The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 640

Chapter 640

Luo Cheng looked at these people, pretended to be very cautious and said: "If you say you are from Shatai Village, will I believe you? Why don't we go to the village first? There are many people hunting in the mountains. If you deliberately take us to the medicinal fields planted by others, and let us be caught as thieves by others, wouldn't we say that we are suffering!

The scarred man heard Luo Cheng's words, although he was very anxious, but he was completely relieved when he heard Luo Cheng's words.

It seems that this group of people should have learned about the fact that there are medicinal materials in Shatai Village, so they came here on their own. It should be that the people they want to arrest today are not a group.

"Guests come from far away, it is normal to have such concerns! I wonder if a few guests have seen others when they went up the mountain? To tell you the truth, we are with another guest today. As promised, they will also go up the mountain to buy herbs today!" The scarred man said here, and paused: "I don't know what herbs you need, if you buy the same herbs, I'm afraid it's the herbs we picked. It's not enough!"

If Luocheng and the others really came to buy herbs, they would definitely be anxious to get this news now.

Therefore, there was a flash of anxiety on Luo Cheng's face at this moment.

"Ah? Does anyone still want to buy your herbs today? That's not good, we want a lot of herbs, and we can cooperate with you for a long time in the future! The other party has not come yet. , maybe it won't come, why don't you sell the herbs to us! Don't worry, the price is easy to say!"

Scar man smiled when he saw the other party being so anxious.

It's good to be in a hurry, as long as he is in a hurry, he will lead this group of people into the urn.

Thinking of this, the scarred man was completely relieved, and said such words with a deceitful tone.

"Really? Is the price really easy to say? I, Scar Liu, like to do business with a cheerful person like you. Let it be! If you can trust me, I will take you to fill the medicinal materials now. , we pay with one hand and deliver with one hand, what do customers think is good?"

Luo Cheng thought about it, hesitation flashed on his face, and finally seemed to make up his mind.

"Okay, I'll go with you, pay first and deliver!"

Li Xiaoran couldn't help laughing when she saw Luo Cheng acting there.

It was the first time she found out that her man is still very talented in acting!

"It's better for these two ladies and girls to come along too! There are many beautiful scenery on our mountain, and there are many delicious fruits. The two of you can taste casually for a while!" Liu's voice changed at this moment, and his eyes fell on Li Xiaoran and Shu Ruyue.

Shu Ruyue thought about it and looked at Shu Ruyue.

"Sister, why don't we go and have a look! We've all come here, and I just happen to be thirsty, let's go pick some fruits to eat, and quench my thirst. Look, my water bag There's no water in there!"

Shu Ruyue would come over and nodded.

"Sister-in-law is right, I just have a dry mouth, so I just went to taste the fruit!"

In this way, Luo Cheng and his party went up the mountain with Scar Liu and his group.

After walking for about two quarters of an hour, a group of people finally came to a valley.

"Brother Luo, look, this is our medicinal field. In addition to picking medicinal herbs in the mountains, we will also grow some of them ourselves. It is also a treat for God to eat! We used to grow crops in the mountains and harvest them. Very poor. Only after these herbs are planted, they actually grow very well. Because the herbs we grow are very effective, many people from drugstores are willing to come to us to buy herbs!" Scar Liu introduced enthusiastically. stand up.

While listening, Luo Cheng squatted down and carefully checked the quality of these herbs.

"Yes, yes, this Polygonatum chinensis grows very well, and the quality is much better than the Polygonatum chinensis we bought before!"

Luo Cheng is a person who is skilled in medicine. People who have been dealing with medicinal herbs for a long time can naturally distinguish the quality of medicinal materials.

I have to say that the herbs grown in this Shatai Village are really of much better quality.

It stands to reason that if the people of Shatai Village rely on these medicinal herbs to make a living, their days should be better.

"Brother Liu, when did you start using herbs in Shatai Village?"

"It's been several years! Brother Luo, since you are purchasing medicinal materials, you should know that many medicinal materials can not be used in one or two years. We medicinal materials, but it takes several years to grow! So, we have only started to have some income this year, and the life of the brothers has been better. But we believe that it will not take long for our village to get better and better!" Scar Liu said confidently.

Luo Cheng nodded with a smile and said, "That's for sure, as long as you grow herbs well, you will definitely get richer in the future!"

"Then borrow Brother Luo's auspicious words!" said Scar Liu.

Li Xiaoran heard the conversation between the two, looked at the scar Liu in front of him, and secretly became vigilant.

If she hadn't clearly felt the maliciousness in Scar Liu's heart, she would have been deceived by Scar Liu's appearance at this time.

Scar Liu at this time gives the impression that he is a very hearty man, and chatting with him will have a very comfortable feeling.

The more such a person, the more terrifying.

So Li Xiaoran didn't dare to take it lightly at this moment, looked at Shu Ruyue, and pulled her sleeve with her hand.

Shu Ruyue looked over, and after receiving Li Xiaoran's eyes, she simply got closer, and the two walked side by side.

"Be careful, this person is not simple!" Li Xiaoran lowered her voice and reminded.

When Shu Ruyue heard this, she nodded and cheered up.

To everyone's surprise, when they were about to walk to a cave, Li Xiaoran and Shu Ruyue stepped on the same place at the same time.

Two screams came out, Li Xiaoran and Shu Ruyue lost their center of gravity and fell down.

Luo Cheng saw that the situation was wrong and wanted to arrest people, but he was not given any chance at all.

Scar Liu no longer pretended to be enthusiastic when he saw that the two women had arrived, and sprinkled a handful of medicinal powder directly on Luo Cheng and the others.

It's a pity that Luo Cheng and the others had already taken the antidote, so they wouldn't be caught at this time.

The smug smile on Scar Liu's face suddenly solidified, and he immediately shouted: "Brothers, copy the guys, kill them!"

When the people behind Scar Liu saw this, they immediately took out machetes and hoes from the medicine field.

The people of Shatai Village, who were honest and honest just now, seemed to have changed their faces at this time, with a grim look on their faces, and directly attacked Luo Cheng and the others.

If this really meets someone who is helpless, I am afraid that I will really explain it here today.

Unfortunately, this time the people from Shatai Village met Luo Cheng.

Worrying about the safety of Li Xiaoran and Shu Ruyue, Luo Cheng's anger erupted at this moment, his subordinates showed no mercy at all, and shot directly!