The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 621

Chapter 621

"I never imagined that Xu Wenjing would still see so much real gold, silver and jewelry in his lifetime. No wonder everyone wants to be a corrupt official, and the wealth and silk really move people's hearts! I look at it now With so much wealth, my heart is trembling with excitement. The money alone is enough to pay our soldiers for many years!" Xu Wenjing said with bright eyes.

To think that he is a great general, to be so poor, is simply unreasonable!

Luo Cheng couldn't help laughing when he saw Xu Wenjing like this.

"Look at you, you look like a corrupt official, and Xu Lao sees it, and you won't be punished!"

Don't you know that over the years, because of the food and clothing of the soldiers, my grandfather's hair has turned gray. I heard that he also stuffed some disabled soldiers into your place not long ago. That incident is also My grandfather can't help it, so I don't have the shame to send people here! Over the years, my grandfather can't wait to split a penny in half to spend!"

Speaking of these things, Xu Wenjing is worried!

After he went to the battlefield, he understood the painstaking efforts and dedication of the family.

Over the years, Xu Wenjing has also begun to worry about money!

The military salaries in the imperial court have not been paid for a long time, and the soldiers also need to eat well and wear warm clothes!

Luo Cheng felt a little strange when he heard this.

"No, it stands to reason that military salaries should not be delayed! Over the years, the taxation of the dynasty has been good, the weather is good, the treasury is full, and it is impossible to default on military salaries?"

"The treasury is full?" Xu Wenjing laughed bitterly when she heard Luo Cheng's words.

"The treasury is not full of silver. After all, it costs money everywhere. The Minister of the Household has turned his hair and beard white because of the money."

Speaking of this, Xu Wenjing looked around and made sure that he, Luo Cheng and Luo Han were the only ones in the room, so she lowered her voice and said, "To tell you the truth, over the years , the treasury is empty, and there is not much silver at all. It looks like there is on the book, but in reality there is no money at all. It is difficult to want silver."

Luo Cheng was stunned when he heard it!

Over the years, he has lived anonymously in Shudi. Although he has been paying attention to the affairs of the imperial court, he has not paid much attention to the affairs of the state treasury.

This treasury has money on the books, but in fact there is no money, no matter how you look at it, it feels strange!

"Who paid for the money in the treasury?" Luo Cheng thought of something and asked.

Xu Wenjing shook her head and did not answer.

"We don't know who paid for it. I'm afraid only the Minister of the Household knows about this matter. If the emperor knows it, it's not clear!"

Luo Cheng sighed when he heard this.

That's all, that's all, he doesn't want to take care of this matter, nor can he.

What he can do now is to let the people live and work in peace and contentment in his fief.

"Okay, let's take stock of all these things, and then divide them according to what we discussed before! Luo Han, I already have a preliminary idea for the money used for people's livelihood. After waiting for the money to be divided, I will discuss it with you." Luo Cheng directly changed the subject.

Xu Wenjing and Luo Han also knew that Luo Cheng didn't want to talk about this, so they nodded.

With so much money, it is not easy to count.

So until the evening, Luo Cheng was unable to return to Nanping Town.

Li Xiaoran has already thought about the external wording, even if Luo Cheng did not come back, it did not arouse suspicion from others.

Li Xiaoran has made some progress in finding people who can grill fish and meat.

After many people learned the news, many people were thinking about this matter in their hearts.

No, when the three of them took to the street again the next day, they were soon surrounded by many people.

It is true that I am looking for someone who can cook grilled meat and grilled fish, and many people came forward to recommend it immediately.

Yu Peng thought for a while, then rented an open space, then went to rent some seats, took the four treasures of the study, and began to register and screen one by one.

The selection procedure is also very simple, that is, let these people take pieces of meat one by one and roast them on the fire.

There are condiments, you can use whatever you want.

To be honest, grilling is the easiest.

If you can't even bake a piece of meat, you won't be able to enter the next level.

In this way, many people came, three people screened it, and only ten people remained.

These ten people did not overcook the meat, nor did it over-salted or undercooked.

So these ten people advanced and entered the next level.

At this time, Li Xiaoran and Shu Ruyue were hanging out here. After hearing the news, they came over to have a look.

This second level is also very simple.

Naturally, I want to find someone who makes grilled fish, so I naturally want to grill a fish to taste.

There are a lot of crucian carp in the market, and the crucian carp is not big and easy to handle.

So after Jiao Hang allocated a fish to each of these ten people, he let them play freely.

Li Xiaoran and Shu Ruyue turned into melon eaters at this moment, and brought two stools over, each of them held half a watermelon and scooped it with a spoon.

"Hey, this melon is so sweet, it's the best watermelon I've ever eaten! I didn't expect that the watermelons grown in this small place in Nanping Town are so delicious! "Li Xiaoran praised while eating.

Hearing Li Xiaoran's words while watching the lively big tree, he immediately laughed.

"It's not that we brag, many fruits in Nanping Town taste good! The crispy plums that came out during this period are delicious. If you like this lady, you might as well buy some to taste. Taste it, keep it safe if you want to eat it!"

Li Xiaoran nodded when he heard the uncle's words: "Thank you uncle for reminding me, I'll buy the watermelon later!"

"Don't wait for a while, I'll sell it here! Madam, do you want to try it!" At this moment, a man who passed by carrying a burden heard the words inside, Immediately stood outside and shouted loudly.

Li Xiaoran looked over and said with a smile, "I'd like you folks to tell the plum seller outside, I'll see if his plums are delicious. If it's delicious, you This pick of plums, I will buy them all."

When everyone heard Li Xiaoran's words, they immediately made way.

When the man who carried the burden heard Li Xiaoran's words, he realized that there was a big business coming today, and immediately walked over happily carrying the burden.