The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 659

Chapter 659

"It's because I didn't express my meaning clearly just now, which caused you to misunderstand. Since the second girl Li knows Mr. Fang, I won't say anything more! I just gave the situation of Mr. Fang's family. You have made it clear, please think about it carefully! This descendant is really good!" The matchmaker said, and left.

Li Xiaoqing watched her mother send the matchmaker away, then turned to look at her father.


Li Shun's expression became serious when he heard the words of his youngest daughter.

"Xiaoqing, have you really figured it out? Do you really want a son-in-law?"

"Seriously? I can't be more serious! Dad, with my temperament, marrying someone else's house is also a waste of time. I might as well stay in my own house to recruit children and be in charge of my own. Call the shots! I can make money myself, support my family, and give you pensions, so I can do more than one thing, how wonderful!" Li Xiaoqing expressed her thoughts.

"But any good man will not join the family!" Li Shun said.

"If you can't find it, don't look for it! Father, mother, now I can make money, support myself, and give you pensions, so what else can I ask for? If I can't meet the right person, then Just don't look for it! You don't have to worry about these things. The more you think about this marriage, the less you will come, you just let it be, maybe a good marriage will come to you!" Li Xiaoqing said.

"But this Mr. Fang is a good marriage! In fact, your mother and I don't necessarily want you to be married. If the other party is good, you can also consider getting married! Look, you Aren't you and your brother-in-law doing well?" Li Shun persuaded bitterly.

Li Qing immediately became alert when she heard this.

"So, do your parents think that Mr. Fang's conditions are good? Why don't you tell me about this person's family?"

At this time, Zhao Xiu came back, and when she heard the words of her youngest daughter, she said, "This Mr. Fang, the family is in the cloth business. Besides him, there is also a married sister in the family. My brother-in-law is a fifth-rank military general and serves in the Shu army. Mr. Fang said that he has no business talent and only likes to read, so he wants to find a lady who is good at doing business. His parents have always been in poor health, If you don't have the energy to manage things, after you get married, you will have the final say in everything at home!"

Li Xiaoqing laughed when she heard this.

On the surface, it is indeed a good marriage.

"To put it bluntly, people just think that I will make money! A big man, he doesn't want to make progress, and counts on me to make money to support his family. Why should I marry? I have the ability to make money to support my family. What do you do when you marry someone else, I make money and spend it myself, don't I feel good?" Li Xiaoqing is really sober in the world, and a word hits the spot.

Li Shun and Zhao Xiu suddenly woke up at this moment, secretly wondering, why didn't they think of this just now?

Under the fascination of the matchmaker's three-inch tongue, she actually felt that this marriage was not bad.

"One more thing, you haven't seen the parents! Mr. Fang's parents are not in good health, are they sick? If they are sick, wouldn't it be a large sum of daily expenses for health care? Also, who said that it is a good thing for parents to ignore things? If parents are sick, it is common for daughters-in-law to take care of them all day long. Do you think it will be easy to take care of two sick people? Is it?" Li Xiaoqing said several more problematic points.

This time, Li Shun and Zhao Xiu suddenly changed their faces, and they had already rejected this marriage in their hearts.

"So, this marriage is really worth it! No, the next time the matchmaker comes to the door, we will directly reject this marriage! The reason is also ready-made, let's say our youngest daughter wants to Stay at home to recruit children!" Zhao Xiu said happily.

"Mother, this is the right way to think! Daughter is still saying that, I would rather recruit a child than marry someone! When you marry into someone else's family, you follow the rules of someone else's family. Being wasted by someone else's family , how can I stay in my own home! Don't look at my sister and brother-in-law having a good relationship, you think other men will be as good as my brother-in-law! Let me stay at home and suffer less!" Li Xiaoqing left After these words, he went back to the shop to do things.

After learning about this, Zhao Sisi thought about it and said: "Xiaoqing, I always think that Mr. Fang will not give up like this! If you don't believe me, wait! Think about it, A man comes to the shop every day, observes you silently for a month, and now he has come to propose a kiss, do you think he will let go?"

"As long as I can't get married and don't agree to this marriage, can he force my head to marry me?" Li Xiaoqing said.

"I think it's better to find someone to check the situation of Mr. Fang! I can't say it anyway, this person makes me feel very bad. On the surface, he looks like a modest gentleman, But it always makes me feel a little gloomy." Zhao Sisi said.

Zhao Sisi's words caught Li Xiaoqing's attention, so after closing the shop that day, Li Xiaoqing went directly to Luo's house to find Luo Ziyang.

"Brother Ziyang, I have encountered something, and I want you to help me find someone!"

Luo Ziyang settled the two women sent by Li Xiaoran in the village these few days. As soon as he came back, he saw Li Xiaoqing looking for him, so he led Li Xiaoqing and sat down in the hall.

"What's the matter, tell me carefully!" Luo Ziyang asked softly.

In front of Luo Ziyang, Li Xiaoqing didn't hide at all, and told the matter of Mr. Fang.

Luo Ziyang's eyes flashed with anger after hearing this.

I really didn't expect that he was just busy with other things this month, and someone actually hit Li Xiaoqing's idea under his nose.

Thinking of this, Luo Ziyang looked at Li Xiaoqing again.

I have to say that the Li Xiaoqing in front of him has changed a lot from the Li Xiaoqing he just saw more than a year ago.

The yellow-haired girl who was originally malnourished has now grown into a slim and graceful girl, and it is no wonder that those people began to beat her.

"Our Xiaoqing has also become a big girl, and we have been proposed!" Luo Ziyang said.

"I don't want to get married so early. My sister said that it is best for women to get married at the age of 18 and have children after the age of 20. This is suitable for us women. It hurts the body to be a biological child when I was young! So I have to recruit children, so I don't want to marry someone else!" Li Xiaoqing shook her head and said this.