The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 743

Chapter 743

When Zhao Sisi heard Li Xiaoran's words, she did not answer immediately, but lowered her head and pondered for a while.

"Cousin, I'm a small one. People can't be too greedy, they can't eat hot tofu in a hurry! Now in the situation of me and Maodao, we can't do big business and can't afford to lose money. We can do a small business like buying knife-cut noodles!"

When Li Xiaoran heard Zhao Sisi's choice, her eyes were full of admiration.

"You are very good, you have chosen the most suitable one for you! In fact, on this official road, in addition to knife-cut noodles, there is another food that sells very well. That is sweet potato vermicelli. If there is planting, sweet potato flour can also be made. This sweet potato flour does not need to be kneaded by yourself, you only need to prepare some more toppings to sell it. Like hot and sour noodles, fat intestine noodles, braised pork noodles, all are ok!

"But if I do this business, won't it affect the business of the knife-cut noodles?" Zhao Sisi thought of this first.

"Don't worry! Although there will be some impact, it will not be too big! Think about how many people come and go every day on the official road. You can also see that many times when guests come, The shop couldn't sit still, and even sent a lot of customers out to eat other things on the official road. If you open a powder shop, you will naturally be able to keep the customers who have been distributed and make money. Li Xiaoran said this said.

"Then we also have to buy land and build shops next to the official road?" Zhao Sisi asked.

"No, you can set up a stall first, and after your cousin and I have finished the food street, you can sell a shop or rent a shop first, and then go directly to the food street. Just open a fan shop!" Li Xiaoran said.

"Food Street? Will it be built near the official road?" Zhao Sisi understood at once and asked.

"Yeah! So don't worry, set up a stall first, and then open a shop!" Li Xiaoran nodded and said, "Don't your parents want to do business? Let your parents do it then. Pay for the shop! Then give 30% of the profits to your parents, and the remaining 60% is yours!"

Zhao Sisi nodded, thinking that this method is good.

"Then I have time to come with Maodao and follow my cousin to learn how to make that powder!"

"Okay, let's discuss a time first, and then tell me, I can make arrangements!" Li Xiaoran nodded and said so.

Zhao Sisi nodded and agreed.

At this time, the cabbage was cleaned up, and Li Xiaoran wanted to clean it.

Zhao Sisi gave a "um", got up to wash her hands, and was about to leave.

After a few steps, Zhao Si thought about something and looked at Li Xiaoran who was busy.

"Cousin, thank you!"

"If you really want to thank me, just try to make your life better!" Li Xiaoran raised his head, glanced at Zhao Sisi, and said this.

Zhao Sisi nodded, and then left with firm steps.

When Zhao Sisi was gone, Shu Ruyue asked, "Xiao Ran, you obviously don't like your second uncle, why are you going to help this time?"

Li Xiaoran smiled when she heard Shu Ruyue's words.

"Yeah, I really don't want to see my second uncle and second aunt. But if you think about it this way, now the third uncle's family has been established, and they can make a lot of money by growing mushrooms. The days in the future will definitely be very prosperous. At that time, if the second uncle's family was not doing well, it was my grandpa and grandma who would worry about it. When my grandpa and grandma were worried, my parents would also worry about it. Do you have to rely on me to solve it? So, since they can't get around it, it's better to make their life a little more livable and not be too poor!

Here, Li Xiaoran paused, thought of something, and laughed.

"Besides, I think my cousin Sisi has a good heart and is a person worthy of help. I helped her, let her restrain her parents, and gave her second uncle and second brother My aunt also provides life security, so I can do more than one thing, so why not do it?"

Shu Ruyue heard Li Xiaoran's words, and then she came over, and then she gave Li Xiaoran a thumbs up.

"Sure enough, getting along with relatives is a matter of knowledge. I didn't think it was necessary to spend time getting along with each other before, but now, listening to you, I really need to spend some time!"

"Sophistication is the greatest knowledge! I really want to learn well and become an excellent person, it's very difficult! There are many things, don't think about being able to have both, almost get it! Just take this one time Let's talk about it! If I want to be happy, I can ignore it completely. The result of this disregard is that Mao Dao was complained by my second uncle and aunt, and I'm afraid I won't have a good face to see in the future. "

"Secondly, the second uncle and the second aunt did not achieve their goal, and I don't know what other moths will come up, and then a group of people will be unhappy! I do this, just When you came up with an idea to avoid a lot of problems, you saved yourself a headache all day long! So you have to give up and you have to give up! Give up some uncomfortable feelings in exchange for a quiet and peaceful life, do you think it is worth it? "Li Xiaoran asked.

"If I choose, I think it's more cost-effective for you to do it!" Shu Ruyue nodded and said, "Then if your second uncle and second aunt don't want to? After all, this business still falls to the ground. On Zhao Sisi and Mao Dao, they will definitely be unwilling!"

"This is what Cousin Sisi is going to solve! However, my second uncle and second aunt's temperament, I guess they will agree in the end. If nothing else, just come out to set up a stall They don't have the face to do the business of selling sweet potato flour! It's not that I underestimated my second uncle and second aunt, but the fact! If you don't believe me, just look at it! If my second uncle and second aunt will come out Set up a stall to sell sweet potato flour, and I will treat you to a delicious meal!" Li Xiaoran said firmly.

"Don't look at it, I also think your second uncle and second aunt are not good at setting up a stall! If they really had the ability to bear hardships and stand hard work, they would have gone to the stall to make money long ago, and It's not like sitting at home all day and doing nothing!" Shu Ruyue said with some disgust.

"Look, even you can see things clearly, my second uncle and second aunt can't see clearly! One leaf blinds the eyes! It's a pity!" Li Xiaoran shook his head and sighed like this .

After Zhao Sisi finished the work in the shop, she went directly to her home when she went back at night.

At this time, Zhao Long and Jin Xiaojing were just about to have dinner.

Seeing that Zhao Sisi is back, the two of them just greeted lightly.

"Why are you here?"