The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 693

Chapter 693

Qi Changliang nodded after hearing Yu Peng's words.

"Then you come in with me!"

Speaking, Qi Changliang pushed open the door of his house and invited two people to sit down.

Qi Changliang's daughter-in-law Yu Ya saw someone coming, two strangers, so she came over and asked.

"Who are they?"

"Don't worry, go and pour two bowls of boiled water first!" Qi Changliang said.

Yu Ya nodded, turned around and went to pour water.

There is a big tree in the yard, a wooden table and a few chairs are placed under the tree.

Qi Changliang took the person directly to sit under the tree.

Yu Ya took out the kettle and bowl at this time, then poured three bowls of water, and then continued to do her own work.

The rice is still cooking in the pot, so she can't leave for too long.

"Now, the two of you can explain your intentions!" Qi Changliang asked.

Yu Peng nodded, took out the portrait, and opened it in front of Qi Changliang.

"Village Chief, do you know this person?"

After seeing the portrait of Liu Mingkun, Qi Changliang suddenly became angry and stood up.

"What do you have to do with this bastard? If you have anything to do with this bastard, then leave immediately, we don't welcome you!"

"Village chief, don't worry, we have nothing to do with this person, but this person has provoked us!" Jiao Hang quickly explained.

Qi Changliang heard this, looked at the two people opposite him with a pair of eyes, and sat down suspiciously.

"Is what you said true? If so, why didn't you go to Huaiqi Village to find someone, but instead came to our Daxing Village?"

Yu Peng heard this and said: "That's it, I heard that Huaiqi Village and Daxing Village have accumulated a lot of conflicts for generations because of water problems. I wonder if there is such a thing?"

Qi Changliang became vigilant when he heard Yu Peng asking about this.

"Who are you? What do you want to do with this matter?"

Yu Peng saw that Qi Changliang did not trust them, he thought about it, and said: "Mr. Qi, I want to ask you, aside from the hatred accumulated in the past, do you want to get along with them? Huaiqi Village to solve the water problem together?"

When Qi Changliang heard this, Lima raised her voice.

"Think, why don't you think! But can I solve this problem? There is only one river, and when it comes to water, everyone is waiting to use it. We have also tried to find There are no other sources of water. So we can only rely on this river to water the crops!"

"Can the water of this river be enough for the two villages?" Yu Peng asked.

"It's barely enough! But there are still some places where it's not enough, so there will be conflicts!" Qi Changliang said with a sigh.

To be honest, people in both villages want to resolve this matter.

But they thought of a lot of ways, but they didn't work. They could only keep fighting and rushing, and then the conflicts of the generations accumulated into hatred.

"Then are you unwilling to marry your daughter to Liu Mingkun because the two villages are fighting for water?" Yu Peng suddenly asked.

"What? That little **** said that?" Qi Changliang said through gritted teeth when he heard this.

"That's right, Liu Mingkun told us that he and your daughter are in love with each other, because the water problem in the two villages has accumulated over generations and has become hatred, so he wants to invite us to come and solve the two The contradiction between the villages, so that the marriage between him and your daughter can proceed smoothly!" Yu Peng said.

When Qi Changliang heard Yu Peng's words, he not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but became more vigilant.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to see me today?"

Before Yu Peng and the others could answer, Qi Changliang suddenly thought of something and said, "I don't care what your purpose is, you can give up! My daughter will never marry Liu Mingkun. That beast!"

"Dad!" Before Yu Peng could say anything, a woman's voice came from not far away.

Yu Peng and Jiao Hang looked at the sound, and saw a weak, bloodless girl who was leaning on a door and looking over here.

When Qi Changliang saw the girl appear, he quickly got up and ran over.

"Daughter, I said, you have to take good care of your body, why did you come out again! Tell me, if you are sick again, what do you ask your parents to do!"

The girl said softly at the moment: "Dad, I'm fine, I know you don't want me to know about Liu Mingkun. But now someone came with his news, I should come out and listen. Dad, let me have a word with the guests here!"

Although Qi Changliang did not agree with his daughter's idea, when he saw the pleading color in his daughter's eyes, he could only sigh in the end.

"Dad will bring you a dress, put it on, and then come out!"

"Okay!" The girl answered in a low voice.

Soon, Qi Changliang went into the room and took a piece of clothes to put on his daughter, and then helped the girl to the edge of the wooden table.

This weak girl is undoubtedly a well-bred girl.

After she sat down, she glanced at her old father gratefully, and then looked at Yu Peng and Jiao Hang.

"The two guests, my name is Qi Juan, is my father's daughter, and the girl who Liu Mingkun said in your mouth is the same girl! It's just that you seem to have been deceived by Liu Mingkun, he and I It's true that they have been in love, but he will definitely not resolve the conflict between the two villages because of me. Because, the reason why I have become this weak and powerless is thanks to him!

Yu Peng and Jiao Hang were shocked when they heard Qi Juan's words.

The two have thought about many possibilities, but they did not expect things to develop like this.

"It seems that this is the first time the two of you heard about it! I don't know how Liu Mingkun told you, you just need to remember one thing. Younger sister or girl, be sure to send someone to protect her well, and don't let Liu Mingkun approach her."

"Liu Mingkun, as long as he wants to get close to a woman, he can easily make a woman obsessed with him, and then satisfy everything he wants. The most terrible thing is that these women are addicted to In his deep affection, it's like losing yourself. And I, that's how it was at the beginning!"

Yu Peng heard this, looked at the girl in front of him, and immediately asked, "Is it also because of Liu Mingkun that you have become like this?"

Qi Juan nodded and smiled suddenly.

"Actually, the reason why I do this is because I asked for it. Because I was not completely addicted to his affection, and did not respond to his requests, so he poisoned me! "