The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 642

Chapter 642

After opening this door, the passage outside is still dark.

At this time, Li Xiaoran also adapted to this dark environment, and his eyes could vaguely see something.

"Right, we're stupid! I'm carrying the fire book!" Shu Ruyue said.

Speaking, Shu Ruyue was going to touch the fire stick on her body to light it.

"Don't!" Li Xiaoran grabbed Shu Ruyue and stopped her.

"Ruyue, we are in the underground passage, the smell is not good in the first place, and if the fire is lit at this moment, it will make us unable to breathe! Besides, in the In this dark environment, if there is no fire, we are safe. Once there is fire, maybe it will attract some dangerous things, but it will bring us trouble!" Li Xiaoran persuaded.

Shu Ruyue thought about it and decided to listen to Li Xiaoran.

Although she didn't understand the reason why Li Xiaoran didn't have any use for fire, but what she had experienced before told her that it was right to listen to Li Xiaoran.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Shu Ruyue replied.

Li Xiaoran was relieved after receiving Shu Ruyue's reply.

She felt it just now, this place should be deep underground.

Because when she took a breath, she noticed that the oxygen inside was very thin.

In the case of thin oxygen, it is unwise to ignite the fire to consume oxygen.

What's more, I don't know how long it will last for fire.

"I tell you, our eyes have adapted to this kind of dark environment, if you light the fire box now, after the fire box is extinguished, we will not be able to see clearly! "Li Xiaoran explained while walking along the underground passage with Shu Ruyue.

"You said, will Brother Luo Cheng and Wu Qinghe come to us directly from where we fell?" As they walked, Shu Ruyue asked something.

Li Xiaoran smiled when she heard this.

"No, they will only find the entrance to this underground passage to come to us. If only we could go out now!"

"Hey, I don't know how long we were in a coma just now, Wu Qinghe and the others must have died in a panic outside!" Shu Ruyue said.

"Don't worry, they will find us! Don't forget, Wu Qinghe can figure it out! They will definitely find us!" Li Xiaoran said firmly.

When Shu Ruyue heard Li Xiaoran's words, she immediately became happy.

"Yeah, how did I forget that?"

"You are in a hurry! Let's go! Let's go out quickly!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile.

Shu Ruyue nodded, joined hands with Li Xiaoran, and continued to walk forward.

If it weren't for the darkness around and the air wouldn't smell very good, Li Xiaoran would still think he was out for a walk.

"Hey, Xiaoran, there is such a passage underground in this Shatai Village, no wonder they can run out and hide when the government comes to encircle and suppress them." Shu Ruyue said, suddenly an idea came up Come out: "Hey, Xiaoran, do you think those women who were caught in the village will be hidden in this underground passage by them, so those who are looking for people can't find them!"

Li Xiaoran nodded when she heard Shu Ruyue's words.

"It's very possible! Maybe we can meet some people in the passage, and then we can save it!"

"Yes, if we meet, we must rescue them! The men in this village are so inhumane!" Shu Ruyue thought of what those people in Shatai Village did , said angrily.

"In the past, I always thought that it was a prejudice for others to say that poor mountains and bad waters make troublesome people. But now after seeing the situation in Shatai Village, I finally understand why they say that. It's all one word. , poor to make trouble. Poor and reckless, to develop towards the other extreme, become a villain!" Li Xiaoran said.

When Shu Ruyue heard Li Xiaoran's words, she remembered something she had personally experienced.

"When I was in the rivers and lakes before, I met a family. At that time, I felt that this family was very pitiful, so I wanted to help them! But gradually, this matter changed. It tastes bad. I help that family, and they take it for granted. Because they are poor, I have to give them all of my money. If I don't help them, it's my fault.

"At that time, I realized that people can be kind-hearted, but we also need to see if the other person is worth helping. Some people really can't support the wall with mud and are not worth it at all. Help! Some people don't even know how to be grateful!"

Shu Ruyue sighed like this.

Li Xiaoran can understand Shu Ruyue's feelings, nodded and said: "I understand your feelings, not everyone in this world deserves to be treated gently! Maybe, those people are here to give us It's a long lesson! It's everything we have to experience in life! Only after experiencing these can we grow up!"

Shu Ruyue nodded, agreeing with Li Xiaoran's words.

The two of them were walking when they came to a fork in the road.

There is a passage on the left and right, and the two of them don't know where to go!

Li Xiaoran closed her eyes and sensed it carefully.

"Let's go left! There are people on the left, not like those in Shatai Village. These people have a very weak breath and feel like they are dying!"

Shu Ruyue only thought that Li Xiaoran had heard all this, so she walked to the left with Li Xiaoran.

Not long after walking, a familiar wooden door appeared in front of two people.

Shu Ruyue looked at it and asked in a low voice, "It doesn't really take care of those poor women, does it?"

Li Xiaoran sensed it and felt very similar.

"How? Will you save people?" Shu Ruyue asked again.

Li Xiaoran pondered for a while, then said: "You open the door first, let's go in and see!"

Shu Ruyue nodded, took out the tools, and gently opened the door.

After opening the door, it was very quiet inside, no sound at all.

The two walked in carefully and found a woman locked in the pit.

"Xiao Ran, there is only one woman!" As Shu Ruyue said, she crouched down and probed for the woman's breath: "People are still alive!"

Li Xiaoran heard Shu Ruyue's words and thought for a while: "Wake people up, let's ask what's going on!"

Shu Ruyue nodded, then stretched out her hand and pushed the woman.

"Hey, wake up! Wake up!"