The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 711

Chapter 711

"I found out that the third master Xue, who had been chasing you before, was right next to King Qin, and he was also King Qin's uncle. Why don't you show up, Bai Feng, it's not just finished? Have you fulfilled the mission of the lord?" Lao Yang said.

Yu Baifeng heard the words of Lao Yang, his face was full of frost.

"Old Yang, don't you know that the lord beat me? You pushed me out now, what is your heart?"

Lao Yang shrugged when he saw Yu Baifeng getting angry.

"Isn't this a suggestion? If you don't think it's appropriate, you just don't do it!"

"Humph!" Yu Baifeng snorted coldly, threw his sleeves and left.

Lao Yang muttered when he saw that Yu Baifeng was gone.

"Old Wang, maybe she's the one who tipped off behind her back!"

When Wang Lao heard this, his eyebrows moved, and an idea suddenly came to his heart.

"I think you're right!" Wang Lao suddenly said this meaningfully.

Old Yang suddenly came over, and then the two of them looked at each other and smiled.

Yu Baifeng stood outside, sneered when she heard the words inside, and left floating.

She knew that these two old foxes were not at ease! This is going to throw the blame on her!

In fact, she had expected this for a long time!

Sighed out, Yu Baifeng felt very uncomfortable at the moment.

Back to her room, Yu Baifeng opened the window and looked outside, her thoughts drifted out all of a sudden.

In those days, she wanted to quit, and she no longer wanted to be a ruthless female killer.

The lord agreed to her request to retire and set her free.

She thought that she could finally live a peaceful and peaceful life, so she found a down-to-earth man to marry.

Unfortunately, that man was an unlucky person, something happened just after she got married, and she lost her life.

Originally, she thought that she was going to start looking for a new life, but Sanye Xue came.

The first sentence Xue Sanye saw Yu Baifeng was: "Don't worry, I will be responsible for the rest of your life! Gangzi died because of me, so I will Take care of his wife!"

Yu Baifeng laughed when she heard this.

In her life, she has heard many promises, and she has seen many people who did not keep their promises.

So, Yu Baifeng sneered at what Xue Sanye said.

She refused, because she and Gangzi were just married, but they didn't have a deep relationship, and she and Gangzi didn't really have a husband and wife, so she didn't need to spend it here.

But Xue Sanye is very stubborn, no matter where Yu Baifeng runs, he will find him quickly and settle down in Baifeng's life.

In this way, one person ran, one person searched, and finally Yu Baifeng did not leave, and settled down in a small mountain village.

She just wanted to see how long Xue Sanye could keep his promise.

As a result, it looks like many years!

Recalling this, Yu Baifeng sighed.

Perhaps it was the persistence and persistence of the third master Xue that moved Yu Baifeng and let the third master Xue enter her heart.

Just when she figured out that she wanted to marry the third master Xue and to be with him for a lifetime, the lord appeared again.

The lord has saved her life, even if she retired, but the lord has his life, she still reappears.

At first she thought she was hiding everything well, but suddenly one day Third Master Xue came to her and asked who she was?

At this moment, Yu Baifeng was a little scared!

She was afraid that her concealment would be a kind of harm to him!

I'm even more afraid of telling the truth, which will make the man who made his heart flutter straight away.

So, she made up some reasons to fool the past, and then found a time and disappeared quietly.

Because she knows that there will be no good results between her and him!

It was also at this time that she got a message from the lord.

Said Xue Sanye is actually King Qin's uncle.

This time, Yu Baifeng dare not see Xue Sanye again! She was afraid that when she saw Third Master Xue again, she would pull him into the abyss.

She has come in and can't get rid of it, but she can't hurt him.

So she started disappearing again!

This time, Xue Sanye searched for a long time, but couldn't find her!

Later, she was sent by the lord to Shatai Village to do a business, and for some unknown reason, she happened to meet the third master Xue, and was followed by him.

At this point, a line of clear tears fell!

Yu Baifeng's heart, as if tormented on a hot pan!

If possible, she really wants to live her life with Sanye Xue regardless!

But she can't do it, neither can Xue Sanye.

So, she can only give up this relationship to protect Xue Sanye.

If you want to complain, you can only complain about your own life!

Xue Sanye also came to Huang'an Town from Hele Village at this time.

He came to bid farewell to Luo Cheng.

The matter in Shatai Village has been resolved, and it is not much use for him to stay by Luo Cheng's side, so he wants to continue to find Yu Baifeng.

When Luo Cheng slept until dawn, he saw the third master Xue entering the door in a hurry.

"Are you going?" Luo Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Yes! You have a lot of people here to help you, so I won't stay! I still have my own things to do!" Third Master Xue nodded and said.

"Are you looking for Yu Baifeng?" Luo Cheng asked straight to the point.

Xue Sanye nodded without hesitation.

"Why? Why do you have to find her?" Luo Cheng asked.

Why do I have to find her?

Sanye Xue said, "I want to take care of Gangzi! This is what Gangzi entrusted to me on his deathbed!"

"Is that really the case?" Luo Cheng asked rhetorically.

"Isn't it?" Third Master Xue asked puzzled.

Luo Cheng was speechless when he saw the appearance of Third Master Xue.

"Ask yourself, is everything you do really just for a promise? If it's just for a promise, what you've done is enough, or even more! Ask yourself When will you stop evading and deceiving your own heart, and you will decide whether to go to Yu Baifeng!"

"What do you mean?" Third Master Xue stared at his nephew and asked.

Luo Cheng thought about it for a while, then said: "You are just fulfilling a promise, as long as Yu Baifeng has a good life! In this way, you hand over this promise to me, and I will be responsible Let her live a stable life, and you won't have to carry such a promise from now on!"

"How can this be possible?" Xue Sanye said excitedly.

"Why not? You must take care of yourself to keep your promise? Uncle, you have gone too far!" Luo Cheng reminded.

Xue Sanye has lost his complexion because of his nephew's words!

At this time, Third Master Xue was also asking himself.

Is it really just because of his promise to Gangzi?