The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 574

Chapter 574

"We can't control many things in life, but at least we can decide our attitude towards life. Even if the land is torn apart, we can at least choose to face everything with a smile!" Li Xiaoran understood what Gao Chen meant, After thinking about it, he replied.

When Gao Chen heard Li Xiaoran's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then he didn't say anything more.

However, in the next time, Gao Chen became very silent and didn't say a word.

After reading the shop, Zhao Xiu met He Hui selling things, and the two stood together and talked.

Being bored, Li Xiaoran also went to the vendors on both sides of the official road for a stroll.

It has to be said that there are many more people selling things on both sides of the official road, and there are many more kinds of things.

Even fruit stalls are placed beside Guandao, not only are the prices affordable, but also help customers peel and cut into pieces.

The business of this stall is good because the delicious fruit can be eaten without the customer's hands.

In addition, there are people who sell water.

In addition to hot water, cold boiled water, there are sugar water, salt water and so on.

After seeing these, Li Xiaoran had to admire the business brains of these people.

Walking, Li Xiaoran suddenly saw a very familiar figure.

The other party seemed to notice Li Xiaoran coming, and quickly lowered his head, not wanting to be seen by Li Xiaoran. ,

Li Xiaoran looked at the several mountain mushrooms placed in front of the man, and let out a sigh.

To be honest, Li Xiaoran almost didn't recognize the person in front of her as her cousin Zhao Lijun.

In the image, her cousin Zhao Lijun should be a high-spirited young man, but at this time he has become like this for a woman.

Thinking of what he heard from Luo Cheng about the second uncle's house, Li Xiaoran didn't know whether to say that this cousin was an infatuated person or a useless person!

Li Xiaoran pretended not to see him, and walked over very calmly at this time.

Just when Zhao Lijun breathed a sigh of relief, Li Xiaoran walked back upside down again.

"These mushrooms look very fresh! It must have taken a lot of effort to find and pick them! It is not a shameful thing to work and make money with your own skills, but a An honorable thing! If you are still the cousin Zhao Lijun I know, then hold your head up and be an upright person!"

Abandoning these words, Li Xiaoran turned around and left.

For the sake of being relatives, Li Xiaoran couldn't bear to ruin a good young man like this.

Everyone is born with many mistakes.

It is not terrible to make mistakes, but it is terrible to fail.

If you make yourself so decadent because of a woman, Li Xiaoran thinks it's not worth it.

Many women feel that when a man is decadent for himself, it means that the other party really cares about you.

But for Li Xiaoran, such a man needs to be considered.

If you are decadent for a while, and then cheer up soon, such a man is worthy of attention.

But if you are always affectionate and decadent, then such a man is not worth it!

Because in life, there will always be some kind of hurdle waiting for you to experience.

If there is no responsibility and responsibility, then living with such a man will be very tiring.

I hope my words can wake Zhao Lijun up!

The Hu family in Bailu City has not appeared in Hele Village for a few days.

Just when everyone was about to forget the Hu family aside, the girl Hu actually appeared.

Before the girl Hu met Zhao Lijun, she took the opportunity to eat noodles at a noodle restaurant to meet Zhao Lijun.

Now if Miss Hu wants to meet Zhao Yan, she can only enter the village.

Because Zhao Yan is a very homely man, he has hardly ever been seen out of the village.

In fact, Zhao Yan was walking around on the mountain at this time, and seemed to be checking something.

At this time, he was carrying a backpack and was picking up pine mushrooms in the pine forest.

It has been raining heavily a few days ago, and these days are when the pine fungus is emerging in large numbers.

Having grown up in the forest for a long time, he is naturally familiar with the mountain treasures that can be picked at this time.

Thinking of the things that his parents sent, saying that Li Xiaoran gave him something to marry in the future, Zhao Yan thought about doing something to repay Li Xiaoran, his cousin.

The relationship between people is only when they come and go, they will get closer and closer.

Zhao Yan knew that Li Xiaoran's cousin liked to eat something delicious, and it just so happened that this pine fungus was delicious.

So after Zhao Yan made up his mind, he took the basket up the mountain to pick pine mushrooms.

I have to say, Zhao Yan's luck was very good, and he picked up half a basket of pine fungus in just an hour.

"Pick up some more! Pick up more, my cousin will definitely like it!" Zhao Yan said while muttering in his mouth.

The poor girl Hu had been guarding the village for a long time in secret, but she couldn't find Zhao Yan, and stomped her feet in anger.

"Hey, good brother Zhao Yan, I don't believe you don't show up! I can't see you today, I'll come tomorrow, and I'll come every day from now on to see how you hide!"

After speaking, Miss Hu turned and left angrily.

It is also a coincidence that Zhao Yan returned from the mountain with a full load of joy not long after the girl left.

However, Zhao Yan did not go back to the village directly, but went to Luo Cheng's house.

Knowing that Li Xiaoran and Luo Chengcheng were not there, Zhao Yan left the pine fungus to Zizheng to take care of the family.

"This is the pine fungus I picked up the mountain, I hope this little brother will help me transfer it to her!"

Zi Zheng knew Zhao Yan naturally, seeing that the other party was covered in loose hair, his face became red from sweating, and the soles of his shoes were stained with a lot of soil, he knew How sincere these pine mushrooms come.

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely convey your thoughts to my sister-in-law!" Zi Zheng said.

Zhao Yan nodded with a smile, turned around and left.

Looking at Zhao Yan's back, Zi Zheng couldn't help but muttered.

"They are also from the Zhao family, why is there such a big difference!"

It has to be said that people who know how to be grateful are always easier to gain the favor of others.

Zhao Yan is such a person.

When Li Xiaoran came back, he was overwhelmed with emotion when he learned that cousin Zhao Yan had brought a basket of pine fungus.

"It seems that among the young people of my family, Cousin Zhao Yan will definitely be a promising person in the future. God will never be stingy with those who know how to be grateful!"

Thanks to Zhao Yan's gratitude, Li Xiaoran arranged the pine fungus on the dinner table tonight.

I used a few turkeys to cook a pot of pine fungus, and Li Xiaoran distributed some to everyone.

My grandpa and grandma gave some, my parents gave some, and then my grandmother also gave some.

I have to say, the soup made from this mushroom is delicious!