The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 624

Chapter 624

It's a pity that Shu Ruyue took precautions long ago, and directly drew out a sword and touched the man's throat.

"Guess what, your life is harder, or my sword is sharper."

This time, the young man dared not move.

Li Xiaoran looked at the spectators behind him at this moment, and said with a serious expression: "I don't know which doctor in your land has the most brilliant medical skills, please help me to come here, Don't worry, I will pay the errand fee of 100 wen."

As soon as these words fell, someone immediately ran out.

"I know, everyone is very puzzled and thinks it's too impersonal for me to do this! However, there is still a secret to this matter, so please be patient, and I will give it when the doctor arrives. Everyone's confusion. At that time, everyone will know why I don't need this person!" After seeing this scene, Li Xiaoran glanced at the people around, and then said something like this.

With Li Xiaoran's words, the people around can only suppress their inner doubts and wait for the follow-up.

It didn't take long for an old gentleman to be carried over by a young boy.

"Let me go, let me go! Everyone let me go, I have invited Mr. Qiao!" the young boy shouted loudly at this moment.

Soon, everyone made way for this young boy.

"Isn't this Dr. Qiao's grandson Qiao Ziming?" Someone in the crowd recognized someone.

"It's not this kid! This kid, he likes to join in the fun the most. He runs wherever there is fun! I really didn't expect him to join in the fun today and carry his grandfather on his back. !" Someone joked with a smile.

When Li Xiaoran heard this, he immediately understood what kind of temperament this man named Qiao Ziming was.

Looking at his grandson, he said with a beard.

"Hey, grandpa, there really is something important here that needs your help! Besides, I can make a hundred cents for this trip, what a deal! You'll be on your own for a while You can still earn some consultation fees and medicine fees, so don't thank me too much!" Qiao Ziming looked at Li Xiaoran happily as he spoke.

"Ma'am, can I pay for my errands?"

Li Xiaoran was dumbfounded, took a hundred wen directly from his pocket, and put it in this kid's hand!

"Here, this is a hundred cents, and the good things I promised will naturally be honored!"

Speaking, Li Xiaoran looked at Doctor Qiao.

"Old doctor, what do you call you?" As Li Xiaoran said, he moved a chair to the old doctor Qiao and asked him to sit down and rest.

"The old man is Qiao Meng, the doctor with the best medical skills in Nanping Town. This lady, do you have anyone who needs to see a doctor?" Old doctor Qiao asked.

"I don't want to see a doctor, but I want to ask Mr. Qiao to see if there are poppies in the liquid in my porcelain bottle!" Li Xiaoran replied with a smile: "Don't worry, We won't let you make a trip in vain, we will give you the consultation fee and visit fee!"

When Dr. Qiao heard Li Xiaoran's words, he smiled and nodded.

"It turns out to be this one! It's simple, let the old man identify this liquid!"

Li Xiaoran nodded and handed the porcelain bottle in his hand to Doctor Qiao.

Doctor Qiao first sniffed the contents of the porcelain vase, then poured out a little more and looked at it carefully.

In the end, Mr. Qiao stained some liquid with his fingers and tasted it lightly on the tip of his tongue.

"Where did you find this thing?" Old Doctor Qiao asked.

Li Xiaoran pointed to the plate that had been marinated before, but Mr. Qiao stood up and went to the plate to take a closer look.

The plate is a white porcelain plate with no pattern at all, so some of the pickled liquid remains on the plate.

After seeing it, Mr. Qiao nodded and said, "It does contain poppy, and the weight is not light."

Li Xiaoran was waiting for this sentence, so he looked at the young man.

The young man now had Shu Ruyue's long sword against his throat, he didn't dare to move at all, but his heart was already extremely anxious.

"Doctor Qiao, you always know the role and efficacy of poppy!" Li Xiaoran asked.

"Naturally know that poppy has the effect of relieving cough, moistening the lungs, hypnosis and analgesia. It has analgesic effect, so boiling water with poppy can be used to treat chronic cough, diarrhea, dysentery , confidant pain, etc. It's just that this thing should not be taken in large quantities, let alone for a long time. Taking a large amount will cause the patient to have shortness of breath and die directly. If you take it for a long time, it will become addictive, and you will not be able to quit it. Take it!" Old Doctor Qiao directly stated all the effects of poppy he knew.

Li Xiaoran heard this, looked at the people around, and finally fell on the young man.

"Everyone has heard what Dr. Qiao said! Extensive use of this poppy shell will make people short of breath, and long-term use will make people addicted. You can't eat it. You said, if one day I Opened a food shop and sold poppy shells, do you still dare to eat it?"

This time, everyone's eyes on the young man suddenly changed.

"We are looking for people who are good at grilling meat and fish, so we want to open a food shop. But if the chef who cooks for us is not right, he will add some things to our food that are harmful to us. Do you dare to use this kind of thing, such a person, such a cook? Anyway, I don't dare to use it!" Li Xiaoran said plausibly.

Now, everyone understands why Li Xiaoran said that before.

I am afraid that from the beginning to the end, Li Xiaoran saw everything this young man did, so he was reluctant to taste the grilled fish made by this man from the beginning.

"You spit! You must have framed me! Maybe there are poppies in your porcelain bottle, so you poured my pickled fish juice into it, and it naturally contained a lot of poppies! You profiteers, you really used all your means to achieve your goals!" Seeing this, the young man took a step back and shouted his grievance, ignoring the sword at his throat.

"No, she didn't frame you! There were a lot of poppies on the plate just now, and you even got a lot of juice with poppy powder on your body!" The doctor said, "You might as well look at the placket of your own shirt and see what that brown thing is!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the place pointed out by Mr. Qiao.

Sure enough, there was a spot on the front of the young man's shirt that was stained with brownish-yellow juice.

This time, the young man's face lost its blood.