The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 77

Chapter 77

"No!" At this moment, Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng said a word at the same time.

The voice fell, and the two looked at each other.

"Did you also find something wrong?" Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng asked in unison.

Li Xiaoran nodded, and then said, "Wang Mingjiang, is it your first time to go to the restaurant where you come from the spring, or have you been there many times before?"

Wang Mingjiang thought about it carefully, and then said: "It should be my first time!"

"That's not right! The first time you went there, the shop assistant didn't ask anything, just served you wine and peanuts. I thought you knew each other, or maybe you I'm a regular customer there, so you don't need to order food to know what you want!" Li Xiaoran told her what was wrong.

Wang Mingjiang was stunned for a moment, and then he really remembered this strange place in his mind.

"It's not just this one! Think carefully about why you were ordered to hide from you by Mr. Wu, just when you woke up and heard two servants outside your house talking about your raising The news of the death of your parents? Also, you are alone, and you don't know how the Wu family came out. Isn't this even more strange? The Wu family is so big, and you are a big living person. So you ran out, and Wu Yuan sent people everywhere to look for you, but they never found you!"

"And you appeared in the restaurant where Chunyilai came, and then we bumped into it!" Luo Cheng also suggested something wrong at this moment.

Hearing this, Luo Han suddenly remembered something and came directly to Wang Mingjiang's side.

"Put your hair back and let me see the back of your neck!"

Wang Mingjiang didn't understand what Luo Han was going to do, so he looked at Li Xiaoran subconsciously.

Li Xiaoran nodded, indicating that Luo Han is trustworthy.

So Wang Mingjiang turned around, turned his back to Luo Han, lifted his hair, and lowered his head.

When Wang Mingjiang lowered his head, a black bruise appeared on his neck.

If you look closely, the bruise is shaped like a moth.

"Sure enough! It's not bad at all!" Luo Han said after seeing the shape.

Luo Cheng also came over to take a closer look, and then his eyes fell on Luo Han's neck.

"Is this poisoned?"

"Yeah!" Luo Han nodded and said, "Do you remember the thing I went to your house to look for you a few days ago, hoping you could help me?"

Luo Cheng nodded and immediately understood.

"Is this related to your past?"

"Yes, but I can't figure it out, why did the other party attack the Wu family!" Luo Han said in a puzzled way.

"Is there a cure for my poison?" Wang Mingjiang turned his head and asked.

Luo Han glanced at Wang Mingjiang, shook his head and said, "So far, no antidote for this poison has been found. However, I know a doctor who can suppress the poison in your body. Have you been in a trance for a few days, and it's easy to forget things? Let's see if you can remember, when did you start doing this? Or when did you realize that something was wrong with you?

Wang Mingjiang recalled carefully now, little by little, as if recalling this kind of thing was also very difficult for him.

"I don't know! How can I not know? By the way, I think about it, it seems that the second day I came to Wu's house, people were not right, and my temperament became irritable. A lot. At that time, I thought I was doing this because I was worried about my eldest sister. Thinking about it carefully, I was really wrong at that time!"

"When did you return to Wu's house?" Li Xiaoran thought of something and asked.

"It was just ten days ago!" Wang Mingjiang thought about it and said: "Perhaps, it was thirteen days ago? It's strange, why can't I remember it clearly!"

"Don't ask, after being poisoned by this moth to the fire, many people are in a trance and their memories become blurred. Only when the obsession in his heart exists, will he remember Keep that thing. Others will become more and more unclear as time goes by!" Luo Han shook his head and said.

"Is this poison going to fly into a fire?" Li Xiaoran felt a little strange when she heard the name, so she asked.

"Well, I took this name. Because people who have been poisoned, as long as they have obsessions in their hearts, they will always do the things they have obsessions with. If the obsessions are not lifted, they will They will definitely continue to do this! Even if doing this will cost their lives, they still don't know that pain is the same as fear, so they will do it without hesitation!" Luo Han said what he knew.

As soon as these words came out, the Li Shun family realized that something was wrong.

"Brother Luo, if that's the case, Brother Wang didn't do anything to hurt himself after coming back with my elder sister and brother-in-law! I think he was normal when he was with us. , and I am not paranoid about anything!" Li Xiaoqing asked inexplicably.

"No, Xiaoqing, you are wrong! He is really paranoid about one thing! He treats your elder sister as his elder sister!" Get to the root.

When these words came out, Wang Mingjiang himself was a little surprised.

But when you think about it, it seems to be the case.

"That's right, when Miss Li appeared, I felt as if I saw my sister! So after those things happened, I willingly signed the contract and followed you I'm back!" Wang Mingjiang said.

"Let's do it! I'd better ask a doctor to suppress the toxicity for you first! By the way, I still have to inform Wu Yuanwai." Luo Han remembered something and said.

"No, don't inform him! I don't like Wu's house, I don't want to go back!" Who knew that when Wang Mingjiang heard that he wanted to go back to Wu's house, the whole person became very resistant.

Li Xiaoran felt Wang Mingjiang's resistance to the Wu family, and thought about it and said, "Wang Mingjiang must have been poisoned in the Wu family! Maybe the eldest son of the Wu family was also poisoned by the same poison. If Yuan Wai really values this son, he probably doesn't want him to have another accident! I think Luo Han, you might as well find a way to bring Wu Yuanwai over alone, maybe you can figure out a lot of things!

Luo Han thought about it carefully, thinking about the feasibility of doing so.

"I think this is the most appropriate way! Look at Wang Mingjiang's current appearance, it is indeed not suitable for returning to Wu's house! By the way, you said that the person who ambushed me on the road before, could it be Is it for Wang Mingjiang?" Luo Cheng suddenly thought of a possibility.

Luo Han immediately woke up when he heard Luo Cheng's words.

"Yes, if you didn't say it, I really didn't think of this!"