The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 667

Chapter 667

Li Xiaoran thought it was a little funny, so he closed the door and joked: "It seems that our cousin Sisi is very strong! She was frightened and quickly adjusted! Look at you! The face is full of red, and the complexion is very good!"

"Cousin Xiaoran, how can you be joking!" Zhao Sisi blushed even more when she heard Li Xiaoran's joke.

When Zhao Sisi heard Li Xiaoran's words, her expression changed suddenly, and then she made a shush sound.

There were footsteps outside, Jin Xiaojing quickly brought over the fruit.

"Sisi! This is the fruit that your cousin Xiaoran brought you back. It tastes very good. Come, put it here, you two sisters can eat it together!"

Li Xiaoran smiled and thanked her, but Jin Xiaojing didn't stay long.

After all, in the main hall of the house, he became a prince.

It is only reasonable to treat the prince well.

When Jin Xiaojing left, Zhao Sisi breathed a sigh of relief.

"What? You don't want your parents to know?" Li Xiaoran saw through Zhao Sisi's thoughts at a glance.

Zhao Sisi had a bitter expression on her face at this time, and let out a sigh.

"Since the incident with the Hu family happened last time, my parents have paid more and more attention to our marriage. With the conditions of the Mao family, my parents don't like it at all! In fact, in my heart Understand, what are the conditions of our family? Didn't we come out of the mud? The life at home seems to be better now, if we really compare it, we can't keep up with other people's Maodao family!"

"That's it, my parents still don't like it, they always want me to climb the ranks and marry better! Take this time as an example! Although I was a little frightened, I also It's not a big problem, but my parents always ask for a doctor with great fanfare, it seems that I have suffered a lot of grievances! I know, my parents just want to take advantage of this matter, please help me find a high branch !"

"Sister Xiaoran, if my parents really make such a request, don't answer them. I don't want to cling to any high branches, I know my own affairs. I can marry Mao Dao, is already a good choice. What's more, with my cousin and cousin-in-law, I marry into Mao's family, and my husband's family doesn't dare to show my face. As long as I live with Mao Dao wholeheartedly, this day will definitely be It will get better and better!"

Li Xiaoran had a gratified smile on her face when she heard Zhao Sisi's words.

This girl didn't get worse, and she always had her own ideas.

Actually, Zhao Sisi is right to think so.

The daughter-in-law of a wealthy family is so good.

It is the scenery outside, and the tastes inside can only be understood by the parties themselves.

After the second uncle and second aunt moved out, they were fascinated by everything outside. After going through the affairs of the Hu family, their mood and thinking changed completely.

Too eager to get things done and want to take shortcuts.

Are shortcuts that easy?

The so-called high return means high risk. In their current situation, they cannot bear the high risk.

"Have you made up your mind? Are you sure it's Maodao?" Li Xiaoran thought about it and asked.

"Yeah! I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I think Maodao is very suitable! He has a broad mind, is flexible in business, and is diligent. The most important thing is to be able to listen to what his sister and brother-in-law say. I got married, and we worked hard together, and the days were almost the same. I even went to Maodao's village to inquire about it secretly, and saw the Mao family with my own eyes. I think I can accept his family! Zhao Sisi put her own All thoughts were spoken.

Li Xiaoran heard that Zhao Sisi had taken the initiative to contact people from the Mao family, and immediately looked at Zhao Sisi with admiration.

Many women don't care about the situation of their mother-in-law before they get married, so after they get married, they are wasted by their mother-in-law all day.

According to Li Xiaoran's own thoughts, getting married first depends on what kind of person the man's mother is.

The second thing is to see what a man's sister and sister are like.

The third thing is to see what a man's sister-in-law and younger siblings are like.

In the end, I have to see what the man's father is like!

All of these, Zhao Sisi has taken into account.

It can be seen that this girl has thought carefully about marrying Mao Dao.

"Then what are you going to do with your parents? Do you need cousin to help you?" Li Xiaoran said.

"My father and mother will find a way to solve it myself! Cousin, you can't let you interfere in this matter, otherwise my father and mother will turn their heads and blame you for meddling. As long as you don't agree My parents, find me some Gaozhi, and I can use this to convince my parents!" Zhao Sisi said firmly.

"Are you trying to take advantage of your reputation to be damaged, let Maodao come to propose a marriage, and then let your parents see Maodao's sincerity?" Li Xiaoran thought for a while , and immediately guessed Zhao Sisi's intention.

Zhao Sisi nodded, that's what she thought.

"If you think so, then you must be prepared for failure! If your father and your mother are still the parents in Feiying Village, this matter is not difficult. As long as When Mao Dao came to propose marriage, they would definitely agree. But with the current second uncle and second aunt, they would only be able to beat the mandarin duck. Sisi, don't you understand? They won't agree with what others say, they will only do things according to their own ideas!" Li Xiaoran broke Zhao Sisi's naive thinking and put the reality directly.

Zhao Sisi actually had certain illusions before, but now Li Xiaoran broke it by himself.

"Then what should I do? Cousin Xiaoran, teach me!" Zhao Sisi asked anxiously.

"You don't want me to be involved in this matter, it's impossible! Mao Daoben is the one we met first, and has always been working in our shop. You know that Maodao has a very close relationship with us. Even if I don't intervene, your parents will automatically regard Maodao as related to me!" Li Xiaoran analyzed this way: "So, as long as the person you want to marry is Maodao , that all has nothing to do with me!"

When Zhao Sisi heard Li Xiaoran's words, she suddenly showed a wry smile.

"Sometimes I really understand why my parents seem to have changed as soon as they came out of Feiying Village!"

"What else is there, isn't it because people are not enough? In this world, if you want to get something without working hard, how can there be such a good thing? They think that I am lucky and lucky Well, if you marry a good man, you will be successful! But why don't they think about it, if I hadn't exchanged my sincerity for my sincerity, I'm afraid I would have been divorced or divorced when your brother-in-law regained his status as a prince!" Li Xiaoran Said with a sneer.