The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 587

Chapter 587

"By the way, I came here today to tell you guys, here's an invitation for you!" Zhao Xiu hesitated for a while, and directly took out an invitation: "I'm here today. People, sent the invitation directly in, and before we could see it clearly, the people were already gone!"

Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng heard this and took the invitation that Zhao Xiu handed over.

After seeing the above content clearly, Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran laughed at the same time.

"I really didn't expect that these two people are back!" Li Xiaoran said this: "Xianggong, are you going?"

"Did you give her face?" Luo Cheng said: "Father, mother, you don't care about this matter, just treat it as if you didn't receive it! No matter what reason is used by the old Li family. I told you to go over, but don't go!"

Li Shun and Zhao Xiu were relieved when they heard Luo Cheng's words.

"That's good! Don't worry, your mother and I will never go!"

Originally, Luo Cheng asked Li Shun and Zhao Xiu to stay for dinner, but Li Shun and Zhao Xiu had something to do, so they didn't stay.

Li Xiaoran looked at his man and asked, "What do you think about this?"

"There's nothing to see, but Pei Xuanxin came back to show off his power after winning the third flower! However, it is strange to say that this third flower should stay in the capital to wait for a job? How could it be? At this time, have you returned home?" Luo Cheng said, feeling a little strange.

As he said this, Luo Cheng called Zizheng, who was in charge of news delivery in the capital recently.

"Zizheng, is there any news from the capital? How come Pei Xuanxin, a new researcher, has returned to his hometown?"

Zi Zheng heard Luo Cheng's question, and replied like this: "That Tanhua Lang was assigned by the emperor to edit books in the Hanlin Academy. Because he was an idler, he got the emperor's permission. Return home, pick up the old mother into the capital to settle down!"

"Hanlin Academy?" Luo Cheng didn't expect that Pei Xuanxin could actually see the Hanlin Academy.

Although it is an idle job, it is already the best official position for someone like Pei Xuanxin who has no background.

I have to say, this person still has some luck.

When Li Xiaoran figured out the doorway in the government, he understood why his man had good luck with Pei Xuanxin.

"He is indeed lucky, at least such an idle job doesn't need to be involved in those prince disputes. Otherwise, with a vain wife like Li Yan, I'm afraid I don't know how she died !" Li Xiaoran said with emotion.

In fact, what Li Xiaoran was worried about was not for nothing.

The reason why Pei Xuanxin brought Li Yan back home was to avoid the battle of several princes.

And Li Yan also has her own calculations in her heart, thinking that she must persuade Pei Xuanxin to stand in line in the future, and strive for a follower of the dragon.

I have to say, Li Yan's ambition is really big!

Especially after hearing that Luo Cheng was named king and Li Xiaoran became a princess, she was even more eager to climb up.

This time, Li Yan wanted to show off.

After hearing that Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran were crowned kings, they didn't say anything, and Li Yan laughed at them secretly.

For such a big happy event, she will definitely invite the villagers to a meal and have a good time.

If you don't make fun, how can you let others envy her?

So when Li Yan's brain became hot, she instigated Pei Xuanxin to send an invitation to Li Xiaoran.

Of course, Li Yan is not stupid, she knew that sending the invitation to Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng would be of no use, so she asked people to send the invitation to Li Shun and Zhao Xiu, And he also specially told the person who sent the invitation to leave quickly after giving the invitation, not to give Li Shun and Zhao Xiu a chance to refuse!

The old Li family has been keeping their guard for a while, even if they heard that Luo Cheng is the seventh prince, they would not dare to make trouble.

Luo Cheng was just a hunter before, and they didn't dare to provoke him, not to mention that he has now regained his status as a prince and became a prince.

it is good.

Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran still have a lot of important things to do, so naturally they don't have time to accompany Li Yan to make fun, so they naturally leave this thing behind.

After eating, Li Xiaoran went to read in the study, while Luo Cheng went to a wing.

The man in black who I saw during the day changed into black clothes and sat in front of the window.

At this time, in front of him was a plate of fried fish, a plate of peanuts and a pot of wine.

When Luo Cheng came, the man was not surprised, as if he had expected Luo Cheng to come back.

"Today is my brother's birthday, come and worship him too!"

Luo Cheng nodded, picked up a wine glass, filled it with the flask, and poured himself another glass.

He picked up a glass of wine and touched another glass of wine on the table, Luo Cheng remembered the past and said such a sentence.

"Xue Shanhui, let's toast your brother together!"

Xue Shanhui nodded when he heard Luo Cheng's words, and also picked up the wine glass in front of him, also bumped the glass of wine in the middle, and then the two drank it all at once.

"My eldest brother once said that one brother is enough in life! He didn't see you wrong!" Xue Shanhui said suddenly.

Luo Cheng didn't expect Xue Shanhui to suddenly say these words, and then looked at him puzzled.

Xue Shanhui didn't say anything, just took out a letter.

Luo Cheng took the letter and looked at it, his hands trembled at this moment.

"This is your brother's handwriting!"

Xue Shanhui nodded, then poured himself another glass of wine.

"Yes, this is a letter from my elder brother! After reading this letter, you will know why I came to you!"

When Luo Cheng heard Xue Shanhui's words, he opened the letter and opened it.

Luo Cheng read a letter for a quarter of an hour.

Seeing the familiar handwriting again, Luo Cheng's heart is also mixed.

But when all the truth was in front of him, Luo Cheng felt so uncomfortable.

"Why is he so stupid! He should tell me the truth, no matter what, it's better than he bears all this alone!" Luo Cheng said choked.

Xue Shanhui shook his head when he heard Luo Cheng's words.

"If that's the case, he's not my big brother! My big brother left me a letter saying that he is very lucky that he will eventually die in your hands. Only in your hands He will feel at ease in his hand. You are right, the elder brother went astray back then, and he himself is very clear, but he can't go back! Because once he turns back, so many people up and down the Xue family will be punished. Silence. So, dying in your hands will be his best destination!"

Luo Cheng didn't say anything, just felt that his heart was uncomfortable.