The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 599

Chapter 599

Li Xiaoran learned about the changes in the old Li family, and a stone hanging in his heart fell.

As long as the people of the old Li family are diligent and well-fed, they will be less troublesome.

However, there are a few people in the old Li family outside.

Let's not talk about Li Yan, leave it to Pei Xuanxin to have a headache!

Li Qinna, it's hard to say at this moment.

Alternatively, both sisters are crooked, so naturally they will grow crooked.

The most important thing is Li Zhan.

Luo Cheng didn't let Li Zhan go.

The people in the casino are pressing to work in the casino to pay back the money.

Li Zhan is of course unwilling, every time he says he will find his family to exchange money.

It's a pity that he had already got the casino that Luo Cheng ordered, and naturally he didn't want to offend King Qin for Li Zhan, so Li Zhan could only stay in the casino and do the most tiring and dirty work .

Next, Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran started to get busy.

The fief has been set, the palace has begun to be built, and Luo Han has also begun to take over the affairs of Bailu City.

At this moment, Luo Cheng felt a heavier burden.

With Bailu City as his fief, Luo Cheng naturally has his own considerations.

When Luo Han was the county magistrate, there were many things that could not be pushed forward.

Now Bailu City has become Luo Cheng's fief, so Luo Han restarted the things he couldn't do before, and started to do things that benefit the country and the people.

Luo Cheng handed over the construction of the palace and the management of Zhuangzi to Luo Ziyang, while he focused on the training of the dark guards and the construction of the entire Bailu City.

The business of the grilled fish shop and the restaurant is handed over to Li Xiaoran.

In addition, the few people who defected to Luo Chenglai before were also handed over to Li Xiaoran.

So the couple are busy at the moment, and the time for the two to meet is much less.

During this time, Li Xiaoran lived in the town's house.

Luo Cheng would try his best to come back at night to accompany Li Xiaoran every day, and if he couldn't come back, he would ask someone to pass a message to Li Xiaoran.

Li Xiaoran is not the kind of person who must have his own man to accompany him every day.

When Luo Cheng is away, she can concentrate more on what she wants to do.

The second shopkeeper on the grilled fish side has done a good job training, and it will come in handy after a while.

The problem now is the cook's problem.

Grilling fish is a very simple thing for Li Xiaoran, but when I teach it to others, I can't find a few suitable people.

The fish tasted very strange.

Li Xiaoran has observed it several times, but in the end she can only give up training and find someone to learn again.

Li Xiaoran thought about it, and finally decided to recruit people in the town and village.

There are many people who want to learn a craft, but unfortunately very few people have talent in the end.

Fan Dechang, who was idle at this time, was caught by Li Xiaoran as a strong man, first learned the technique of grilling fish, and then taught others to grill fish.

Within two days, Fan Dechang was so anxious that several bubbles grew out of his mouth.

"Princess, there is no way to do this! My God, rotten wood can't be carved! Who are these people, and waste our ingredients!"

Li Xiaoran just made a pot of tea, and when he saw Fan Dechang jumping, he couldn't help laughing.

"Don't worry, don't worry, have a cup of tea first and talk slowly! Things can always be solved!"

Fan Dechang lost his temper now, poured himself a cup of tea and drank it in one gulp.

"Hey, this herbal tea is good!" Fan Dechang said in surprise.

"Drink more if you like, this is to reduce dryness and get rid of fire. Drink a few more glasses to get rid of heart fire, and then we will discuss this matter!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile.

Fan Dechang was not polite and drank several cups of herbal tea in succession.

After calming down, Fan Dechang sighed.

"Princess, you say, is it really so difficult to grill fish? It's so simple, why can't you learn it!"

Li Xiaoran thought about it, and said: "In Shu, there were not many people who used to eat fish. And most people eat fish by stewing it. They grill the fish and eat it. There are very few. So it is not easy for us to find people who are good at grilling fish. Think about it, talents are rare! So we have to be patient! It's not possible, let's look for those who hunt. In general, people who are good at hunting are good at cooking grilled food, and maybe they are very good at grilling fish!"

Fan Dechang thought seriously when he heard this.

"Aren't we going to look for it in the deep mountains? You know, people living in the mountains are generally blocked, I'm afraid we haven't received the news that we are looking for someone to be a cook! Let's talk about it! , Ordinary hunters in the mountains don't think about working as a cook!"

Li Xiaoran also knew this principle, so he thought about it and said: "So I have an idea, let's take some people and go for a walk in the mountains! Maybe there will be unexpected harvests, And we are not going to be in vain. Bailu City is already the fief of the lord, and the people in the fief are the children of the lord. Helping them get rid of poverty and become rich is also a big deal! "

Fan Dechang was stunned for a moment, not expecting Li Xiaoran to say such a thought.

"I thought about it carefully. If you want the common people to live a good life, you should not only see the villages near the town, but also see farther places. Compared with the villages near the town , those villages and people in the mountains far away are the ones who need our help more!" Li Xiaoran said: "Just taking advantage of this opportunity, on the one hand, we are looking for talents who can make grilled fish, and on the other hand, we can be regarded as Visit and investigate to see how the people in the mountains are doing and what they need!"

"Princess, needless to say, I'll go, I can't go! I'm so old, and I feel excited when I hear these things you said. I have to say, Bailu City can It is the blessing of the common people to become the fief of the prince!" Fan Dechang said.

"Don't say that, just help us if we can! You should prepare for this matter first, and when the lord comes back, I will discuss with him and make some arrangements. Let's go!" Li Xiaoran thought about it and said this.

Fan Dechang nodded, secretly thinking about what preparations he had to make.

When Luo Cheng came back from Bailu City, it was already a day later.

Seeing that his man is back, Li Xiaoran is naturally happy.

I personally cooked a table of delicious food, and Li Xiaoran told me what she wanted to go to the mountain area.