The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 713

Chapter 713

It took Qi Changliang a long time to digest this news.

"My lord, this matter is a bit sudden, I want to discuss it with my family, do you think it's okay?"

"This is natural, we will go back to the mountain for a while, Jiao Hang will stay here, let him be responsible for protecting you. After Zizheng buys the medicine back, they will be responsible for boiling it, and then together The girl only needs to take one bowl three times a day! I first prescribed two pairs of medicines and took them for four days. After four days, we will return from the mountain and come back to see Miss Qi for a follow-up consultation. If it is useful, If you take it for another half a month, I will give you another prescription, and after a few doses, all the poison in your body will be eliminated!" Luo Cheng said: "During this period, you have plenty of time to think!"

Having Luo Cheng send Yi Anhua like this, Qi Changliang let out a sigh of relief.

After that, Luo Cheng took everyone directly up the mountain, leaving only Jiao Hang waiting for Zizheng.

When Zizheng came back, Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran didn't go very far, so they quickly caught up.

"Zizheng is here? Are all the medicines for Jiao Hang?" Luo Cheng asked after seeing Zizheng.

"Well, here it is! I told him how to boil the medicine, and then chased after him!" Zi Zheng nodded and said, "In order to prevent Jiao Hang from making a mistake, I deliberately put People from the Qi family called over and talked about how to make this medicine!"

Luo Cheng nodded, then led a group of people into the mountain.

At this time, the weather was extremely hot, and a group of people were too hot to walk in the mountains.

"My lord, my lord, I think it's unwise for us to walk in the mountains at this time! Look at us, the sweat is flowing all the time!" Wu Qinghe said weakly at this moment.

Luo Cheng looked at Wu Qinghe and then at the others.

The weather at this time is indeed a little hot.

"Otherwise, you can rest for a while now, go back to the village to stay and wait for us!" Luo Cheng said after thinking.

As soon as these words came out, everyone shook their heads.

"In that case, find a cool place, let's rest first! Then think about what to do next!" Luo Cheng said.

Speaking of, a group of people were lucky, and soon found a very cool place, and everyone sat down and rested.

"Hey, it's cool when the wind blows here. When I was climbing the mountain just now, there was no wind at all!" Third Master Xue felt the cool wind blowing, and said very comfortably.

"No, this day, if there is no wind, you will really be killed by heat!" Wu Qinghe followed.

Li Xiaoran thought of something and looked at the palm tree not far away.

"Look, there are palm trees there, why don't we cut some palm leaves to make palm fans!"

Others followed the direction of Li Xiaoran's finger, and there were really several lush palm trees.

"I'm going to chop!" Shu Ruyue is an action-oriented person, she does what she says, just pulls out the dagger and walks towards the palm tree.

Other people followed after seeing this.

Soon, a bunch of palm leaves were brought back.

"How to make this fan?" Luo Ziyang thought of something and asked.

"My sister and I can do this!" Li Xiaoqing said.

Li Xiaoran nodded, and then the two sisters held the leaves of the palm tree together and taught everyone how to make a palm fan.

It has to be said that it is very simple to make a paddle fan.

Soon, everyone held a fan in their hands, it was really cool.

"Luo Cheng, what are we doing up the mountain this time?" Xue Sanye asked while fanning his fan.

Luo Cheng smiled when he heard his uncle's question.

"I'm a grass picker, I pick wherever I go! If we don't go up the mountain, we can't stay at the village chief's house in Daxing Village!"

Although Xue Sanye felt that his nephew did not tell the truth, he was also very knowledgeable and did not ask any further questions.

Li Xiaoran had an idea, because among the people she followed, she saw the two people who were taken to the mountains to look for gold and silver mines last time.

Li Xiaoran had some guesses about Luo Cheng's purpose.

Actually, Luo Cheng just brought people up to take a look. Anyway, there are mountains here, so it's not a loss to come and take a look. Besides, some of the herbs around him are indeed exhausted, and it is time to go up the mountain to pick up some supplements.

In Hele Village, he has already picked all the herbs that can be picked, and the remaining herb seedlings will take several years to grow before they can be used as medicine. So if you want to pick the same medicinal material, you have to go to other places to find it!

I just came to Daxing Village at this time. If I have a chance to go into the mountains, I will look for medicinal herbs and see if there is any gold mine.

It can be said that the medicine is true, and the search for gold and silver mines is incidental.

There is a saying that the willows and willows form a shade without intention. When a group of people were looking for a lot of medicinal materials, the two people brought by Luo Cheng also found it.

When others were not paying attention, the two found Luo Cheng and shared their findings.

"My lord, according to the current terrain, feng shui, and the growth of the vegetation above, it can be seen that there should be a mine here! As for whether it is a gold mine or a silver mine, you must mine it before you see it. That's it!" said one of the men with a mole on his chin.

The other thin old man also nodded.

"My lord, based on our two years of experience, there is definitely a mine here, but the amount of this mine is so large that I can't see it now!"

Luo Cheng raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

The last time I went to Shatai Village, I was looking for it, but I couldn't find it.

This time, it was obviously to dig for medicinal materials, but the ore was really found!

"Okay, the king knows about this matter, don't say it for now, and then take a closer look later to determine the location. We will talk about this matter after we have figured out the situation here. !" Luo Cheng thought about it and said so.

Li Xiaoran naturally felt the excitement of the few people here, and then heard a voice.

"Hmph, this diligent king, do you really think he's here to help him find ore? It's ridiculous. After he goes down the mountain and reports the news to the lord, then he will have done a great job! Then he will be promoted. Getting rich is no problem! His second child can also be prosperous!"

Li Xiaoran turned his head to look at it, and found that this voice came from the thin old man's heart.

The smile on her face turned cold, and Li Xiaoran walked towards Luo Cheng.

"Xianggong, come and see, is this the medicinal material you want to pick?"

Luo Cheng quickly came over when he heard Li Xiaoran's voice.

"Hey, this is actually a very rare medicinal herb!" Luo Cheng said in surprise.