The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 571

Chapter 571

"Then your mother's cooking is not delicious?" Wu Qinghe asked.

"My mother is very good at playing with big knives, but cooking is a disaster! You don't know, if my mother enters the kitchen and burns one of them, it will be scary! Fortunately, I did not inherit me after I was born Mother's ability, although the dishes you make are not very good, at least you won't burn the stove!" Shu Ruyue said with lingering fears.

Wu Qinghe heard Shu Ruyue's words, thought about it, and said seriously: "The dishes I cook are delicious! I was forced to cook by my master since I was a child. The craftsmanship is not good, so you can only count on me!"

When Shu Ruyue heard Wu Qinghe's words, she looked him up and down.

"Are you sure? Let's try two dishes sometime!"

"No problem, I'll do it tomorrow!" Wu Qinghe said.

Shu Ruyue nodded, and it was settled.

When Wu Qinghe heard this, he was secretly happy and began to make his own calculations.

No one else heard the conversation between the two.

And Shu Ruyue thought that Wu Qinghe would like to eat for everyone to taste, so she did not specifically tell others.

After eating and drinking, everyone went home to rest.

The next morning, when Li Xiaoran came together, he saw a few dogs at home strolling in the yard.

"Rhubarb, come here!" Li Xiaoran shouted at Dahuang.

When Da Huang heard Li Xiaoran's voice, he quickly wagged his tail and came to Li Xiaoran's side.

"Rhubarb, long time no see, so happy to see you today! How are you doing recently? Would you like me to cook you something delicious today."

Rhubarb hummed a few times, as if she was talking about her request.

Others may not understand, but Li Xiaoran can actually hear what Rhubarb is saying.

"I want to go up the mountain, run up the mountain, I'm tired of running at home!"

Li Xiaoran was a little surprised when she heard this, and then laughed.

"Okay, I told my husband, I will take my dogs up the mountain for a run today, but don't get lost!"

Rhubarb purrs a few times, indicating that he knows.

"With me, everyone can't lose it!"

With the guarantee of Rhubarb, Li Xiaoran told Luo Cheng about it.

"I didn't expect that you are getting more and more powerful. I used to be able to hear what other people said when people were emotional, but now I can even hear the voices of small animals, it's amazing Yes!" Luo Cheng exclaimed.

The more powerful his daughter-in-law is, the more worried Luo Cheng is, and his sense of urgency is getting stronger and stronger.

No, he has to become stronger and not let others covet his daughter-in-law's ability, in order to protect her safety.

After thinking about this, Luo Cheng thought of the soldiers in Zhuangzi who retired due to disability.

Perhaps these people are trained well, they are also an amazing soldier!

"Okay, I will take them out for a run in the morning, just as I want to see the construction of the villa. Also, our fief must be confirmed as soon as possible, and then we can make a big move. Act according to our plan!" Luo Cheng said.

"Maybe the news of your return will spread in a few days, and more people will come to you!" Li Xiaoran joked.

Luo Cheng looked at Li Xiaoran and shook his head: "What you think is too simple, in fact, no one of the local officials is willing to be an official in the fief, obviously he is a parent official, and there is an extra prince for no reason. No one will be happy to put it on the head. However, you are right, many people will come to inquire to see where I want to draw a fief!"

"Where are you planning to draw the fief? How big is our fief?" Li Xiaoran didn't know the concept of fief, so he asked.

!" Luo Cheng said as he took out the map and took a look.

At the junction of Hele Village and Yujiang Village on the other side, there is a very flat valley. The terrain here is wide, just enough to build a house. The most important thing is that this place is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and it is a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

This is where Luo Cheng chose.

"If we build the prince's mansion, do we have to live in it? But I can't bear my parents, and my parents can't bear the old folks here!" Li Xiaoran thought of something and said like this : "Didn't you say it before? Will we use Hele Village as our mansion in the future?"

"I thought about it before, but now I've changed my mind! Madam, your ability is something that many people dream of. I want to protect you, just set up My own power. With the power I have now, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you. If you don't want to live in that prince's mansion, you can still live here, and I'll be useful there." Luo Cheng put himself thought out.

Li Xiaoran didn't expect Luo Cheng to think so much. Thinking of his own ability, Li Xiaoran felt that it was necessary to plan ahead.

"Okay, do whatever you want, just do it!" Li Xiaoran said.

Of course, what Li Xiaoran has to do is more than a simple sentence of support.

She will do other things to help Luo Cheng.

"Then will you follow me this morning to take Da Huang to Zhuangzi?" Luo Cheng asked.

If this was put before, Li Xiaoran would definitely say go without hesitation.

Now that he knew Luo Cheng's plan, Li Xiaoran shook his head.

"I'm not going, I still have things to do!"

Luo Cheng didn't force it when he saw Li Xiaoran's rejection.

After that, Luo Chengcheng went out with rhubarb and the others.

Li Xiaoran returned to his study and thought of something, so he took the pen and started to write.

Since you want to train, then you must have a training plan.

Li Xiaoran has traveled from modern times to the past, and has seen countless training methods.

Just come up with some training methods, all Luo Cheng can use.

To tell the truth, Li Xiaoran has 12 points of admiration for those soldiers who have been trained by modern countries.

If Luo Cheng wants to form his own faction, Li Xiaoran also hopes to form such an iron-blooded team.

Even people without martial arts can enhance their strength through such a training plan.

The forces established by Luo Cheng exist to protect her, so she should also do her part to help them improve their combat effectiveness and give them more ability to survive.