The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 550

Chapter 550

As soon as these words came out, Li Xiaoran felt more intrusive.

I just didn't wait for her to say anything, and suddenly felt something abnormal, and looked up in one direction, Li Xiaoran's eyes suddenly widened.

"Husband, there is someone!"

Luo Cheng thought that Li Xiaoran was scaring him, and immediately became happy.

"Who is there? Look at you, you can't pretend to be like some!"

"Really, someone! Someone hanged!" Li Xiaoran said anxiously.

Luo Cheng realized something, turned around and looked in the direction Li Xiaoran was looking at.

Looking at this, Luo Cheng was almost not scared away.

Because in a forest in the distance, a woman in white was hanging from a tree and floating around, scaring people to death.

"Are you sure it's a human or a ghost?"

"That person has emotions, definitely not a ghost. Can a ghost have emotions to make me empathize?" Li Xiaoran shouted loudly.

"Someone, come here, someone has been hanged!" Li Xiaoran shouted loudly.

Alright now, many people heard Li Xiaoran's words and ran over.

In the palace, the emperor who was congratulating the empress dowager suddenly saw Xiaodezi walking over.

Xiao Dezi didn't know what to say in the emperor's ear, and his face changed suddenly.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong? But what happened?"

The emperor smiled when he heard the queen mother's words.

"Mother, it's nothing major, it's just that something happened to the seventh daughter-in-law! No, now I have to go and make the decision for her, or else I won't give me delicious food in the future! Er! Chen, I really don't like the food she made, so I'm going to have a look first!

The Queen Mother smiled and nodded.

"Okay, you go!"

The emperor nodded, and then went out with Xiaodezi.

After the emperor left, the queen mother was even less interested, but she still cheered up to watch the song and dance.

There must be a lot of things that her son can solve by himself, so she, a mother, is tired and sits here for her son!

Soon, the emperor was led by Xiao Dezi to the grove.

When the emperor saw the woman who had been rescued and was being treated by the imperial doctor, his face became even more ugly.

"What the **** is going on?" The emperor asked through gritted teeth.

"What else can I do? At first glance, I will hang myself on the Queen Mother's birthday to add to the emperor!" Li Xiaoran said.

When Luo Cheng heard his daughter-in-law's words, he quickly reached out and pulled her sleeve, motioning her not to talk nonsense.

Li Xiaoran also came back to his senses and did not add fuel to the fire.

Just now she really didn't do it on purpose, but when she was thinking about this matter, she just heard the emperor's words and said it smoothly.

After being reminded by Luo Cheng, Li Xiaoran reacted.

The emperor glanced at Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng, then asked, "Why are you two here?"

Floating. Xiao Ran was frightened and screamed, which attracted the attention of the guards in the palace, and then alarmed the father!" Luo Cheng replied truthfully.

After the emperor heard this, he looked at a man standing beside him.

Tao Zhixin saw the questioning look from the emperor, so he quickly replied: "Reporting to the emperor, the last general and others did come over when they heard the shouts of my prince and concubine, and then followed the seven Only in the direction of the princess' finger did I see someone hanging in the woods here!"

After the emperor heard this, his face became better.

"You two have been away for so long, your grandmother has asked you several times, hurry back to accompany your grandmother! By the way, the things here must not be revealed!"

Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran nodded, and then the two quickly left.

After walking for a while, Li Xiaoran let out a sigh of relief.

"No wonder people often say that there are more grievances in the palace, and it turns out that this is the case!"

When Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words, he asked strangely, "Why do you say it's a ghost?"

"Because that person was dazed and hung on the tree!" Li Xiaoran said: "I sensed her emotion that she was still dreaming!"

When Luo Cheng heard this, he didn't know what to say.

"You forgot what your father said just now, forget what happened today! Don't say it after you go in, keep your mouth shut!"

Li Xiaoran pursed her lips and nodded when she heard Luo Cheng's words, saying that she would definitely remember.

Soon, the couple returned to the palace together, then pretended that nothing happened, and sat down together.

The Queen Mother saw the two come back, she just nodded and smiled, and then went to pay attention to the singing and dancing performances in the palace.

Li Xiaoran let out a sigh of relief.

Not long after, the emperor also came in.

Just judging from the expression on the emperor's face, he couldn't see his joy, anger, sorrow and joy at all.

However, Li Xiaoran could clearly feel that the emperor was very angry at this time.

More angry than when they left!

What happened after they left?

Li Xiaoran didn't dare to think, afraid that her curiosity would kill the cat.

For the sake of life, I still don't think about anything.

Next, everything went smoothly, nothing happened.

Finally, it was time for the palace banquet to disperse.

Li Xiaoran yawned and was pulled into the carriage by Luo Cheng.

Soon, the carriage left the imperial city and headed for the mansion of the Seventh Prince.

When I got home, Li Xiaoran was already lying on Luo Cheng's body and fell asleep.

No way, it's really tiring to attend the palace banquet, it's not something that people do.

Looking at those dignitaries wearing a mask, clearly hating their teeth, and appearing to be in harmony on the surface, Li Xiaoran felt tired for them.

So, after a palace banquet, Li Xiaoran was really tired.

When he got off the carriage, Luo Cheng picked up Li Xiaoran.

Seeing to smell Luo Cheng's body, Li Xiaoran suddenly muttered.

"Xiang Gong, let's go home! Home is simple!"

When Luo Cheng heard this, he softly "um".

Home, what a word!

Luo Cheng is very fortunate that he did not insist on marrying Li Yan, but married Li Xiaoran in his arms.

Because of her, he finally has a home in this world.

Since Xiaoran doesn't like the capital, he should take her back to Shu!

Anyway, the retaliation has already been arranged, just follow the plan.

As for the throne of the father, whoever likes to sit, whoever will sit!

He doesn't like it anyway!

Li Xiaoran didn't know, because of her exhaustion, Luo Cheng made up his mind to leave the capital.

No, when he woke up the next morning, Li Xiaoran heard a message.

"Leaving tomorrow?"