The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 718

Chapter 718

When Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran went down the mountain, a group of people were not exhausted, but in high spirits.

The herbs picked on the mountain were dried by them.

Some of the things that need to be concocted are concocted immediately.

The rest of the more valuable medicinal materials are also preserved by some special methods.

What surprised Jiao Hang was that Luo Cheng and the others went up the mountain and ran down with a **** bear.

This is a **** bear!

As soon as the news spread, many people came to Qi Village Chief to watch the fun.

The **** bear has been killed, and it can be seen from the wounds on his body that he was pierced by a long sword in several places in the chest, and then died.

"Hurry up, Village Chief Qi, lend us your knife and chopping board! We need to deal with the bear we hunted here!" Borrow a few things, and then arrange everything.

After Luo Cheng and the others got the **** bear down, a group of people started to get busy.

Bear gallbladder is a good thing, and bear paw is also a top ingredient.

There are also bearskins, which must be handled properly and left behind.

As for bear meat, it's also a good thing!

Symptoms have good recovery and therapeutic effects.

For people who were weak like Li Xiaoran before, eating more bear meat at this time is very good for the body.

It took about an hour and a bear to deal with it.

Luo Ziyang and the others are also attentive. After the bear was disposed of, they also ordered people to clean the borrowed things and sent them back to Qi Changliang's family.

As a thank you, Luo Cheng also asked people to share some bear meat for Qi Changliang's family.

Especially Qi Juan, after the toxins in her body were resolved, she just wanted these bear meat to make up for it.

On Qi Juan's side, Luo Cheng said after diagnosing the pulse: "Miss Qi's toxins in her body have been eliminated by more than half, and there are some residual toxins left, you only need to change the prescription and drink it again. There is no problem in the first half of the month. This prescription is also very simple. I will write it down for you now. You only need to go to the pharmacy to grab the medicine and drink it! Remember, within one year, you cannot get married. Otherwise, it is useless to your body!" Luo Cheng said.

When Qi Juan heard this, her face suddenly turned red.

When Jiao Hang heard this, he immediately looked at Qi Juan.

Thinking of what he had agreed with Qi Juan before, Jiao Hang decided to talk to the prince about it in a while.

After Luo Cheng wrote the prescription, he handed it over to Qi Changliang's family, and then went out to arrange other things.

This bear has been decomposed, and naturally, it must be sent back to Hele Village.

In addition, the medicinal materials that were dug up the mountain this time should also be sent back quickly.

After all, many herbs are only dried for a day or two, and the drying time is not enough, so you have to take them back to continue drying.

After everything was arranged, Luo Cheng remembered about Jiao Hang, so he called Jiao Hang first.

It happened that Jiao Hang also wanted to talk to Luo Cheng about him and Qi Juan, so the two went to a corner of the yard to talk.

Jiao Hang did not hide it from Luo Cheng, and told Luo Cheng about Qi Juan's concerns and his suggestions one by one.

Luo Cheng nodded when he heard this.

"On this matter, ask the village chief Qi for his opinion! As long as their family agrees! However, Miss Qi's body is still very weak and can't stand the long journey, so let her Let her cultivate at home for a month! After a month, if they have the heart, they can come directly to Hele Village to find us!"

After saying this, Luo Cheng thought about it, looked at Jiao Hang and added.

"I know that you like Qi Juan, but it's just a matter of love, you can't force it. You might as well take a step back and give Qi Juan the time and initiative. One month's time, talk is not long, talk It's not too short, your departure is enough to make her think about a lot of things! If she doesn't want to come, then there is no fate between you, you forget Qi Juan, and look for a good relationship! If the other party comes, then you will Treat her well!"

Jiao Hang nodded and said what was in his heart.

"The lord is right, and the subordinates think so too! If Miss Qi really comes, do you know if the princess has a good arrangement?"

"You can rest assured, as long as Qi Juan is willing to come, the princess will definitely arrange it!" Luo Cheng said.

Jiao Hang nodded, and his heart was settled.

The two made a decision and went to Qi Changliang.

"Your concerns, this king has already heard Jiao Hang! Just now this king also discussed with Jiao Hang, and as a result of Miss Qi's current physical condition, we might as well arrange this. Miss Qi will stay at home first. Rest in peace. After a month, if she wants to stay with Jiao Hang, you can send her directly to Hele Village. Of course, after Miss Qi arrives, we will arrange a job for her according to the agreement. It's indispensable! If after a month, Miss Qi has figured it out clearly and doesn't want to try to get along with each other, there is no problem, you just don't come to Hele Village! That way, we will also know what you mean!" Luo Cheng will discuss the good things and say came out.

Qi Changliang also felt that it was more appropriate to do this, and then nodded: "If my girl doesn't want to, we will come over in person and give you an answer to the prince!"

Luo Cheng doesn't care about this, but the Qi family insists on sending a letter back and forth.

This will prevent Jiao Hang from waiting.

"Alright! That time is set! We've packed up our things here, and we'll be leaving in a while!" Luo Cheng said to Qi Changliang: "This time, what a nuisance! "

"Your Majesty, you are welcome. Your presence will make us flourish. If the prince and princess don't dislike it, you can come and sit often when you have time in the future!" Qi Changliang said with a smile.

"That's good, the mountains are high and the rivers are long, there will be a period in the future!" Luo Cheng said goodbye.

Qi Changliang also gave away.

Soon, a group of people drove several carriages and returned with a full load.

Before leaving, Jiao Hang also talked to Qi Juan for a while, and then left.

Qi Juan sat in front of the window and watched Jiao Hang leave, unable to tell what it was like.

On the way back, Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng sat in a carriage.

The son is sitting in front driving the carriage.

Li Xiaoran remembered the thin old man, so he asked, "Have the minerals on the mountain been confirmed?"

"It has been confirmed that the minerals are very rich, and what is even more surprising is that there are not only copper mines, but also gold mines and silver mines! This mountain, Baibao Mountain is not for Yes!" Luo Cheng couldn't help sighing when he thought of the news he had received.

Li Xiaoran's eyes widened when she heard this.

"Ah? This mountain is so rich? Isn't Daxing Village going to be released in the future?"