The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 745

Chapter 745

A meal, everyone is very happy.

After Zhao Sisi cleaned the tableware and chopsticks, Zhao Huaishan called her over.

"Sisi! Talk about it! What wronged your parents today?"

When Zhao Sisi heard her grandfather's words, she endured the discomfort and squeezed out a smile.

"Grandpa, I'm not wronged!"

"Sisi, although Grandpa is old, he is not so old that he is dizzy. Tell Grandpa what is going on!" Zhao Huaishan said earnestly.

When Zhao Sisi heard this, she did not intend to hide it, and told everything that happened today.

After listening to this, Zhao Huaishan only felt a little tired.

He never thought that the second couple would become what they are today.

"You did the right thing in this matter! That girl Xiaoran gave you an idea, you and Maodao do this business well. With such a business, you will have a good life in the future. Very good. As for your parents, just wait and see! When the food street that Xiaoran said is actually built, you can discuss with your parents. As long as they pay, you can consider giving They share. If you don't have any money and you just want to get money for nothing, then don't take them with you!" Zhao Huaishan thought about it and said this.

"Grandpa, father and mother will definitely not give up on this matter! Tomorrow morning, father will definitely go to Maodao again!" Zhao Si thought of something and said this.

"Don't worry! Your father won't go to Maodao tomorrow! Grandpa won't let him go!" Zhao Huaishan said.

With the words of her grandfather, Zhao Sisi already has a bottom line.

The next day, when Zhao Long was about to go out early in the morning, he was stopped by Zhao Huaishan.

"Second! Where are you going so early?"

When Zhao Long heard his father's voice, his body stiffened and he turned around.

"Dad, good morning!"


Zhao Long was a little embarrassed, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

Zhao Huaishan sighed when he saw his son like this.

"Since you're fine, follow me out for a walk today!"

Zhao Long nodded, no objection.

Afterwards, Zhao Huaishan and Zhao Long walked out of the house together.

Walking, Zhao Long felt something was wrong.

This road is obviously the road to the official road.

Is my father taking him to the official road?

Did that girl, Zhao Sisi, say something to her grandpa yesterday after she went back.

Thinking of this, Zhao Long felt uneasy.

At this time, the sky is bright, and there are already many people busy here on the official road.

The father and son did not walk around the official road, but sat on a high place beside the official road.

"Second child, look at this official road, is it lively?" Zhao Huaishan asked.

Zhao Long nodded when he heard what his old father said.

"Lively! If it wasn't lively, there wouldn't be so many people here!"

"You saw that bakery stall! Do you know that family?" Zhao Huaishan pointed to a place and asked.

"Well, I know! It's from our village!" Zhao Long nodded.

"Do you know how early he got up in the morning in order to set up a stall on the official road to buy cakes?" Zhao Huaishan asked.

Zhao Long shook his head and said he didn't know.

"Waking up at the beginning of the morning! As long as it doesn't rain at night, he must be the last to close the stall and leave. Some waved their hands and saw someone coming, and even lit oil lamps to make cakes to make money! " Zhao Huaishan said.

Zhao Long still doesn't understand why his old father took him to see this today.

"You didn't have breakfast this morning! Come on, Dad invited you to breakfast today!"

When the voice fell, Zhao Huaishan stood up and walked towards the official road.

When Zhao Long saw it, he quickly followed.

Although he didn't know what medicine was being sold in his father's gourd, Zhao Long still followed.

Soon, father and son arrived at the stall selling oil cakes.

"Wang Guang, two patties!" Zhao Huaishan shouted with a smile.

"Hey, it's Uncle Zhao! Why are you willing to eat meatloaf today? Didn't you say that the meatloaf was too greasy, did you feel uncomfortable eating it?" Wang Guang was a little worried asked a question.

"Don't worry, I don't know, I'll go to my granddaughter's place to eat knife-cut noodles, which I bought for my son!" Zhao Huaishan said cheerfully.

As Zhao Huaishan's son, Zhao Long was a little embarrassed when he saw that everyone around him was looking at him.

"Hey, big brother, you are so old, and you asked your father to buy you meat patties! You are not a son, should you buy meat patties for your father?" A man selling roasted sweet potatoes at a stall next to him joked with a smile.

Zhao Long also wanted to stubbornly say that he bought meat patties for his father to eat, but unfortunately he was very shy at this time, he didn't have any money.

"Parents always want their children to have a good life! Don't look at my son so old, in the eyes of our parents, he is still a child! Don't make fun of me My son, this is my father, and I have a heart for my son!" After speaking, Zhao Huaishan took the money out of his pocket and gave the meat pie.

Wang Guang is very quick at work. As soon as he heard that this patty was for Zhao Long, he quickly kneaded the dough to make the patty.

"Wang Guang! Is your girl going to get married? You're just such a virgin, so the dowry must be well-prepared, right?" Zhao Huaishan remembered something and laughed Homely.

"Yeah! Uncle, do you still remember this matter? I'm going to get married in two months! No, I'm thinking about working harder and making more money in these two months. , so that I can prepare more dowry for my daughter! I am just such a daughter, so naturally I have to think for her. This girl is married and has a lot of dowry, so she has enough confidence, and she doesn't need to be angry with her husband's family in the future!" Wang Guang said with a smile .

Zhao Huaishan came and gave a thumbs up.

"You're a good dad! That's how it should be!"

"No, my own daughter, I must be hurting myself! As a father, I don't have much ability, so I can only try to make better arrangements for her, I hope she can live well in the future Some!" Wang Guang said.

"That's what it is to be a parent, willing to give everything for the sake of the child. But if you are like this, won't your son have an opinion?" Zhao Huaishan asked again.

"He dares, if he has an opinion, let me not interrupt his dog's legs. Over the years, a boy, I can raise him to grow up. As for his own family business, he Go earn it! This boy is different from a girl, a boy must be independent! If he doesn't make money, how can he support his wife and children?" Wang Guang said.