliff, but I have been sending people to look for them. They are also considered lucky, and they hang on a big tree after falling. Up, the person passed out. When I called someone to rescue them, the couple were still in a coma!"