The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 736

Chapter 736

Li Xiaoran hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Where is your home?"

"It's Pingxi Village outside the town." The mutton seller replied.

Luo Cheng was interested in knowing this village.

"Your village has a lot of low hillsides! Do you use these hillsides to raise sheep?"

"Yes! This guest officer, you know the situation in our village very well!" The man who bought the mutton laughed and joked.

"Let's do it! Leave an address and we'll go to your village to find you in a while!" Luo Cheng said.

"Okay, our family is also very easy to find. It is the family under the big walnut tree in the innermost part of Pingxi Village! There is no one around, so our family lives there!" Say your home address.

When Luo Cheng heard this, he thought of something, and suddenly asked, "Who is Wu Dahao from Pingle Village?"

When the man heard Luo Cheng's words, he was a little surprised.

"Wu Dahao is my uncle! The reason why our family raises sheep to sell is my uncle's idea!"

Luo Cheng laughed immediately after hearing such remarks.

"No wonder! Uncle Wu told me before that the thing he wants to do most in his life is to raise a lot of sheep."

The man was stunned when he heard it.

"You know my uncle?"

Luo Cheng nodded: "Yeah, I've seen it on the mountain, and I've met a few times!"

"Since we know each other, then things will be easier to handle! My uncle is responsible for raising the sheep in our family!" The man said cheerfully.

"Okay, then we'll see you in the village!" Luo Cheng nodded with a smile and said something like this.

After a group of people left the mutton stall, Li Xiaoran was still a little confused.

"Xianggong, when did you meet the people from Pingxi Village?"

"That was before I met you! Don't I often go hunting in the mountains? I meet Wu Dahao from time to time. One time, the wild boar in the mountains went crazy and rushed over to use its fangs when it saw anyone. Uncle Wu and I were unlucky and just hit this scene. In order to save our lives, the two of us worked together. , killed those three crazy wild boars." Luo Cheng recalled some old things and said with a smile.

"You should have guessed that after the three-headed wild boar was killed, both of us were injured. But it was getting late and it was too late to go down the mountain, so we killed the three-headed wild boar together. The wild boar was dragged into the nearest stone house and spent the night! Because I am skilled in medicine and the injury was relatively light, I first treated Uncle Wu and then treated the wound for myself. That night, As we cook and eat pork, we talk, and we get to know each other!"

Speaking of this, Luo Cheng suddenly thought of something and laughed.

"You don't know, the reason why Uncle Wu often wanders around the mountains is to meet a good wild goat, and also a ram. Over the years, he has been studying how to cultivate very good meat. Good lamb, so I kept trying. In order to make the lamb taste delicious, he came up with the idea of wild goats. But wild goats are not so easy to find, so he will be everywhere in the nearby mountains Run and try your luck!"

"So, this Uncle Wu should have bred a good breed of sheep. Otherwise, we wouldn't see anyone selling mutton today!" Li Xiaoran said.

"If you think about it, it should be a success! I will go to Pingxi Village and see it later!" Luo Cheng said.

After that, a group of people bought some needed ingredients, loaded the carriage, and drove towards Pingxi Village.

With another carriage, they set off towards Pingxi Village.

At this time, it was close to noon, and many people who worked in the fields started to call it quits and went back to eat.

The four people asked for directions while driving, and soon came to Wu's house under the big walnut tree.

As soon as I got off the carriage, many children ran out of it.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" A round-faced little girl stared at her big watery eyes and asked curiously.

"We came to Wu's house to buy sheep!" Li Xiaoran saw the cute little girl, reached out and touched her little head, then took out a candy from her pocket and put it on In the little girl's hand: "You look so cute, my sister invites you to eat candy!"

The little girl didn't think she would get candy, so she took the candy with a smile and said, "I'll help you call people, this is my salary!"

"We'll shout for you too!" When the other children heard this, they immediately shouted.

Li Xiaoran was also well prepared, and took out a handful of candy directly from his pocket and distributed one to each of the children.

Shu Ruyue is the same, sharing candy for those children with Li Xiaoran.

Soon, the children took the candy and ran into Wu's house in a swarm.

Soon, a gray-haired man was pulled out by a group of children.

"Who wants to buy sheep?" A voice like Hong Zhong came from the man's mouth.

"It's me, Uncle Wu!" Luo Cheng stood up and shouted with a smile.

The man felt that the voice was a bit familiar, and when he looked carefully, he recognized Luo Cheng's face.

"Hahahaha, so it's you! Why did you come to the village to find me?" Wu Dahao recognized Luo Cheng, so he quickly walked over with a big laugh.

"My daughter-in-law wants to eat roasted whole lamb! I happened to see someone selling lamb in the town's market, so I came to ask, and only after asking did I know that it was Uncle Wu. We have raised sheep! So we can't wait to come!" Luo Cheng let out a hearty laugh as he spoke.

When Wu Dahao heard this, he hurried over and dragged Luo Chengcheng towards it.

While walking, Wu Dahao said to Li Xiaoran and the three of them: "Don't be polite to me, since you came with Luo Cheng, treat this as your home! Come, come, let's be together Go in and sit and talk!"

Luo Cheng nodded to Li Xiaoran when he heard Wu Dahao's words, Li Xiaoran was willing to come, so he brought Shu Ruyue and Wu Qinghe into the Wu family's house.

He shouted loudly from the back room.

"Okay, I got it!" A woman's voice came.

Soon, a woman in her forties came out with two large plates of food.

One plate is melon seeds and peanuts, and the other plate is some dim sum and fried fruits.