The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 653

Chapter 653

Jiang Qiniang was already heartbroken!

When she saw that her son was alive and well, and then personally killed the enemy, Jiang Qiniang was already ready to die.

She no longer has any memory in the world, and she only wants to die and go to Huangquan to see her husband.

Jiang Qiniang even thought about it, when Lin Ning is not by her side, she will die.

Don't look at her exhausted now, it's easy to want to die.

So, when she faced her son, she had no mood swings at all.

If it wasn't for the conversation between Shu Ruyue and Lin Ning to let her know the danger of her son, she really wanted to let go.

Lin Ning heard her mother ask about this matter, and when she was about to say something, Shu Ruyue answered first.

"We don't even know what tracking incense is! Lin Ning's nose is relatively smart. After we rescued you in the underground passage, we encountered a few people in Shatai Village digging something. We went to take a look out of curiosity, but we were caught with that kind of soul-chasing incense. If it wasn't for Lin Ning's good sense of smell, we wouldn't have discovered it. Unfortunately, when we came back, we tried it, but there was no way to get rid of it. The fragrance. So I suspect that this thing should be the kind of tracking fragrance!"

Speaking of this, Shu Ruyue said a little worriedly: "There is a big force behind this Shatai Village. If these soul-chasing incense allows them to find us, then we will be caught in the ends of the earth when we hide. Chasing and killing! Have pity on us, we are still so young, we are going to live a life of escape all day long!"

"What's even more terrifying is that the people behind Shatai Village are highly skilled in martial arts. I don't know if we can dodge once or twice!"

Shu Ruyue said, turned around, and winked at Lin Ning.

Lin Ning was a little at a loss, not knowing why Shu Ruyue did this.

Tell her a lie? It seems to be right!

Tell her the truth, he doesn't seem to be so bad!

When he subconsciously turned his eyes to his mother, and saw that her mother's dull eyes suddenly burst into anger, he seemed to understand something.

"The top priority, only by solving the tracking incense, can we solve the crisis of being hunted down! It's just that we have tried all the methods we can think of, but they have no effect. How can we solve the tracking incense? Is that okay?" Lin Ning expressed the worry in his heart.

"What medicinal herbs did you all use?" Jiang Qiniang was so full of following things about incense at the moment that she forgot her intention to die.

Shu Ruyue was clever and explained the medicinal herbs Luo Cheng had used before.

When Jiang Qiniang heard this, she immediately shook her head.

"These herbs are well matched. If this is an ordinary tracking incense, it can naturally be washed off. Now it has no effect. I am afraid that this tracking incense is not made of herbs at all, but is made with herbs. Boiled with fat!"

Shu Ruyue was stunned when she heard Jiang Qiniang's words.

"Madam, do you know how to get rid of this tracking incense?"

Jiang Qiniang nodded, then looked at Lin Ning and Shu Ruyue.

"You go and invite the doctor who dispensed the medicine before, and I'll tell him how to get rid of this tracking incense!"

When Shu Ruyue heard this, she immediately ran out to find Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran.

Luo Cheng was worrying about this matter, when he heard Shu Ruyue say that Jiang Qiniang knew how to remove this tracking incense, and rushed over immediately.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoran naturally followed.

It would be better to get rid of this tracking incense, she doesn't want to be found anytime, anywhere.

After Jiang Qiniang saw Luo Cheng, she told what she knew.

"Our family was originally a family of medicine, passed down from generation to generation. Although the medical skills are not very sophisticated, they have been passed down from generation to generation, and have been passed down to seven generations. I am the only woman left. I was interested in medicine since I was a child, so my father passed it on to me! What my father didn't know was that, compared to curing diseases, I was most interested in medicine. Jiang Qiniang said At this point, he paused and looked at Luo Cheng.

"Later, when I was making medicines, I accidentally discovered that when making fragrant pills, some animal fats can be added to make the aroma last longer. When I was interested, I looked for it. I tried a lot of animal fats and other materials, and finally made a fragrance powder that can volatilize fragrance for a long time once it is contaminated!"

Luo Cheng thought secretly when he heard this.

"What Madam means, this thing is in the body, not on the epidermis, so the potion I used to remove the tracking incense didn't work!"

When Jiang Qiniang saw Luo Cheng, she understood what she meant, and immediately smiled and nodded: "You are really smart, I just said this, and you thought of the key point! That's right! , I use a kind of fragrant powder made from the oil in the belly of a fish. As long as this fragrant powder gets on the skin, it will penetrate into the skin and then enter the body. In this way, the fragrance can pass through every discharge. It wafts out when you sweat, so the scent lasts for a long time!"

"In this case, you have to adjust from the inside!" Luo Cheng suddenly found a solution.

"That's right, it needs to be conditioned from the inside, and it takes a long time! Fortunately, I also studied how to get rid of this fragrance, and finally came up with a formula, you You can use it for research and see if it works!" Jiang Qiniang said, and then listed the herbs that the recipe needed.

After Luo Cheng got the recipe, he solemnly thanked Jiang Qiniang, and then hurried to develop it.

Lin Ning was still by his mother's side, while Li Xiaoran and Shu Ruyue sat in the house where they lived, enjoying the cool breeze.

"Hey, why do I think that going out is a matter of the whole day! This one after another, I have never stopped!" Li Xiaoran couldn't help sighing.

Shu Ruyue heard Li Xiaoran's words and thought about it, it really is like this.

"We just came out to find some people who can make grilled fish or grilled meat, why do we feel like we are in trouble! One by one! First a coal kiln, and now a Shatai Village Next time, I don't know what will happen again!" Li Xiaoran said a little depressedly.

"You worry about the things in front of you first! We have to solve this soul-chasing incense first! Otherwise, you will be found wherever you go in the future!" Shu Ruyue said.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you talk so easily, it's as if you didn't have a soul chasing fragrance!" Li Xiaoran gave Shu Ruyue a white look and said.

"Hey, I'm under a big tree, so I can enjoy the shade! As long as you are here, I don't have to worry about this tracking incense that can't be removed! As far as the king's dedication to you, the most It's him who is in a hurry! I'll just wait for the antidote with you!" Shu Ruyue said with a smile.