The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 725

Chapter 725

Li Xiaoran could clearly feel Jiang Pingyuan's inner anger at this moment.

In fact, it is understandable.

You treat a person as a friend and a partner, but the other party treats you as a fat pig, just want to slaughter you and eat your meat.

No one can accept this truth.

A piece for the dog!

Gong Yang saw that all his plans had failed, and his heart became angry at this time.

He planned for so many years, endured for so many years, and saw that everything was about to be accomplished, but at this critical moment, he was intervened, and his success was close to failure.

He is not reconciled!


Why do people like Jiang Pingyuan get rich, but a smart person like him has never improved.

He has worked hard and fought for it, but fate seems to play a joke on him every time.

The success of others is so easy.

He is also very hardworking, why can't you give him a little affirmation.

Li Xiaoran didn't know what to say when she heard Gong Yang's inner cry.

Everyone is born with a different fortune.

Someone shouted that the golden key was born, and when they came out, they opened their hands with clothes and opened their mouths with meals.

But some people don't know if they can grow up safely when they are born.

It is also possible that you have put in a lot of effort, but there is still no return, and it will even consume you a lot.

Faced with this situation, should we stand still and blame others?

If you don't work, you will definitely not gain anything.

So, no matter what life has given you, fate has poured cold water on you.

We can't feel sorry for ourselves. What we can do is to keep moving forward. Only by moving forward can we hope to reach a good place.

Like Gong Yang, because he was jealous of other people's gains, because the other party was inferior to himself in everything, he began to complain and unwilling, and began to go the wrong way.

If this continues, it may be profitable for a while, but it will not be permanent.

The fate of this man! There are ups and downs.

Unfortunately, Gong Yang does not understand this truth!

"My lady, let's eat!" At this time, the appetizers were brought up, and Luo Cheng added a chopstick of fried oyster mushrooms and placed them in Li Xiaoran's bowl.

Li Xiaoran came back to her senses and didn't care about the things next to her, but picked up chopsticks and ate.

I have to say, this fried oyster mushroom tastes really good.

"It seems that cousin's mushroom business is very profitable!" Li Xiaoran said.

"I heard Uncle He say that every time oyster mushrooms are delivered, they will be robbed. Today we are lucky, we can still eat one. But if you want to eat the second one, it may be very difficult It's hard!" Luo Cheng said.

"It's not difficult, after we go back, go directly to cousin's mushroom house to pick fresh food!" Li Xiaoran said with a wink at Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng laughed when he heard his wife's words.

"Okay! I just want to eat more mushrooms, let's go pick more mushrooms together, and the picking will make cousin Zhao Yan cry without tears!"

Li Xiaoran laughed when she heard this.

When drinking and eating, Wu Qinghe looked at Jiang Pingyuan's sad face, thought about it, and turned around and called.

"Brother Luo Cheng, do you have any hangover pills? Sell one to Jiang Pingyuan! The price should be higher, the more expensive the better!"

Luo Cheng raised his eyebrows when he heard Wu Qinghe's words.

"You're inappropriate!"

"Hey, Brother Luo Cheng, this kid is going to have such an experience in his life. I will tell him a fortune, and I will lift his calamity, and the next calamity will be menacing. There is no more. Therefore, it is a good thing to let him break the bank now!" Wu Qinghe said.

Luo Cheng thought about what Wu Qinghe said.

"Since this is the case, let's try another method! This hangover pill only costs one or two silvers. After he wakes up, we will continue. At that time, don't hide it. Just tell him the truth about what you said just now!"

When Wu Qinghe heard Luo Cheng's words, he thought for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Luo Cheng saw that Wu Qinghe wanted to understand, so he took a sobering pill from his pocket.

After Wu Qinghe got it, he sent it directly to Jiang Pingyuan.

"Come on, take this pill quickly, you'll be more fortunate if you take this pill!"

Jiang Pingyuan was originally very sad, and the more he talked, the more sad his heart became.

Because Gong Yang was unable to speak, Jiang Pingyuan's anger dissipated little by little as he cried.

Now I heard Wu Qinghe say that taking that pill can make a lot of luck better, Jiang Pingyuan said nothing, put the pill in his mouth, and swallowed it with wine go down.

"Okay, I swallowed the medicine, will my luck be half right?" Jiang Pingyuan turned around and looked at Wu Qinghe eagerly.

Wu Qinghe smiled shyly, and then told the truth.

"I just gave you a special effect hangover pill to hangover. Look at you, what big thing is happening now, you drunk can't handle it Your own business! You wake up first, deal with what should be dealt with, and then come to me later, and I will tell you how to solve your predicament! "

Jiang Pingyuan was moved to tears when he heard Wu Qinghe's words.

"I didn't expect that a stranger who I had never met would still care about me so much! And my brother who sincerely treats me is plotting against me behind my back. No matter how I think about it, I feel uncomfortable!"

Wu Qinghe felt sad again when he saw Jiang Pingyuan, and suddenly became anxious.

"Brother Luo Cheng, how long will it take for your hangover pill to be effective?"

Luo Cheng glanced at Wu Qinghe after he took a crispy peanut.

"You think my pill is a magic pill! Will it have an immediate effect as soon as I take it? Just wait! After half a stick of incense, he will wake up!"

As soon as Wu Qinghe heard this, he nodded immediately and started to eat.

"Hey, you really eat these things! You are not afraid that Gongyang will be poisoned in these foods! Come here to eat when you are really hungry, or you will have new dishes in a while. Eat again!" Shu Ruyue said as she walked over and snatched Wu Qinghe's chopsticks.

Wu Qinghe nodded in fear, and hurried over.

When the second shopkeeper served the dishes, Wu Qinghe simply brought all the dishes to this table.

After half a column of incense, Jiang Pingyuan wine has woken up.

The letter and the contract in his hand reminded Jiang Pingyuan that what happened before was not a dream.