The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 749

Chapter 749

Not only the business of delicious fruit is good, but the business of grilled fish shop is also very good.

During this time, the grilled fish restaurant in Bailu City also opened.

This time, the fish ponds in the villa will send out a lot of fish every day.

Fortunately, there are endless ice cubes, so when the fish is delivered to the town or Bailu City, they are all fresh.

In addition, the restaurant also opened a branch in Bailu City, and Uncle He went directly to Bailu City to manage the restaurant.

Because everything was on the right track, the restaurant in the town chose a suitable person directly from the shopkeeper He and became the shopkeeper directly.

Because I am a skilled person, the operation of the restaurant is also very smooth, and there is no problem.

During this period of time, Luo Cheng focused on the third prince Ling Heng.

During this time, Luo Cheng was studying how to get rid of the poison on Ling Heng every day.

In the beginning, it was very troublesome, it was useless at all, but it also aggravated Ling Heng's injury.

Fortunately, Luo Cheng had a new idea recently and adjusted it a bit. As a result, he made an antidote by mistake.

Although the effect of the drug is slow, it is more effective.

No, Ling Heng finally didn't have to lie on the bed, he could walk a few times on the ground with the help of others.

Li Xiaoran considered that Luo Cheng and Ling Heng had lost a lot of weight during this period, so she thought of giving them a boost!

Because of the hot weather, if you eat stewed soup, it is estimated that you will not be able to eat it.

Li Xiaoran thought about it, then went to someone to buy some milk, and then fiddled with a simple oven.

At this time, Li Xiaoran was a little greedy for egg tarts, so she thought of making it herself.

Egg **** liquid is very easy, just have eggs and milk.

The egg **** crust is a bit difficult. Anyway, it needs a lot of things, and it also needs butter.

There is no butter, Li Xiaoran can only try to use lard instead.

Luo Cheng took the newly developed medicine to his three emperor brothers, and went for a walk in the yard with him.

At this time, Ling Heng was slowly able to walk a few steps by himself.

"Brother Sanhuang, I have reported your affairs to the emperor, and I believe there will be news soon! It's just that I can't figure it out, those people are ambushing you and want to get down. Killers are normal things. But there's no need to give you a strange poison first, and then arrange the killer to kill you! Unless, the person who arranges the killer and the person who poisons you are two groups of people. The two groups of people are not together at all, that's why such a situation occurs!" Luo Cheng said his conjecture.

Ling Heng was lying on the bed for a while, and also combed it well.

He thought about it and didn't know who poisoned him.

These killers are not difficult to guess, except for his few brothers, there is no one else.

But this poison is very abrupt.

He is very cautious in his diet and will not eat other people's food casually.

And he eats exactly the same as the people around him.

Why the people around him are fine, but he is poisoned?

So, this poison should not have been on the road, but when he was in the capital, he was already poisoned.

You must know that he has been calculated before, so every month, he will ask the imperial doctor to come over and ask for the Ping An pulse to check his physical condition.

The imperial doctor who took his pulse was his person, and no one knew that this imperial doctor was his person.

Therefore, it is unlikely that the imperial physician is unreliable.

Then the problem is in the period after the last pulse.

From the last pulse diagnosis to the time of leaving the capital, there are ten days.

That is to say, the people he came into contact with, the food he came into contact with, and the items he came into contact with in the past ten days are all possible.

But these ten days, it is also a coincidence, he rarely goes out.

He stayed at home most of the time, the only time he went out was to the palace.

After thinking about it, Ling Heng also had a headache.

He really had no idea where the problem was.

"Okay, third brother, if you can't think of it, don't think about it! The more you think about it, the more you can't think of it. You might as well relax, maybe you will remember it. !" Luo Cheng persuaded.

As soon as the voice fell, a smell of milk wafted out from the stove.

"What's this smell? It smells so good! I feel hungry all of a sudden when I smell this smell!" Ling Heng asked curiously when he smelled the smell.

"It's the first time I smell this fragrance, maybe my wife is tinkering with something delicious. Let's go and have a look now!" Luo Cheng was also a little greedy. So, he helped Ling Heng and walked towards the kitchen.

Li Xiaoran was sure that the egg **** was really made, and a smile appeared on her face.

The egg tarts were taken out of the oven one by one with bamboo clips, and brothers Luo Cheng and Ling Heng came in.

"Third brother, Xianggong, you came here when you smelled the fragrance!"

"No, brother and sister are doing delicious food! The third brother is very greedy when he smells it!" Ling Heng said with a smile.

During this period of time, she lived in Luo Cheng's house, and Ling Heng and Li Xiaoran also had contact.

After getting along, Ling Heng also had some understanding of Li Xiaoran's situation.

I have to say, Ling Heng is very envious of his Seventh Emperor Brother.

Although the life of the Seventh Emperor's younger brother was difficult in the past, since meeting Li Xiaoran, this life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Ling Heng can say that, these brothers live the most comfortable life, and now it's up to the Seventh Emperor.

"Then you take the third brother to wash your hands, then go to sit at the dinner table. This egg **** has just come out of the pot, it has to be cooled before eating, otherwise it will be very hot!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile.

Luo Cheng nodded, and then helped his third brother to wash his hands.

Li Xiaoran put the unbaked egg tarts back into the oven and continued to bake.

After all this was done, Li Xiaoran put the egg tarts that had been baked earlier on a plate and brought it to the table.

Because it was baked a lot, so Li Xiaoran called Ziyang and Zizheng over and let everyone taste it together.

A total of five were placed on each person's plate. Because the temperature was just right at this time, everyone directly took the egg tarts and ate them.

Because there is no foil, this simple version of the egg **** is placed in the kind of egg **** crust.

Gently pinch, the crispy sound of the egg **** crust came.

In addition to the freshness of the egg **** liquid inside, a few people started to eat the second one after eating it now.

Soon, a plate of egg tarts was finished.

"To be honest, although I don't like sweets very much, this is the first time I have been fascinated by sweets! Brother and sister, your brain is really different, and you can come up with such delicious food. The things are coming!" Ling Heng couldn't help but praise.