The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 760

Chapter 760

After changing a pair of pants and coming back, Wu Qinghe's expression has returned to normal, and he continues his fortune-telling career.

When Luo Han came, all the toxins in the body of the third prince had been removed, and there were still some internal injuries that needed to be recuperated.

However, Luo Cheng noticed that there were always some inexplicable people nearby, and felt that Hele Village was not safe, so he sent the third prince to another safe place overnight.

Li Xiaoran didn't ask, and didn't want to ask.

Some things, knowing more is not a good thing.

After Luo Han came, the whole person looked a lot more energetic.

"The matter on your family's side has been resolved?" Luo Cheng looked at Luo Han's leisurely appearance and asked.

"It's solved! After I went back, I told my parents about my current situation and expressed my determination to split up the family. It was the first time my parents heard I expressed my feelings, and they were very surprised. It turned out that my parents always thought I had a good life, so they acquiesced to the attitude of those relatives and clansmen. Now that they know my current situation is like this, they also stand On my side!" Luo Han said with a sigh.

"I didn't use much energy, my father has already arranged these things in a big way! As the saying goes, Jiang is still old and hot, my father used clan division to intimidate clan and relatives, and finally The purpose of dividing the family has been achieved. Although there is no clan, but without those who are dragging me down, I will not be afraid of being calculated in the future! What's more, I took my parents to Bailu City and bought them a house again. , settle them down!"

Speaking of this, a smile appeared on Luo Han's face.

"I used to be very stubborn, I always wanted to solve things by myself and carry it myself. But I didn't think so. By doing this, my parents mistakenly thought that I was doing well. . When my parents feel that I am having a hard time, they will naturally stand up and help me! In fact, my parents are still very good to me!"

"It's good for you to know! Don't let down your parents' love for you! Have you ever thought about what you are going to do in the future? Are you really going to follow me?" Luo Cheng took a sip of tea , asked.

"I've come to find you, naturally I'm following you! Doing things with you is much more comfortable than doing something like that, at least you don't have to worry about this and that! Besides, The food street you built and the town in the future should also need talents like me!" Luo Han said.

Luo Cheng laughed when he heard Luo Han's words.

"As long as you want, I can leave everything on the food street to you to do! With you here, I will naturally be able to relax a lot!"

"That's fine, then you can leave the food court to me! I'll do it, and I'll take care of everything for you!" Luo Han asked directly for this matter. .

"Okay, you will go to Ziyang tomorrow, and the two of you will hand over, just to let Ziyang free his hand and take charge of Zhuangzi's affairs." Luo Cheng nodded and agreed.

I have to say, with the addition of Luo Han, the progress of the food street is much faster.

After all, there are many procedures to be done in building a street, and it is difficult for people in the government to understand.

Luo Han was the county magistrate and the city lord of Bailu City. He was familiar with dealing with the government, so he naturally handled things much faster. '

Time flies and autumn is already in the blink of an eye.

At this time, many people in the village were busy harvesting rice, then peanuts and corn.

Li Xiaoran also planted a lot in the fields near their home, so they had to harvest it themselves.

After all, when the farming is busy, everyone is busy, so the harvest has to be done by yourself.

Li Xiaoran likes this feeling of harvest very much.

Putting on long sleeves and trousers, Li Xiaoran, Li Xiaoqing and Shu Ruyue went to the field to break corn together.

Zhao Sisi and the others were responsible for the knife-cut noodles, so the whole family came to work in the fields.

I have to say, it's still very hot today, Li Xiaoran just broke a basket of corn, and she's already sweating!

"Tomorrow when I plant the corn, I will eat all the tender corn, so I don't harvest it when it grows old!" Li Xiaoran wiped his sweat with a handkerchief and said.

"What nonsense is it, what a pity to eat tender buns!" Li Shun taught a lesson on the side: "To harvest and eat corn without elders is a waste of grain!"

As a peasant, Li Shun can't stand her daughter's waste of food.

"Dad, as long as it is eaten in the stomach, it is not a waste!" Li Xiaoran said plausibly.

"I think your girl is right!" This time, Zhao Xiu stood beside her daughter: "This is obviously a delicious tender bun, why do you have to eat that bun? Noodles! I feel like I'm scratching my throat!"

"Yes, yes! And the tender buns are pushed with a stone mill, and the sweet buns made of buns are also delicious!" Li Xiaoqing thought of something and couldn't help licking her lips said.

"Hey, I love to eat this too!" Shu Ruyue said as if she had found a fellow man, and immediately agreed.

Li Xiaoran looked at his father proudly when he heard everyone's words.

"Dad, did you see it! You must respect everyone's opinions! Next year, we will receive less old corn like this!"

Seeing that he was fighting alone, Li Shun turned his attention to Luo Cheng and the others.

Luo Chengyi received his father-in-law's eyes and immediately expressed his attitude.

"Dad, don't look at me! I agree with Xiaoran's decision!"

Li Shun was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"Luo Cheng, anyway, we are men. At this time, we can't be soft!"

"Dad, go be a man! I'd better take a soft one" Luo Cheng said very spinelessly.

Everyone laughed.

Zhao Xiu on the side heard the words of her man, put her hands on her hips, and asked directly.

"Master, what do you think can make you more manly?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Shun immediately became a rake.

"No need, no need, I'm living a good life now, very manly!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was greeted with laughter.

The crowd was so lively, everyone was talking and laughing while doing things, and all the things in the field were quickly collected.

Li Xiaoran and the others did not grow rice, so they just harvested some fruits, corn, peanuts and some late-stage watermelons.

Luo Cheng knew that Li Xiaoran was always thinking about eating new rice, so he had been looking around to see where the new rice was better.

No, when he went back to eat after finishing his work at noon, Li Xiaoran shouted in surprise when he saw the boiled pot of green rice porridge.

"Hey, there is a porridge made of new rice today! I can eat three bowls today!"

Once the others saw it, they hurried over with bowls to serve rice porridge.

Sure enough, the rice porridge cooked with new rice tastes much better!