The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 603

Chapter 603

Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng naturally knew He Hui's good intentions, so they explained with a smile: "Aunt Hui, since I brought it up, I naturally thought about all these possible problems! The reason why I invited you here today is that I have some questions about raising ducks and want to ask you! If you raise ducks in the village, how many are the most suitable? Will the river water in our village pollute the water source due to too many ducks raised? !"

He Hui and Guan Dongshan understood immediately after hearing Li Xiaoran's words.

He Hui has been raising ducks at home for a long time, so when she heard Li Xiaoran's words, she thought about it in her heart.

"When we raised the most, we raised 160 ducks. But at that time, the smell was very strong, and the water in the stream was full of duck feathers and feces, especially in summer. When I was in the village, I could smell a stench in the village. Many people came to me to talk about things, so I sold some and reduced it to 100 ducks!"

Li Xiaoran thought about what He Hui said.

In other words, with the farming capacity of the village, it is enough to raise a hundred?

"If I recommend raising, just raise 100 ducks. The number of 100 ducks is easy to feed, and the ducks will not get sick frequently. If you raise too much, you will be piled up when you get sick. Come!" He Hui thought of something and suggested.

"Then what if we join several surrounding villages to raise ducks?" Li Xiaoran asked.

He Hui and Guan Dongshan were a little surprised, they didn't expect Li Xiaoran to want to be so big.

"Xiao Ran, are you really sure you want every village to raise so much?" He Hui couldn't help asking.

"Aunt Hui, don't worry that I won't be able to sell it if I raise so much, I won't worry about the sales!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile.

He Hui thought about Li Xiaoran's words carefully.

"If you have a market, there is no problem in raising so many! But I want to ask, what are the workshops you built, and who are they?"

Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng thought seriously after hearing He Hui's words.

"We are just an idea at the moment, we want to bring the people in the village to become rich. Many things are not well thought out." Luo Cheng explained.

He Hui breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing Luo Cheng's words.

"Since you asked our opinion, then I will give my opinion. You want to raise ducks in the surrounding villages, which is a good idea, but I do not recommend you to participate. You don't need to raise ducks yourself, you just need to build workshops and buy ducks. As long as you buy them for a long time, there will definitely be many people willing to raise them."

Li Xiaoran didn't understand when she heard this.

"Aunt Hui, why did you say that?"

Let go of the income, whoever has the ability, who will raise it, you are only responsible for purchasing the ducks! This way you will not have to work hard and save your mind." He Hui expressed her thoughts.

Li Xiaoran and Luo Chengyi heard He Hui's words and immediately realized something.

"As for the workshop you mentioned, you should start it up! At that time, you can provide some opportunities for people in the village to work. This is the best way!" Guan Dongshan also opened his mouth and suggested: "You have to remember, Doumian, bear rice feud. You have good intentions, but you must also pay appropriately, don't take everything. Otherwise, you will not be grateful, but complaining. !"

"My lord, Xiaoran, I understand what you mean! You live in the village and want to bring the people in the village to get rich. Your intentions are good, but you can't get too involved in many things If you want to get rich, you have to work hard. You have already provided them with opportunities. If you can't seize them, you can only blame them! Don't meddle in other things. You are building a school for the village, enough is enough, too much!" Guan Dongshan reminded.

Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng suddenly woke up when they heard Guan Dongshan's words.

Before they took it too much for granted and lost their prudence.

Although they designated Bailu City as Luo Cheng's fief, but if they want the people in the fief to live a better life, they have to do their best. As the saying goes, the iron must be **** its own, and even the mud can't support it against the wall!

If they give too much, it will not be good. Appropriateness is the best.

Luo Cheng understood and looked at Guan Dongshan and He Hui with gratitude.

"Thank you for the reminders from Uncle Guan and Aunt Hui, otherwise we would have gone astray!"

When Guan Dongshan saw Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran, he understood what they meant, and a smile appeared on his face.

"You can understand what we mean, don't blame us for talking!"

The reason why Guan Dongshan and He Hui will tell these two people about these life experiences that they only understand after living for most of their lives is also only when they know the people and temperament of these two people.

For another person, they are not willing to say.

"How come! What you teach us is very valuable experience! We can't ask for it!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile: "After talking about this matter, we have another matter. I want to ask Guan Kang!"

He Hui and Guan Dongshan heard Li Xiaoran's words, and their eyes fell on their son Guan Kang.

In fact, when they heard Luo Cheng sent someone to invite their family over today, He Hui and Guan Dongshan guessed that it had something to do with their son, so hearing Li Xiaoran's words at this time was no exception .

Guan Kang had been listening to everyone before and didn't express any opinion. At this time, seeing everyone talking about him, he asked: "Sister Xiaoran, Brother Luo Cheng , do you want to use my ability to benefit the people?"

Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran smiled and nodded when they heard Guan Kang's words.

"We have such an idea, but we have to ask your opinion first! If you don't want to, we won't force it!" Luo Cheng said.

When Guan Kang saw Luo Cheng speak calmly, he stopped going around in circles.

"Brother Luo Cheng, during the time when you guys went to Beijing, I have been exploring what my abilities are like. I have made detailed records and summaries, and have also done many experiments. Let's see what my skills are first, let's continue!"

Guan Kang took out a booklet from the bag he was carrying.

"These things may take a day to look at. We won't bother you today. How about I come to see you tomorrow?" Guan Kang asked.