The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 783

Chapter 783

The fate between this person, who can say clearly.

At first, she came to Duan Sha's side just by chance, but she saved her life, and later she eradicated her congenital disease by coincidence.

"It's a gift from God that you can get better! In the future, when you can, do more good deeds!" Li Xiaoran thought of something and said this.

Duan Sha nodded: "Well, I will!"

"Come on, let me bake a rice cake! This is something you have never eaten before, I guarantee you will like it after eating it!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile when he saw the white rice cake he was making while thinking of something.

When the others heard Li Xiaoran's words, they immediately gathered around, watching and learning.

I have to say that baking rice cakes is easy, but baking rice cakes is also not easy.

If you don't pay attention, it sticks to the grill. If you take it hard, the rice cake will be deformed.

Let's take a look at Li Xiaoran's baked rice cakes. They didn't stick to the grill at all, but they were crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Brush with soy sauce and various seasonings, and the fragrance comes out all at once.

Looking at the rice cakes that they baked horribly, a group of people couldn't help laughing.

In the end, Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng ate the first baked rice cake.

Luo Cheng raised his eyebrows when he tasted the taste of this baked rice cake.

"To be honest, I have eaten a lot of rice cakes and the like, but this is the first time I have eaten this kind of baked rice cake! I have eaten that kind of baked rice cake, round, one piece, baked on the fire, very good The kind that will pop up a big bubble soon!" Luo Cheng thought of something and said this.

"Actually, it's not just rice cakes, but steamed buns or rice cakes. The taste is very special. I can try it for you next time!" Li Xiaoran said, looking at Luo Cheng.

Shu Ruyue also baked a bunch of rice cakes without saying a word. Just when she wanted to taste it in her mouth, she was grabbed by Wu Qinghe, who had been thinking about it for a long time.

"Hey, take a look, you can't even look good! In order to prevent you from having diarrhea, let me try it for you first!" Wu Qinghe said, putting the rice cake in his mouth and biting it down.

"Hot, hot, hot!" Wu Qinghe was so hot that he was jumping and screaming again, so that Shu Ruyue, who was originally very angry, suddenly lost his anger and laughed.

"Let you **** it! It's done, you got burned! Will you **** my food next time?"

"Next time I'll grab it!" Wu Qinghe said uncontrollably: "It's okay to burn me, I have rough skin and thick flesh, and I will soon recover! You are different, I feel bad for burning you! "

As soon as these words came out, the people around couldn't help booing.

Even Duan Sha laughed along with it.

Duan Sha likes this kind of day. There are three or five close friends, and everyone sits together, talking, laughing, eating, drinking and drinking. What a pleasant day!

These are things she has never seen in Beijing.

After leaving the capital and coming here, she suddenly discovered that life could still be like this.

Luo Han didn't know what to think of at this moment, so he came to the ingredients and looked for it.

He just looked around, but couldn't find what he wanted, so he sat back in his seat a little disappointed.

"Why didn't I see the snails? I heard that there are a lot of snails in the field during this time. Why don't we go and collect some snails tomorrow to eat! I like the spicy fried snail meat here!" Luo Han said .

Luo Ziyang remembered something when he heard Luo Han's words.

"That's right, I saw the people from Zhuangzi touch a lot of snails in the field the day before yesterday! At that time, I wanted to come back and ask my sister-in-law if I wanted to make snail noodles and eat them!"

When Li Xiaoqing heard Luo Ziyang's words, she immediately nodded in agreement: "Brother Ziyang, are you telling the truth? Then you should bring some back! I've been greedy for the snail noodles made by my sister for a long time!"

"Speaking of which, I also want to eat snail noodles! Madam, why don't you open a snail noodle shop in the food street in the future! By the way, you can also sell stinky tofu! The stinky tofu that Grandma Jin made last time is delicious! Just two stinky things, together they make a delicious food featuring stinky smells!"

Li Xiaoran laughed when he heard Luo Cheng's words.

"It's easy to open a shop, but where does this person choose?"

"Manpower will not be a problem!" Luo Cheng said after thinking for a while.

"What is this snail powder? I've heard of this stinky tofu, but what is this snail powder?" Duan Kaiyuan was confused and didn't understand, so he simply asked. stand up.

"I can't describe it to you. Come to my house another day, and I'll invite you to eat!" Li Xiaoran thought about it and said, "However, the premise is that you can accept the smell! I think there are people who have sold stinky tofu on the official road. , the taste is not bad, Grandma Jin will ask people to buy a bowl and eat it every day! You brothers and sisters, go and eat stinky tofu first! If you think you can eat that stink, come back to me, and I will make snail noodles for you. eat!"

Duan Kaiyuan and Duan Sha looked at each other, and finally nodded.

That night, everyone ate until very late, and then dispersed.

On the way home, Li Xiaoran held Luo Cheng's hand, and the two walked in front talking.

Li Xiaoqing and Luo Ziyang walked in the middle, and the two of them were also close to each other, talking and laughing.

The last ones were Shu Ruyue and Wu Qinghe.

In the end, only Luo Han was left alone, and he was pitiful.

Seeing that everyone else was in pairs, Luo Han suddenly felt a sense of loneliness.

Shouldn't he also go to his daughter-in-law to take it home?

"Hey, Luo Cheng, sister-in-law, you all have someone to accompany you. Don't forget to introduce my daughter-in-law to me!" In the silent night, Luo Han's voice came.

When this was said, everyone laughed.

After Li Xiaoran laughed, he suddenly remembered something.

"Hey, Xianggong, don't tell me, doesn't there happen to be a suitable person for Luo Han in front of you? I just don't know if these two have fate!"

Luo Cheng looked at his wife's expression and was stunned for a moment.


"Duan Sha! Look, they are both from the capital. If the two of them get along well, it would be good!" Li Xiaoran raised his eyebrows and said.

Luo Cheng thought about it and shook his head.

"I'm afraid it's not easy! Duan Sha's congenital disease has been cured. With the power of the Duan family, it's not good to find a son-in-law, and they won't want to marry Duan Sha to Luo Han!"

"Why? Isn't Luo Han bad?" Li Xiaoran didn't understand.

"It's not that Luo Han is bad, but that Luo Han's identity at this time is too different from Duan Sha!" Luo Cheng said.

Li Xiaoran thought for a while after hearing Luo Cheng's words.

"I don't think this is a problem! The most important thing is, what Duan Sha thinks! Having the experience of wandering in the gate of **** from time to time, I think Duan Sha's thoughts will definitely be different!"